
Yeah it does look pretty awsome, ill probably give it a read when I have time, thxs
The creepiest moments of our demo were saved for the ending cutscene, rendered within the game's engine. A military squad could be seen carefully advancing through the facility hallways, oblivious to the figure of a small girl, her face covered in shadows, trailing behind them. As if commanded by her will, the soldiers were ripped apart limb from limb, punctuated with blood spurting in every direction. One second the soldiers could see her; the next she was gone, understandably driving them into a panic. As the carnage continued, the camera changed to several tilted angles, one of which clearly showed the little girl walking on the ceiling. The whole thing was clearly inspired by Japanese anime-horror, giving the game a Final Frame or Silent Hill vibe to go along with the close-quarters military battles -- an interesting combination indeed.

WOW. Looks great

Sounds really cool. I'm definately going to have to take a closer look at this game.
Ya I read the review like 2 days ago. GFX are sweet, and thestory sounds really creepy and cool. Def have to keep an eye on it.
Sounds pretty neat! I might check it out if I keep hearing good things about it when its in stores.
I can't remember Monolith ever making a bad game, so it's bound to be good.
I just hope they don't take it too far with the Matrix effects.

Censored, that story sounds really creepy :|
PvtRyan said:
I can't remember Monolith ever making a bad game, so it's bound to be good.

Contract J.A.C.K.?

Anyway, F.E.A.R. looks cool.
DarkStar said:
Contract J.A.C.K.?

Anyway, F.E.A.R. looks cool.

Did monolith actually do contract JACK? I'm just wondering, because I never really followed the game. Didn't sound like my cup of tea even though I loved the NOLF series
Whatever was wrong with Lithtech? I thought that was a great engine. Oh well, c'est la vie; roll on NOLF3...
nice to have something else to look forward to than "just" Doom3, s.t.a.l.k.e.r. and hl2

sounds very creepy!
I like scary games as much as the next man but I still yearn for something funny.
jonbob said:
I like scary games as much as the next man but I still yearn for something funny.

Armed and Dangerous is a very funny game, as are both NOLF games.
Story sounds kind of boring to me...
jonbob said:
I like scary games as much as the next man but I still yearn for something funny.

Giants : Citizen Kabuto.
We all know from Aliens vs. Predator 2 that Monolith can make a great horror game, so this should be great. I'm not sure why they built a new engine though, the NOLF2 engine still looks great and with some enhancements could still be on par with most of the modern games. Anyway, the graphics are unbelievable.
You know what's really scary? Evil's sig is freakin MOVING ;_;

Hmm, this is the first I've heard of it, I'll give it a read ^^;
I don't understand the Gamespy preview's 'iffy' statement. "are gamers ready for something this different?" How is it different from anything? Horror, sci-fi, close-quarters, first person shooter.