Female Character 416,116 Polgons


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, the modelling forum seems to have got a little dull in the recent weeks so I thought I might as well post my latest work. This model was aimed at been for a mod, but recently I had a change of heart because of the quality of the model. Don't get me wrong I am proud of the model, but I do not think it is up to the standards I wish to achieve. Take into acount its my first high polgon model, but I have a year of low polgon experiance behind me. I was going to make an existing low polgon model ontop of this one and use it for normal mapping, but as I stated above I had a change of heart.

NOTE: This is the final image, I do not think I will be developing it any more. It will be intresting to see what people can point out as been wrong with it though. It may help me in future work.



Give her some hair, bald women are such a turn off.
Hehe, sexeh rave beotch ;)

...though the face looks not that 'beautiful' yet :|
take it off, woot,

good job Ichi, makes me wish I had the time to spend on some models lately :(.
Yeah, hair and eyes. Also knees are too thin imo.
looks like she has a pair of the 'suburban commando' boots on
To me, her head looks slightly too large. It might just be the lack of hair though.

Also, I think her face needs a touch of stylisation. It actually looks too real, IMO. It sort-of distracts from the rest of the body.
Well it's awesome, but two things I'd like to point out:

1) The head seems a tad big.
2) the face somehow looks manly, but stuck on a female body.

Basically - the face doesn't feel feminine. It's a really good concept though - trying to model a bald female is definately imaginative, but hard as the hair real give the females their feminity (or something like that), but to concentrate and make a hairless face feminine is a more challenging and professional level task.
the head is too big for the body and the ab area is too long ...and i think its too thin in comparison to the rest of the body
in general i think that the upper area of the body is too thin .
great model, maybe just half of the head with hair, thats always cool~
looks very nice, but yeah, the face is a tad manly. the lower arms... dunno what it is, but the seem to be unnaturally bent, i think you might get a better result if you were to have the palm of the hand facing forwards... although less normal thats the way its sposed to be.

ill add more later, gtg now
she's looking nicer, did you sort out the hands? cant tell from those pics
nice model, she could have used a little more junk in the trunk, but that's about it, oh, and bald women are hot
I like the reference shots on your site. especially 01
Nice work but plz add some hair, some eyes and a more womenish face. But if you want it to be a hardcore scary faced chick its perfect.
Wonderful model. The only crits I could have are that her face seems a bit to masculine and I can't quite tell but her right calf looks strange to me. It's almsot like it's bigger than the left one. Probably just the angle I suppose.

Edit: Now that I look more closely it really looks like here whole right leg is larger than her left one. I don't know how that could be, but that's sure what it looks like to me.
Neutrino said:
Edit: Now that I look more closely it really looks like here whole right leg is larger than her left one. I don't know how that could be, but that's sure what it looks like to me.

I noticed that as well, I don;t ge tit tbh.... the are both identical.
seems disproportionate to me (sp?) can't put my finger on it, but it doesn't look 'right' to me...
Stunning work mate. Can't wait to see it finished with hair etc.
It looks great apart from the face. She needs to look like a female. Good work!
loos very nice.

here knees are too skinny.
her lkeft leg seems deformed like people mentioned. (did she have a bout of polio?)

her thighs could be a bit larger on the sides.

she has VERY manly forearms...
Hmm.. I think you could Definately improve her hands; and her arms don't seem muscley enough. Have you studied muscles much? The biceps should be slightly larger I think.

that said, I havn't studied anatomy much yet :/
I think its good that you're moving on. There's nothing worse than fiddling with an old model to try to make it better. Best to just take what you've learnt to a new model.
...I should really start another human character too...
a few things you should check on, when/if you develop further on her, or simply check for another model.

made the more volumpsious(sp?). Not more fat, but dont be afraid to pull some shapes out of id... make the thumb go further down and make the bulge on the lower side between the thumb and the palm a lot bigger. Also show her knucles more. And a hand doesnt go down from the wrist, it goes a tad bit up.

The arm joints look totally screwed up. The part that goes towards the body, when theyre hanging down should be bulging a lot more in.

The head is good but i'd make her chin more apparent since the ting she has around he rneck makes her chin and neck look fat, which I'm sure is not the idea.

Giver her a rounder stomace, it's way too flat now.

and now since it is afterall a high poly model, you should at details, like wrinckles(sp?) on the knucles etc.

but a VERY good first high polygon model!
mindless_moder said:
ok.....why is her skirt flung open :S?

Haha ya. Maybe he meant it to be like that if you know what I mean. :naughty:
I like your model alot, but you hands are bugging me. Realisticly when you spread you fingers apart the skin between your fingers becomes very thin, but in your model it shows the skin being pretty fat.
I don't view that part as a skirt, I view it more like a sarong styled garment.
colson said:
Thats a bit f**ked up!?

Yes, I must be a deranged, ****ed-up pervert for suggesting that a 3d computer model of a bald female might look interesting.
a dress and some make up and even I look more like a girl than that.
I like her. Did you intend to model her with a boob job? Because they don't really react to gravity like real breasts.. it would be funy to put in stitch marks if she DID have a boob job..
Why is her right leg wider than her left? it seems that way to me.
ya know, it's an awesome model. but... polygons + high detail = GAAAAY. use nurbs n00b ;)
polypod said:
I like her. Did you intend to model her with a boob job? Because they don't really react to gravity like real breasts.. it would be funy to put in stitch marks if she DID have a boob job..

maybe she's in a low gravity environment ;)