Few questions about cooling

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Right now i'm idling at 49C which hopefully will be changed by next week (christmas) I'm using factory thermal paste, and 2 stock fans that came with my Antec case. I'm just wondering if right NOW I can do anything (wireing, fan)

Heres some pics with some questions
First question, how is my wireing?

If it's not good, can you give some sort of "suggestion" or tip of where to put it? Cause in my opinion thats the best I could do, and I messed around with it for quite a bit.

My other question being, are my exhaust fans in the right direction? LOL!

So those are my questions for right now, cause idle at 49C is just killing me, I've only overclocked my Mobile XP 2500 to 3200 speed, thats bad! What makes this even harder is that i'm in the back of the house, so my room is the hottest, hardley ANY air gets to me at all, and if thats not bad enough i'm right next to a HUGE window and outside is a intersection.

My future plans being i'm going to order some Artic Silver 5 very soon, i've got high expectations for this : http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=35-100-007&depa=1

I've also decided since my case will allow 4 case fans, i'm gonna replace my 2 stock fans and 2 other spots with 4 of these babys : http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=35-999-111&depa=1 I have wet dreams every night when these pop into my head.. mmm cooling!
I'm not going to stop there, I also want to add a 120mm onto the side of my case pic here : http://www.rtfmish.com/diagram-kk.gif Very soon I will also get a can of "air" to get all the crummy dust out to, dust is evil, the spawn of satin.

Thanks for all help, and Asus I can't wait to read your reply mate :farmer:
mate no one is gunna help you with pics that massive and blurred take them again and make thema smaller res like 1024 x 768 at the most
cos they are huge
Joims said:
mate no one is gunna help you with pics that massive and blurred take them again and make thema smaller res like 1024 x 768 at the most
cos they are huge

Don't maximize them, just leave it like it is in the browser.
You have a very similar computer to me :)
Idle is fine at 49 degree's imo... mines idle at 55 but i have taken out and turned off all the fans except cpu and side case because i couldnt stand the noise. Your wires look fine.
Your output fans are in the correct direction, if you arent sure give them a spin and feel the air move. :)

(lol.. i just noticed that huge beast of a heatsink you have on there... lol, maybe it is alittle hot.)
oldagerocker said:
You have a very similar computer to me :)
Idle is fine at 49 degree's imo... mines idle at 55 but i have taken out and turned off all the fans except cpu and side case because i couldnt stand the noise. Your wires look fine.
Your output fans are in the correct direction, if you arent sure give them a spin and feel the air move. :)

(lol.. i just noticed that huge beast of a heatsink you have on there... lol, maybe it is alittle hot.)

Hehe 49idle is not OK for me, considering I would really like to OC this baby to some decent numbers.
I'm not sure what you want...

Cables look acceptable IMO. No parallel IDE cables messing up the place. Ideally, you have no cables in or around your motherboard, meaning not running right through the middle. Have one running to your vid, tie the rest up by the CD-Roms and hard-drive cages. You want free space and direct shoot for airflow to get to your vid-card, motherbboard, and especially CPU cooler. But you do what you can... Meh.

fans are usually set up so the front is pulling air in, back ones are pushing it out. If they are set up that way, it's probably okay. Since the power supply pushes air out, you want to have them going the same direction, so that air doesn't just make a little in-an-out, but has to cross the whole case.

what temps does it run if you leave the case open, or have a regular fan pointing at the open case? You'd know how much difference it could make, if you tried that, to see if it's worth it.
RTFMy said:
... the spawn of satin.
Hahahaha :laugh: that takes me back Lol.

...Nevermind. :cheese:
I was messing with my fans today and noticed the exhaust (ones in pics) were in the wrong direction (it was shooting cold air right on to my HS and HSF, which was just going up to the PSU fan and going out, so I changed them and now I actually feel the air coming out, now I idle at 44-46C with just that change, oh but I did lower the VCore about .25 but I doubt that was a huge difference.

I'm gonna pickup a can of air on wednesday and get the evil dust out of my case (which seems to come back really fast, like a week after) now I was wondering if I should get something else for my cables instead of those plastic things in my pictures ( http://www.rtfmish.com/wires12.jpg ) that would be better?
those are zip ties. nothin in the world better 'n' zipties, IMO.

Make sure you get all the dust out of the CPU fan while you're at it. Dust cloggin those up can make a large difference in how well your heatsinks work. I'd recommend using a vacuum, but be very careful. Vacuums are excellent generators of static electricity, too, and I'm very careful when I use them to clean my computer case.
use a combination of a vacuum and compressed air. use the compressed air to get the dust off the electronics in your computer, and keep the vacuum right next to it so that the dust doesn't just settle back into your case. that way you don't have to worry about touching the insides of your computer with a vacuum cleaner.
DreamThrall said:
use a combination of a vacuum and compressed air. use the compressed air to get the dust off the electronics in your computer, and keep the vacuum right next to it so that the dust doesn't just settle back into your case. that way you don't have to worry about touching the insides of your computer with a vacuum cleaner.

Yea that sounds nice, usually my dog just eats the dust :hmph:
Mine is 50 idle due to the damn psu right above it blowing hot air on it, but still not to bad, along with an X800 in there too, X800 sits at 47-49 depending....anything over 60 not under load is bad IMO.
how doeseveryone know their video card temps? im just curious
I believe a lot of the newer GPUs have sensors on them. I know mine does (ATI 9800 pro 256)
you have the same motherboard as me! therefor your comp kicks ass... or something like that, anyway i say get out the manual that came with the motherboard and look at the system fan pages, then check if their all connected to the specific fan spots :)
I think the exhaust fans are pointing the wrong way, just get them to spin and feel the back and see if air is moving out. I have 5 fans on mine not including the CPU fan and video card fan. 2 fans in the front are sucking air in along with one on the side. 2 fan are pushing air out on the back. I think it's a good windtunnel effect. If I remember right my CPU idle was 31C and I'm using factory heatsinks...factory ones I think are great cause they gotta support at least 3 years of use right? Also my CPU didn't come with gel or anything. It says "The heatsink has a thermal interface material pre-applied to the bottom." It was covered with plastic so...it's running fine. No problems yet, just built it about 15 minutes ago and installing XP on it now.
If you want to clean up your cables and wires, you could use some spiral wire wrap. I got mine locally at a hardware store... and the color is clear. I believe you can get it online in different colors as well.
It helps to unclutter the cables.
inside craxsnax pc
I got a can or air today, dusted everything out, no change in temp at all though :( Also moved the wiring to the right just a bit, now it's not right above the HSF
RTFMy said:
I got a can or air today, dusted everything out, no change in temp at all though :

its not actually air, its tetrafluroethane
RTFMy said:
Hehe, pun intended :laugh:

uh.. yeah... of course heheh...

but those things are odd, i get a headache after using them for too long..
bliink said:
but those things are odd, i get a headache after using them for too long..
hehe. yeah. that's called 'brain damage' :thumbs: