
I liked FF7 better personally, but that's probably to do with being part of the PSX generation :P

I've tried FF6, got a good deal of it completed but just couldn't get into it like I did FF7. I have nothing against the graphics, SNES is by and large my favourite platform for RPGing. I love(d) Chrono Trigger, Tales Of Phantasia and Secret Of Mana. FF6/3 didn't really have what I was looking for... but it was and is still an awesome game. However, despite it's flaws (and it has many), FF7 is some of the most fun I've ever had on a game.

This may also be due to the fact that it was my first real RPG :) Meeeeeeeeeeeeeemorieeeeeeeeeees.

...FF8 blows.
Warbie said:
Yeh Cloud was a bitch (don't start me on Sephiroth) FF7 was too pubescent for my liking (the angst coming out of the tv was almost palpable) Also, good story my ass - Hollyoaks springs to mind. (Not that this matters, being common jpn rpg ingredients. But FF7 really was too much)

Ha, you think the angst in FF7 is bad? have you even played FFX? "omfg I hate my dad SOOOO much whine whine whine!!" I never really considered Cloud to be angsty or bitchy, he was just ****ed in the head. Same with Sephiroth, really. They never really complained about it (unlike FF10...urgh).
The headstrong, stubborn, angsty hero is a staple of Japanese RPG making.
Bad^Hat said:
The headstrong, stubborn, angsty hero is a staple of Japanese RPG making.

Sure - but the FF series is taking it to sickening proportions.
Bad^Hat said:
The headstrong, stubborn, angsty hero is a staple of Japanese RPG making.

That doesn't make Cloud any less of a whiny little bitch.
I think its all who you are, im a big fan of fantasy worlds and stuff which is why i wasnt much a fan of FF7/8, but i liked ff10--FF2 was one of the best rpgs of all time, long, good story and characters, and it was hard!
Alig said:
Yeah they exsist, i cant remember what there called but theres Dark Shiva - Dark Bahamut and the like and they are mighty hard :p I think theres around 10 in total.

But i never knew they was only in certain versions of the game, its a bit unfair becausethey add plenty plenty hours more gameplay to the game :/

Yeah..that's gotta be in an imported version or something...I've never heard of them until right now.
Agreed, FF6 owns all, with 7 a very close second.

Shadow r0x
AmishSlayer said:
Yeah..that's gotta be in an imported version or something...I've never heard of them until right now.

we get a different sphere grid to choose from as well :P