FEAR music; where can I get it from?


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
Is there a way to get FEAR's music out of the game files (extract them or something)? How can I do that and which files is it in? Some pieces are awesome and I'd like to have them as mp3's
i'd like to know as well, there were a couple pieces of music in there that just plain rocked, i'd take them in any format
i like the opening cinematic music, the 1 where fettel is released by alma etc, that music is great...
Icarusintel said:
ummm... how's it work?

What's the problem? You have to open the *.arch00 files located in your FEAR folder. And you have to have .NET framework I think (downloadable from Microsoft).
There are actually four files with the intro music, I don't know what's the difference between them. It's 1,96MB in .wav format, I don't have any software that would transform it to mp3 right now, but it's still small so I don't think that is a problem.


Enjoy! :)

BTW: In the same archive there is a strange song that you can hear once in the radio during the game. It's some crazy song with some girl singing in... japanese maybe? It's in FEARA.Arch00/music/RFC.wav
that was pretty cool!!

any chance of gettin a more intense track? in your own time.. no rush :)
Awesome music indeed!

Lol, listening to "Elevatormusic". :E
Loke said:
Awesome music indeed!

Lol, listening to "Elevatormusic". :E

I like WTFEntryOutComLp.wav :thumbs:

This one's 15 MB, even though it's about the same length as the intro, so I don't think it'll fit on rapidshare. Maybe I'll try to convert it to mp3 somehow but now I'm going to sleep :p
Unfocused said:
I like WTFEntryOutComLp.wav :thumbs:

This one's 15 MB, even though it's about the same length as the intro, so I don't think it'll fit on rapidshare. Maybe I'll try to convert it to mp3 somehow but now I'm going to sleep :p

you can upload files up to 50mb to rapidshare.. so it'll fit.

Ehhh... wtf is "RFC"? Sounds like some kind of Japanese music. Can't remember I heard it in game.
jimbo118 said:
i like the opening cinematic music, the 1 where fettel is released by alma etc, that music is great...

that music sounds really familiar to the planetside music also, i didnt notice but it has some signing in it


weird sounds:find the "signal_9a and 9b, some reall weird sounds
Loke said:
Ehhh... wtf is "RFC"? Sounds like some kind of Japanese music. Can't remember I heard it in game.
Japanese pop music is what it is. It's in the game, in some area you don't need to go in. When I heard it I said to myself "Well, looks like someone on the FEAR dev. team likes Japanese pop." :)

In a word, it was kind of like an easter egg.