FEMA chief relieved of Katrina duties

Player Brownie has been kicked by Admin. Reason: incompetence.

Has anyone read the book 'Six Days'.

Thats all about FEMA, and damn true!
Would have been novel to get rid of the incompetent, unqualified scab before thousands of our friends and neighbors died, but you win some you lose some right? Just for their sake, I hope the heads haven't stop rolling' yet.
solaris152000 said:

Has anyone read the book 'Six Days'.

Thats all about FEMA, and damn true!

I thought it was a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger about Satan trying to take over the Earth?
Well, they do share some similarities... but you're probably thinking about "The 6th Day."

Six days is a different thing.

A required reading imo.
OCybrManO said:
Well, they do share some similarities... but you're probably thinking about "The 6th Day."

No, no. The 6th Day was about cloning. End Of Days is the one about Satan, er... whatever. :D

As for the FEMA chief getting canned... it was expected. When you're in charge of something this big and you make a boo-boo that's even bigger, a lot of people will be pushing for your release.
A True Canadian said:
No, no. The 6th Day was about cloning. End Of Days is the one about Satan, er... whatever. :D
Ahh yes, that's the one... but it didn't have a six in the name... so I wonder why he thought of that.
Its good they brought in the Coast Guard captain. He ignored the Whitehouse and went in to help straight away. Thats what was needed, FEMA took a week to get ehir act together.
It had days in the name ^^

There was all this stuff that needed presidential clearance. Anyone who went rogue to deliver the stuff got pwned by admin. Like 2 army convoy guys (Or air force, or something) broke from the convoy to deliver food + water? Got sent to guarding a kennel.
More resignations are going to come. That's what happens when our 'leader' appoints not experianced people to positions but instead his political allies. Just like Bolton and others appointed by Bush this guy had no prior experiance, the only thing he had was strong political ties to Bush.