FF7: Advent Children


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Well the english versions finally out. This movie was so incredible I have it playing on repeat over and over again on my TV. Absolutely the best movie I have ever seen ever. It's stunninly gorgeous, both technically and literally. It never gets boring, it never gets old, it's exactly like its 9 year old big brother the game. They took the chance of reopening the world of FF7 and they succeeded without a single flaw. If you haven't played the game, I don't care what your review is because it's probably a bitchy complaint that they didn't gear it for the whole world to understand. Rightfully so, they geared towards those who were loyally waiting the last 9 years for a sequel. So please, other peoples opinions?
ShinRa said:
Well the english versions finally out. This movie was so incredible I have it playing on repeat over and over again on my TV. Absolutely the best movie I have ever seen ever. It's stunninly gorgeous, both technically and literally. It never gets boring, it never gets old, it's exactly like its 9 year old big brother the game. They took the chance of reopening the world of FF7 and they succeeded without a single flaw. If you haven't played the game, I don't care what your review is because it's probably a bitchy complaint that they didn't gear it for the whole world to understand. Rightfully so, they geared towards those who were loyally waiting the last 9 years for a sequel. So please, other peoples opinions?

Im a big FF7 fan but i think the movie plot is really weird, and the english dialog is so corny. But its a nice movie visually...
Watched the undubbed version with subtitles once, haven't seen it ever since.

To be honest, I think the game is undoubtably much better than the film. It was nothing but eye candy and a reminder to the fact of what characters you saw in the game. It looked a bit awkward to see the scenes where they simply had to have every character doing something to seem important.
Pure eye candy cartoon to me. I hate all those unrealistic dragon ball style fight :mad:
Loved the film, but I prefer it with Japanese voice overs. It makes it seem more magical and more Final Fantasy like in my opinion.
ShinRa said:
If you haven't played the game, I don't care what your review is because it's probably a bitchy complaint that they didn't gear it for the whole world to understand.
All I have are "bitchy complaints". I've played the original game at least twice through. I love how the self-proclaimed FF hardcore turn their heads from valid criticism of this substanceless pile of rubbish because they believe that they are the "true" fans, as opposed to being the same mindless drones who lap up every Final Fantasy branded game that they can get their hands on.
It was a nice tribute to the game, good eye candy, but as a film it was a bit of a mess. Pacing was all wrong and the plot sucked, plus I hated the J-rock haircuts and effeminate pansy bishonen bad guy that the Japanese are wont to stick in all their films/games.

But to watch it once and view it as less of a film than a kind of formless tribute to one of the greatest games ever - AOK.
Laivasse said:
But to watch it once and view it as less of a film than a kind of formless tribute to one of the greatest games ever - AOK.
All very well and good so long as you aren't paying the same RRP as you do for far, far superior films. But then, many people saw the fansub anyway. Naughty people :p
im by no means a hardcore ff fan. i personally hate every ff game besides 6,7, and 8. i thought the movie was incredible, the plot develops fast, and to most imbeciles, they cant figure out whats going on. they leave alot of questions unanswered but not to the point where a little bit of thinking couldnt answer them for you.
ShinRa said:
the plot develops fast, and to most imbeciles, they cant figure out whats going on. they leave alot of questions unanswered but not to the point where a little bit of thinking couldnt answer them for you.
The questions are few and far between and have simplisitic answers. The problem is one of understanding: there's nothing TO understand. Just 1 and a half hours of 3D models jumping around the screen with some crazy but ultimately disorientating direction.
Laivasse said:
It was a nice tribute to the game, good eye candy, but as a film it was a bit of a mess. Pacing was all wrong and the plot sucked, plus I hated the J-rock haircuts and effeminate pansy bishonen bad guy that the Japanese are wont to stick in all their films/games.

But to watch it once and view it as less of a film than a kind of formless tribute to one of the greatest games ever - AOK.

Watch is once if you're a fan, but stay away otherwise. Pretty lame overall.
I only have four words to say about Advent Children:

Dilly dally shilly shally.
I'm looking forward to viewing this. <3'd FFVII.
Maybe he means the first Final Fantasy movie, "The Spirits Within?"

Which I don't really think was a bad movie, actually, despite the terrible rep it gets.
Advent Children was huge god damn disappointment for me.
I was expecting something that branched out the FF7 story some more... and it's just some rehashed bullshit.

It basically just showcased every FF7 character in all their CGI glory, and then there's all of these stupid ass gravity defying fight scenes...
And the lame hair cuts on everyone... don't even get me started on the dialogue. :x

And trust me, I loved the game... I still replay it every now and then. :|
to me it wasnt that bad
never played the game so I didnt understand a shit
but was cool

what I really hated was that the fights where too fast and it was anoying
I'm about 1/3rd of the way done with the movie. The visuals are amasing but I noticed that there's too many random grunts. The music brings back a lot of memories as well... and the level sound as his cell phone ringtone... LOL! The part where all of the main characters come together in Midgar is so... nostalgic.

Just finished it. Awesome movie.
Here's hoping the Square-Enix actually stop churning out the same tired titles for big-name franchises, and start releasing some groundbreaking games like they actually used to!
The movie was nothing special compared to the game. They tried to make the story clever and intelligent, but it pretty much fell flat. I enjoyed watching it, but it's not something I'll be adding to my DVD list. Unless I get it for my birthday.
Darkside55 said:
Maybe he means the first Final Fantasy movie, "The Spirits Within?"

Which I don't really think was a bad movie, actually, despite the terrible rep it gets.
I think it would have been received a lot better (at least in the gamer community) if it didn't have that Final Fantasy tag on it. I mean, it's nothing like any Final Fantasy game, so I didn't really see the point in calling it Final Fantasy.

kupoartist said:
Here's hoping the Square-Enix actually stop churning out the same tired titles for big-name franchises
That'd be Enix for you.
Steve said:
That'd be Enix for you.
There is no such thing as Enix, and both "sides" of the single company are guilty of exactly the same franchise abuse.
The visuals in the movie are what makes it or breaks it. If the fight sequences are too fast or over the top for you then the entire movie's not gonna work. I personally liked the fight sequences, it's Final Fantasy and it's CGI so why not utilize the unrealistic acrobatics and camera angles. The fights were fast but as someone else said, if it merits a few watches for you, the scenes will have a lot more clarity as your eyes adjust to the speed. Realism and being self-contained are not strong points in this movie, you need to be familiar with the game and the amount of realism that had.
redpathogen said:
Realism and being self-contained are not strong points in this movie, you need to be familiar with the game and the amount of realism that had.
The "realism" in the original game is far greater than in Advent Children though. The ability to jump several thousand metres in the air is commonplace in AC. In the games, it's limited to a single, climatic move (Omnislash).
Absolutely ausome. And the storyline was actually followable, unlike some mangas I've seen. Animation and computer graphics was brilliant. That rendering is ausome. I just hope they don't stop there. I love to see like a Vampire D done in 3d, man that would be ausome. Pity it takes so long to make. Or even Akira in 3d, although the storyline was ****in wierd. No, ninja scroll would be absolutely perfect. A shit theres heaps that would look good.
kupoartist said:
Here's hoping the Square-Enix actually stop churning out the same tired titles for big-name franchises, and start releasing some groundbreaking games like they actually used to!

I agree. the final fantasy line needs to die. now. It's been going on too long and I think its time that they start a new franchise that's better and actually has new gameplay elements.
theotherguy said:
I agree. the final fantasy line needs to die. now. It's been going on too long and I think its time that they start a new franchise that's better and actually has new gameplay elements.
Final Fantasy is amorpheous concerning gameplay mechanics, graphical style, story, and everything. It always changes.
_Z_Ryuken said:
Final Fantasy is amorpheous concerning gameplay mechanics, graphical style, story, and everything. It always changes.
Sure it changes, but it only ever takes small steps and always recycles old ideas again and again. Active Time Battle lasted for an absolute age before they ditched it for instance, and the characters are generally exactly the same as last time (there are only three types of female FF character, and most games only HAVE three female characters). Whilst FF11 and 12 seem to be examples of the franchise taking risks, they have their roots pre-merger and the rest of the line-up stinks of cynical money spinning. There are 15 FF titles on the way right now. 4 of them are remakes, 4 of them are FF7 cash-ins and Square-Enix seems keen to repeat the same tactics with Final Fantasy XIII considering it's not 1 game, but 3. The characters of this game and artwork do nothing for me personally, but regardless, they are awfully reminiscent of Final Fantasy X (which is a soulless, drudge of a game if I ever played one).

Oh and if we're honest, a lot of the gameplay in Final Fantasy games can be replicated with some hot Windows Start-Menu action.

Start > General Net > Protowall
* kupoartist casts Protowall on Party!
Start > General Net > Mozilla Firefox
* Mozilla Firefox steals 1 Gigabyte of Ram from kupoartist!
Loved the movie. Was very interesting and pretty. Great movie.
kupoartist said:
Sure it changes, but it only ever takes small steps and always recycles old ideas again and again. Active Time Battle lasted for an absolute age before they ditched it for instance, and the characters are generally exactly the same as last time (there are only three types of female FF character, and most games only HAVE three female characters). Whilst FF11 and 12 seem to be examples of the franchise taking risks, they have their roots pre-merger and the rest of the line-up stinks of cynical money spinning. There are 15 FF titles on the way right now. 4 of them are remakes, 4 of them are FF7 cash-ins and Square-Enix seems keen to repeat the same tactics with Final Fantasy XIII considering it's not 1 game, but 3. The characters of this game and artwork do nothing for me personally, but regardless, they are awfully reminiscent of Final Fantasy X (which is a soulless, drudge of a game if I ever played one).

Oh and if we're honest, a lot of the gameplay in Final Fantasy games can be replicated with some hot Windows Start-Menu action.

Start > General Net > Protowall
* kupoartist casts Protowall on Party!
Start > General Net > Mozilla Firefox
* Mozilla Firefox steals 1 Gigabyte of Ram from kupoartist!

I own FF 1 through 7 abd I can honestly say 1 - 6 were exactly the same. Slight difference in battle styles and menus and characters, graphics and story, but same game.
7 - 8 are the same. Slightly different graphics and play style. 9 was different. X was 9 with different character style. Cystal Chronicles is a completely different game in every aspect, but it sucks more than any of the others.
11 is online rpg harkoning back to the 1-5 story style. There is also FF tactics which is completely different from any other FF game [series].
Don't forget the one-off FFs. Final Fantasy Adventure spun a real-time battle system into the mix, creating Secret of Mana. Mana is FF with little in common with traditional FF. Chrono Trigger was a FF spin off.

You are inundated with FF more than you know, but it is not as tiresome as you think.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I own FF 1 through 7 abd I can honestly say 1 - 6 were exactly the same. Slight difference in battle styles and menus and characters, graphics and story, but same game. 7 - 8 are the same. Slightly different graphics and play style.
Junctioning was just about the biggest difference in plays styles that Final Fantasy managed in the first ten or so year of its history. Not to say it was necessarily actually good of course. Or that it was a gargantuan stride, but then your adknowledgement that the first 8 games are pretty much the same thing serves me more than it does you, so whatever.
_Z_Ryuken said:
9 was different.
Well, 9 very much harked back to the original 5 games in many aspects, and simply had the aspects of 7 and 8 that better data capacity afforded.
_Z_Ryuken said:
X was 9 with different character style. Cystal Chronicles is a completely different game in every aspect, but it sucks more than any of the others. 11 is online rpg harkoning back to the 1-5 story style. There is also FF tactics which is completely different from any other FF game [series].
I'm having trouble identifying exactly what your point is, given that you seem to be adknowledging that FF is a formulaic mess with a bunch of peripheral games repackaged to sell more by simply having the "Final Fantasy" name. Final Fantasy Tactics is just a redressed Tactics Ogre. A damned fine redressed Tactics Ogre, but it is still in cynical cash-in territory.
_Z_Ryuken said:
Don't forget the one-off FFs. Final Fantasy Adventure spun a real-time battle system into the mix, creating Secret of Mana.
Final Fantasy Adventure didn't create Seiken Densetsu (known at the Mana series in the West), Seiken Densetsu IS Final Fantasy Adventure. It was just repackaged in the US to cynically cash in on the fact that people knew what Final Fantasy was and would more likely buy a game with its name on. Same for the Final Fantasy Legends series (SaGa). Square have always been cynical franchise whores.
_Z_Ryuken said:
Mana is FF with little in common with traditional FF.
And as it ISN'T FF, so what is your point?
_Z_Ryuken said:
Chrono Trigger was a FF spin off.
Care to tell me where you got that idea from? The only minute affiliation the game has with FF is the fact that it was bundled with Final Fantasy IV in Final Fantasy Chronicles, solely in the US, once again to sell more copies because it had the FF name attached to it. There is nothing in the game (AFAIK) that even hints at a connection with the franchise, indeed, Chrono is entirely its own independent franchise.
_Z_Ryuken said:
You are inundated with FF more than you know, but it is not as tiresome as you think.
Only when you accept that things that have no need to be called "Final Fantasy" are called so in the west, or by the Japanese offices themselves. Crystal Chronicles is another good example. Just whack a chocobo, a crystal and a moogle in there and all of the sudden "it's final fantasy!" even though the game has far, far more in common with Seiken Densetsu / Mana. The main series, that which can be most legitimately called "Final Fantasy" is a tired mess of samey games with the occasional game becoming notable because of some ridiculous costume worn by the lead character (we love you really Tidus, even though you're a whiney dream of a dead civilisation and your father turned into a f**king giant whale). All the peripheral stuff is just cynically cashing in on the success of the franchise with little to qualify its inclusion, and it rarely kicks out some kind of decent gem anyway (Final Fantasy Tactics is the one single exception that springs to mind.)

Funny that Kingdom Hearts is never considered a Final Fantasy game, even though it contains more FF cliches than some FF games do.