Federal Involvement



Yes, I'm aware that the FBI has a legal obligation to investigate computer crimes. But those who think that this hacker and "everyone who downloads the source" will serve hard time in prison are naive.

As someone mentioned, "I'm not sure if the FBI cares about computer games as much as you guys".

My heart goes out to Valve, and while I recognize that this was a failure of their own security, I do not think they deserved this. But cmon guys, do you really think it's another 9/11? No one's going to kill the guy, and he's not going to be raped in jail for thirty long years.

If anything, it's more civil than criminal. Yeesh. :dozey:
Originally posted by penguinPHP
he's not going to be raped in jail for thirty long years.

yes, I realize that. 2 years of rape will do just fine... :D
Re: Re: Federal Involvement

Originally posted by Arrowhead
yes, I realize that. 2 years of rape will do just fine... :D

unless he lives in a country that penatilize crimes like this.... like for example russia
Yeah, but like I said, We're more upset than anyone else. The FBI has real criminals to go after.

Like Adrian Lamo *rolls eyes and gives Govmn't the finger*
"unless he lives in a country that penatilize crimes like this.... like for example russia"

I doubt Russia extradites.
fbi goes after the servers...not the receivers...still...its wrong
Man, you post way too much. Take time to think about what you're doing before you post a thread.
If you have a specific objection, talk to me about it, But what am I supposed to do with a general, "I don't like you" statement?
i would hate to see this guy caught then they would just let him go on probation that would suck!!!
Originally posted by penguinPHP
If you have a specific objection, talk to me about it, But what am I supposed to do with a general, "I don't like you" statement?

That would be ideal... BTW are you one of the creators of penguin php or is that just your name?
No sorry, I didn't mean to claim Credit for Penguin PHP.

I just love Penguins, and I do PHP for a living.
cool, You may want to actually check out penguin php. It's a good news program.
What's wrong with Adrian Lamo being punished for his crimes?
And remember, he turned himself in at the end. In fact, they wouldn't have even known he had doen anything had he have not been stupid. And don't say he didn't do harm so there's no foul, he had the potential to. He had restricted access to a companies personal info, including the credit cards #s of customers and contributors. I don't care what anyone says, Lamo was a criminal.

I will do, I'm always looking for alternatives of easily recognizable PHP nuke Clones.

As for Lamo, I'm fine with him being punished, But I do NOT approve of how the government subpoenad the newsmedia for information instead of conducting a normal criminal investigation.

I'm no Lamo apologist, I don't claim for him to be a knight in white armor, so to speak, but I think the government fouled up on that case.
Originally posted by penguinPHP

If anything, it's more civil than criminal. Yeesh. :dozey:

First off, theft is not a civil matter, secondly, computer crimes fall under the patriot act...if he is captured under the patriot act he's looking at possibly years...without the right to council or visitors. They wouldnt even need to disclose his location before going to court.

If he is convicted under the new Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, he will get 10 years for a first offense, and 20 years for every count he is convicted for beyond that, and iirc new measures in the act stipulate that anyone over 14 can be tried as an adult. Having the FBI breathing down your neck in these times of overly scrutinous security measures is not nearly as light a matter as you seem to think.
The damages are a civil matter, and it will be settled criminally. Technically, anything can fall under tha patriot act. The fact that he'll have no council is a violation of the 6th ammendment. The Patriot act.

And why do you talk about conviction? He hasn't even been caught.
Well my question is will he even be caught at all?

And for the punishment... Just leave the dude alone in a room filled with hl2 fans..

Also the nasdaq was hacked today or yesterday so hopefully the FBI or some organization will get into this hacker buisness and start busting some balls.
The FBI is too busy investigating threats to our national security to worry about this :p .

But seriously this is a matter the FBI should and probably will investigate. They don't have to care about video games. Valve could be a dildo manufacturer, it doesn't matter. This could theoretically cause millions of dollars in damage which makes it a VERY serious crime.
Re: Re: Federal Involvement

Originally posted by Arrowhead
yes, I realize that. 2 years of rape will do just fine... :D

lol. that's funny...
Originally posted by penguinPHP
Yes, I'm aware that the FBI has a legal obligation to investigate computer crimes. But those who think that this hacker and "everyone who downloads the source" will serve hard time in prison are naive.

As someone mentioned, "I'm not sure if the FBI cares about computer games as much as you guys".

My heart goes out to Valve, and while I recognize that this was a failure of their own security, I do not think they deserved this. But cmon guys, do you really think it's another 9/11? No one's going to kill the guy, and he's not going to be raped in jail for thirty long years.

If anything, it's more civil than criminal. Yeesh. :dozey:

Very well said, and besides they cant do SQUAT in Europe ... its out of their jurisdiction :cool:
So please y'all who think whoever got it/downloaded it/released it/orwhatethe****else is in dip shit, shut the fack up.
Re: Re: Federal Involvement

Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Very well said, and besides they cant do SQUAT in Europe ... its out of their jurisdiction :cool:
So please y'all who think whoever got it/downloaded it/released it/orwhatethe****else is in dip shit, shut the fack up.
However, the FBI work very closely with police forces right across Europe.

For example, http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/56/32915.html

[GIS: virus writer europe fbi]
yes but unless it's a crime in europe they can't do shit. i'm certain france england and germany don't extradite people.
Aside from the fact that most European countries are usually happy to prosecute piracy on their own terms, believe it or not, the US can seek extradition for foreign software pirates:


Euorpean countries may generally allow extradition of any suspect who won't face the death penalty, (which is why murderers occasionally choose to flee to Europe as European anti-death-penalty law prevents extradition of anyone who might face death if convicted.)

Additionally, when a copyright infringement occurs on the Internet, the author, under the National Treatment Doctrine, can always sue in the countries where violations occurred.
The fact remains the Europe and Asia are off-limits to US, so nothing can happen.
Rubbish. See the linked articles where the US are seeking the extradition of software pirates from the UK and Thailand.

These are just two examples from many.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
The fact remains the Europe and Asia are off-limits to US, so nothing can happen.

Totally not true. In any country except for pretty much Russia the hacker could be extradited or event tried in the country where the crime was commited. The US has a relatively loose policy on hackers, he'd be pretty lucky if he was in the US.

Despite the fact that Valve is a US company he could still be tried under foreign law. I don't think you guys realize the damage this jackoff has caused. He has single handedly compromised the release of a multi-million dollar product as well as severely hurt Valves ability to license the code. In addition to this, he has made Valve liable to be sued by the makers of Havoc for not securing their code.

All of this because he and his geeky little internet friends thought it would be cool. And to give you people a grasp of the kind of crime this is, imagine if the Matrix Revolutions had a DVD quality release on the internet right now. Although Revolutions is dealing with more money it's the same kind of crime and can be punished the same way.
Well, it is true, but most likely the authorities in Europe would still punish the moron. Just not through the U.S. Federal Court, or the ass would be extradited to the U.S.