few sketches


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score

these are a few sketches i have been doing for some portfolio work for a uni corse

C&C please
hummm sorry ill post the other cople tonight me college firewall dont like it and it aint really working
ahh sorry about that home now ill post up my other cople of pics

this one is some designs for the techpriest i have been making
last one

some designs for the drill arm

i darkened them up abit on photoshop thats why they loook bit funny but tell mes what you think please
You might want to tidy up some of that blurriness and add some shading.
As for the designs themselves, they're looking fine. I just think they'd look better if they were inked or something, to make them more clear.
Good ideas. But yeah, even though they're just rough concepts, you might want to add a little (;)) bit more detail 'n stuff when you draw them.

Great concepts, though. :D A+
as far as the drill arm goes... I prefer the one in the middle. Is that bare muscle its attached to? If so, cool.
i have already modeled most of him. i think his head is quite abit to small but overall he is ok

ta for coments
Hmm, same with the 3d model. Nice start / concept right now, but add more detail. It'd look like 500x better :cheers:.
Nspire's right. Just crosshatching would make a big difference. Nice 3d work too. Is it for a game/mod or just for art?
fishy, if you never take the crit someone give you you'll never get much better :)

anyway, as far as the drawings are concerned, they're good, but could be 10 times better...even for scetches :)

First of all, you need to draw lighter when drawing... it will help you erase anything and correct it easily and no sign of correction.
I would work a lot on the anatomy, since you seem to make either everything too long or small etc.

I like the way you draw muscles :)

keep it up :)
hehe :D

its not that dark really i just darkened it up loads on photoshop so it was abit clearer..
but i suck with praportions the head is far to small :( but i only noticed when i finished hehe and was to lazy to change it :bonce: :bounce:
First Squig thing; Chaos helmets doesn't have Squigs on it, the Squigs are used by the Orks :bounce:

Tech priest: A little undetailed, the face didn't look that good\cool. But the bolter was a good 'un :cool:
