Fellow Americans

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Jul 11, 2003
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Dear forum members and fellow American citizens,

I want those who visit this board (this specific one, the models and skins board) that your rights here are under attack as I type. Stone, the "moderator" (more like the SS guard of a select modifaction that I shall not mention) feels that he can delete our posts at his will, even if they are not offensive (just merely a different point of view). He will leave no trace or way to defend oneself, he will simply delete the "offending" (ie something that he doesnt 100% agree with) comment and call it a day. He also chooses to modify the words I say and delete sentences from my post, making it seem as if I am saying things I am not. I challenge everyone to stand up and demand the truth, to ask for stone to either step down or to loosen his iron grip on the throat of this otherwise respectable board.

He shall continue to attack the comman man until we are all too weak to resist. Stand up now, for goddsakes your freedoms depend on it.

your friend and confidant,

Daniel E. Walker

edit - the post in question, notice the editing on my "only" post. The truth is I left 2 other replys to defend myself (and just put up a fourth declaring the unjust nature of this situation onc emore) but they were almost immediately deleted.

I too have witnessed the tyranny of stone. Any view that he disagrees with simply disappears. I WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH, NOT THE TRUTH ACCORDING TO STONE. I propose that stone submits his resignation immediately, and if he resists then his moderator status should be revoked.


PS- alittle research revealed to me that Stone was in jail for child molestation.
19 People have viewed this post. If this is deleted, I take great satisfaction in knowing that 19 will now know the truth and will be able to speak out against the travesties that are taking place on this board. Stand tall men and women of the Hl2 community, let not your guard down for Stone is a vial creature spwaned from the pits of disreguard for human decency and even more importantly, DEMOCRACY.

ok come on whats wit the whole "freedom" and rise against him. its a website forum board and at the end of the day he is the boss man dude so if he doesn't agree with something then its upto him, he is incharge. so get of your high hoarse and stop being a queen. personally i think you've been watching far to much will and grace and jerry springer. by the way you radical person u related to mr president man.............
I haven't been withness to anything like this yet. And i hope not to.
Me too, he deleted mine as well.. I too think he should step down.. I have never see such Yellowness before! Just plain terrible.
hes the boss you ass its his opinion taat counts not yours. just like when we went to war we didn't get a say in it our presidents and primeministers put our lifes on the line for what they believed in thier opinion was wrong
Seems like your making a big deal out of nothing, I doubt stone would do that just for the sake of pissing you off.
All he did was edit my post saying something like:
el w00t0 1337 mod3l dood or something lol
It kinda frustrated me when he changed what I thought..
but what the hey!
Originally posted by a wise one
hes the boss you ass its his opinion taat counts not yours. just like when we went to war we didn't get a say in it our presidents and primeministers put our lifes on the line for what they believed in thier opinion was wrong

Realize that people have put their lives on the line for EXACTLY THE POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE. In fact, they even decided to found a country upon it (no way?!).

Wise one, I also urge you to realize that I never elected stone to represent me on these forums. Our presidents are elected because of a system we "wise ones" like to call democracy. What stone has here is a dictatorship. I did not elect him. He is exercising full control over us all, and people like you are too weak to stand up for what is right. His opinion DOESNT count. It is the MEMBERS whos opinions matter. He is a mere 'keeper of the peace'. Its obvious someone gave him too much responsibility as he abuses his powers on a regular basis. I gave my opinion on a matter and was silenced. I tried to defend my position only to find my posts DELETED with some cheesy message in my PM box "this is your warning?". Warning for WHAT big guy? Warning for putting you in your place? Making you look like the self rightous dick that you are? HERES MY WARNING.


If you arnt with me, thats fine. I believe your allowed to post your opinion have allow it to be reviewed and then responded to in a civil and just manner. Democracy is all I ask for. A chance at FREEDOM. A freedom to express my opinions in the parameters outlined not by stone, but by that of this public messageboard. These are the same freedoms our soldiers bled for in those wars you feel too privileged to be a part of. Nothing more.

Originally posted by Radeon
I haven't been withness to anything like this yet. And i hope not to.

Sir, if my word on the thread I provided, plus the personal testimonies of several other forum members are not good enough for you, then you are blind, and for that I understand. Some are born followers, ignorant to the truth. Its sad but true.

Originally posted by Jhahn2k4
All he did was edit my post saying something like:
el w00t0 1337 mod3l dood or something lol
It kinda frustrated me when he changed what I thought..
but what the hey!

He violated your rights, manipulating the thoughts you put down into this forum. He has slandered your name and jepordized all our freedoms. I urge you to think of the underlying principles here.
Originally posted by Jebus
Me too, he deleted mine as well.. I too think he should step down.. I have never see such Yellowness before! Just plain terrible.

Jebus speaks the truth people. Furthermore he confirms that I am not alone. Our number grows stronger day by day. We cannot all be silenced.

I thank you Jebus, your story has inspired me to press on.

Originally posted by SpuD
Seems like your making a big deal out of nothing, I doubt stone would do that just for the sake of pissing you off.

He does it for reasons I do not fully understand. I think he doesnt have much chance at authority at home and must take his angst out on us. Whatever it is, its wrong and that is why it must be fought.

Sorry you see things that way.

Originally posted by DogFacedKilla
He violated your rights, manipulating the thoughts you put down into this forum. He has slandered your name and jepordized all our freedoms. I urge you to think of the underlying principles here.

erm...actually i translated his 1337 speech into plain english directly, so as not to discriminate anyone from reading it please, and also asked him to please refrain from using 1337 speech whenever possible, thank you :D

Originally posted by DogFacedKilla
He does it for reasons I do not fully understand. I think he doesnt have much chance at authority at home and must take his angst out on us. Whatever it is, its wrong and that is why it must be fought.

Sorry you see things that way.


by the way I'm a corporal in the ATC thanks I get alot of use of authority and i know what the rules are and i follow them, thank you :D
ok mate like ya said it aint a democracy, it aint your site so cant do shit all so get over it. and we "weak" people are more powerfull than you could ever imagine. so go back to your little patronising nationality lessons.
Not everything is a democracy...internet forums and chat rooms require moderation, and it takes too much time and energy to create an "election" for moderators, its rediculous!

And who cares if he deleted your post, probably you, and only you. He is the moderator so therefore it is his perogative not only what is posted on these forums but also who is even allowed to view them.

I agree to a certain degree in that any moderator that edits/deletes a post should PM the original author to tell him/her why the editing/deletion took place. But that is as far as I'll go.

Now get off your soapbox, and try to do something productive with your time here on these forums.
*this model is really good*

Can people refrain from using damn leet speech please.......thanks Stone (IE the person who most definitaly ever, edits anyones posts)

* Jhahn2k4 hides from mod :P

Thats what you said..

I wanted him to know that was an elite model and that I thought el wooto about it.
Maybe it's just me, but this is pathetically trivial. :upstare:

Without good moderation, any forum will turn into a cesspool of idiots. If you are upset that your post was modified or deleted, get over it. I enjoy having a heavily moderated forum where we can discuss and criticize models intelligently. "1337" speak and foul languange have no place here, and neither do people that can not follow simple rules.
I agree with that but Stone needs to find another way.. Thx for PMing me and now I forgive :)
Fellow members too weak to resist,

Alright, go quietly into the night if you will. I see that my call to arms has stirred none of you to action. I suppose its easier to just listen to whatever the little moderator tells you and go about your day while he exercises his regime right under your nose. I shall stand firm for what I believe is true and just. The rest of you are free to think what you wish. If you are willing to accept the idea that your posts are subject to random edits and deletions depending upon what time of the month it is for stone then thats not my problem.


So pleasent of you to speak out at last. It only took this huge fuss just to get your cowardly behind out onto the battlefield. I find your comments to be dissapointing. Let me outline why...

As to you being in the ATC. I am ashamed that you have found some way to not only drag down this forum, but the ATC as well. Not only is your behavior decidedly un-American but it adds insult to injury when you put the good name of the ATC to shame. You are some 16 year old snot nosed brat who can barely lead your dick into combat with your left hand let alone be allowed to exercise authority over young men and women. Furthermore, I find it insulting that you have been appointed to this position as you are obviously unqualified and lack the discipline needed to lead a forum in a respectable manner.

Also, your practices are inconsitent and unethical. If your a god fearingman (and you probably are) I suggest you get on your knees.

On a final note, I can and will go elseware as at least you cant deprive me of the freedom to explore other forums, you power hungry nancy boy.


Originally posted by spin
Maybe it's just me, but this is pathetically trivial. :upstare:

Without good moderation, any forum will turn into a cesspool of idiots. If you are upset that your post was modified or deleted, get over it. I enjoy having a heavily moderated forum where we can discuss and criticize models intelligently. "1337" speak and foul languange have no place here, and neither do people that can not follow simple rules.

Sir, the irony of your comments lies in the fact that I was not "1337" speaking or using foul language (we cant say the same for some of stones cronies however)... and I followed the rules to the best of my knowlege. His behavior was wrong and unexcuseable. I demand an apology and would like to see his title removed.

thank you
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