Fender's Photos

Wow, you have some really good photos. Good job. I should really spend more time taking pictures since I had a lot of fun in my photo class at high school. By the way, what school does your friend go to who's doing film? I'm actually going to be studying film next year.
colin4444 said:
Wow, you have some really good photos. Good job. I should really spend more time taking pictures since I had a lot of fun in my photo class at high school. By the way, what school does your friend go to who's doing film? I'm actually going to be studying film next year.

I'm actually not sure. It is some big film school in LA. And I don't really know her that well.....as in....I can't remember her name. I can remember that her brother's name is Eric and she has a twin and both of them are models. (they're tall) I think they were really nice too.
Wow, it's been such a long time since I posted here. Great pictures, easily the best that I've seen in a while. I really like "the Dark Princes" JTHM t-shirt. Everything looks wonderful.
I haven't read through the thread (I only looked at the pictures) I really admire the one photo which shows the shed as the focal point and it has the hills converging on one centre of interest, it's great. How far are you going to go with your photography??
I'm not sure...its a bit difficult to get into "the buisness" of it all. And I haven't had much time to go take pictures lately. But I would really love to become a profesional photographer.
I'm trying to figure out a way to start selling photos myself...
This is the kind of thing I want to get into for college. Everything looks so beautfiul through a camera...
CyberPitz said:
This is the kind of thing I want to get into for college. Everything looks so beautfiul through a camera...
agreed. Photography and painting are far better choices for careers than game making.
eatbugs said:
agreed. Photography and painting are far better choices for careers than game making.
Truth, I'd go into art and stuff, but my creative side is SHIT. I mean..stick figures give me problems.
some of those landscape pics are eye catching, this is the best photography on this site, when are you updating?
awsome photos.

I thought this would be a good place to share this one picture I took with a friends camera

Could I have this image in full-size please? I love that pic! You make wonnderful pictures, I like all of them!
Fender, do you spend your entire life time traveling? seems like it...
I don't think I spend that much more time doing stuff out of the house than other peopole. I just try to be somewhere other than home, work, or the movies, once in a wile. Unfortunatly that hasn't been the case lately and I haven't been taking any pictures. And I really have never had the chances to SERIOUSLY travel. Not since I was really little.
Here's that pic big.

Here are some other pics too. From the Orange County Fair two years ago. For a couple years in row, I've been going to the oc fair with my girlfriend to see Weird Al play. He almost always does a free show there and its always great. He is seriously a great stage performer. I took my camera in and despite the naging sercurity guard ass holes I got some nice (NON FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY) pictures. Seiously...they say...no "flash" photography....so wtf is the big deal if I don't use a flash? Anyway, here are some pictures of Weird Al Yankovich in some different costumes.

This was around the end, I think it was Yoda.

This was the Jedi song.

Smells Like Nervana

Smells Like Nervana


During Yoda he had the audiance singing and he held the mic twords a lady up in front so she could kind of sing at it, and then he yelled, " SING IT RIGHT, YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG!!!!!" It was damn funny.

And here's some piggies..

Beerdude26 said:
I want this one in large, can you do that?

Mabie eventualy, right now my computer is dead. Had to buy a new barebones system and I've got to put everything together again. But I do have a larger original of that. I have to make all of my pictures smaller for image shack.
Awesome photographs man, really nice stuff you have there.

And btw that old marine base would have to be just about the best airsoft skirmish site in the world :)
short recoil said:
And btw that old marine base would have to be just about the best airsoft skirmish site in the world :)
God it would be BF2 in real life :p
Just an update that I've got my computer working again and I'll be trying to get some newer pictures up soon. Gonna have a buisy week, but I'll se what I can do.