FF7: Advent Children

Finally saw this movie and I must say I loved it! Lots of fun seeing all those characters again, especially so beautifully rendered.

Tactics is imho the best FF game ever made. My other favorites are I, III, and IX. With X I got bored of it, same with XI and XII frankly (by the look of things), but XIII looks to be absolutely incredible and very close to the best CG of a few years back! Very excited for the first truly next-gen FF title!
mogcoro said:
Pure eye candy cartoon to me. I hate all those unrealistic dragon ball style fight >:(

QFT. FF7 remains one of my favourite games of all time, but I hate what they did with the fight scenes. I mean they didn't have to make it turn-based, but they kinda went the complete opposite way with it.

And goddamnit, why does Vincent get all the love for being a secret character with barely any impact on the story, and the other more relevant side characters get barely so much as a nod (I still love you, Yuffie :(). Gearing up for Dirge of Cerebus, anyone?

Still, amazing film graphics and animation wise, and a decent nostalgia trip too.
Bad^Hat said:
And goddamnit, why does Vincent get all the love for being a secret character with barely any impact on the story, and the other more relevant side characters get barely so much as a nod (I still love you, Yuffie :(). Gearing up for Dirge of Cerebus, anyone?
Well, Advent Children is just trying too hard to be cool. Vincent was a cool looking monotone badass character, so they used him. Lots.
mogcoro said:
Pure eye candy cartoon to me. I hate all those unrealistic dragon ball style fight >:(

Couldn't agree more. The movie was absolutly gorgeous, but that's about it. I also can't stand the ridiculous acrobatics...over-the-top fight scenes became a bit much.

I found the Spirits Within to be a much more enjoyable movie experience, but that's just me. Spirits Within was beautiful, but it had much more substance.
Lt. Drebin said:
I found the Spirits Within to be a much more enjoyable movie experience, but that's just me. Spirits Within was beautiful, but it had much more substance.

Agreed. But it had fecking nothing to do with Final Fantasy :P
Good God...

kupoartist said:
Junctioning was just about the biggest difference in plays styles that Final Fantasy managed in the first ten or so year of its history. Not to say it was necessarily actually good of course. Or that it was a gargantuan stride, but then your adknowledgement that the first 8 games are pretty much the same thing serves me more than it does you, so whatever.
I didn't say the first 8 are the same. Try agian.

I'm having trouble identifying exactly what your point is, given that you seem to be adknowledging that FF is a formulaic mess with a bunch of peripheral games repackaged to sell more by simply having the "Final Fantasy" name. Final Fantasy Tactics is just a redressed Tactics Ogre. A damned fine redressed Tactics Ogre, but it is still in cynical cash-in territory.
Just take my comments at face value. Don't try too hard to understand, just read.

Final Fantasy Adventure didn't create Seiken Densetsu (known at the Mana series in the West), Seiken Densetsu IS Final Fantasy Adventure. It was just repackaged in the US to cynically cash in on the fact that people knew what Final Fantasy was and would more likely buy a game with its name on. Same for the Final Fantasy Legends series (SaGa). Square have always been cynical franchise whores.
Just note the unique battle system and move on.

And as it ISN'T FF, so what is your point?
Obviously if a game is different enough from another game they aren't the same. :rolleyes: That's my point. SoM was FF, that wasn't FF. It's part of that amorpheus, radicaly different aspect I spoke of. Different enough that you don't even realize what it is.

Care to tell me where you got that idea from? The only minute affiliation the game has with FF is the fact that it was bundled with Final Fantasy IV in Final Fantasy Chronicles, solely in the US, once again to sell more copies because it had the FF name attached to it. There is nothing in the game (AFAIK) that even hints at a connection with the franchise, indeed, Chrono is entirely its own independent franchise.
See above statement.

...The main series, that which can be most legitimately called "Final Fantasy" is a tired mess of samey games with the occasional game becoming notable because of some ridiculous costume worn by the lead character (we love you really Tidus, even though you're a whiney dream of a dead civilisation and your father turned into a f**king giant whale). All the peripheral stuff is just cynically cashing in on the success of the franchise with little to qualify its inclusion, and it rarely kicks out some kind of decent gem anyway...
Maybe your standards are just way too high. If this is how you think of FF I cannot imagine what you might think of Mega Man or Street Fighter as they are longer running and have far less change and diversity in gameplay.
Yet I love them both.
FF's unique trait is that for the most part, every sequel is not a sequel. It's a different game. They attempt to alter (sometimes overhaul) the battle system. The setting, time, world, it always changes (magical, archaic, technological, ultra-fantasy). After ff3 or 4 the stories didn't follow the "collect all the crystals" formula. They changed every time, though 8 and X had some similarities.

Funny that Kingdom Hearts is never considered a Final Fantasy game, even though it contains more FF cliches than some FF games do.
KH is most certainly a FF game. It's a spin-off and even includes a couple FF characters as I recall from reviews and screenshots. I've never played it.
I've only played bits and pieces of the game. When I saw this movie I actually thought it was meant to be a joke. Like making fun of the fact that it looks like a serious movie but the plot and characters are so terribly cliched.