Ferrets.... uuum.... WTF??!! O_o

Re: Re: Re: Ferrets.... uuum.... WTF??!! o_O

Originally posted by Tak
:dozey: You're gay.

Nope, you're mistaken.
Probably just wishful thinking on your part. :|

At least you spelt it "you're" instead of "your", as would be expected.
But then again, you only had two words to work with, so you likely had plenty of time to focus your attention.

Good effort, try again later!

Because if you keep up this trend and you'll be banned for sure.
Jeez, lighten up assh*le. I am entirely straight, more-so than you most likely are, so watch where you tread my friend. Your wholehearted bashes are amusing, keep up the good work!
You had no reason to insult me in the first place, and then you're hurt when the tables had turned? I was just being "offendish".

You're obviously new here, so I'm trying to tell you that your behaviour is not acceptable.
I've seen a good half dozen people banned from these forums for repeated idiotic two-word insulting flames, just like you did.

I really don't want to have a flame war, and no one wants to read about your trying to outwit me.

It's a post about ferrets for crissakes!
You don't have anything to gain and everything to lose.
Just step off and leave this alone.
I was joking, take a hint. You're the one that started the insults, not that it matters because this is over now.
But seriously, sorry.
Tone down on the gay remarks, guys. We're headed to a closed thread if we keep on this path :(.
I was just playing though, didn't intend for it to turn out like it did.
Damn...I was hoping to join in this newly started flame war.Anyways how many of us here have ferrets???
I used to have two. Names were Bandit and Rascal, I didn't name them. They were awesome!
They were awesome, that they were.

Seriously, I loved your ferrets. Too bad you had to get rid of them. :(
I think you can all guess what I'm about to say :p


Anyway.. keep it clean guys :hmph:
i bought my gf a hampster, its much cooler then a smelly ferret