FFS why do the shadows suck

Have you seen this, she?
Crash Different

btw- Just update that ti4200, and you've got yourself two kick ass PC's.

/\ link found via falconwind

So.... yeah... Shadows..
Have you seen this, she?
btw- Just update that ti4200, and you've got yourself two kick ass PC's.

Actually.. i haven't.. and i loled.

You know... that movie was 3:12 minutes long no?
If it was a PC-movie... it would be 4-6 Hours long..

Still.. when i compare my comps 1 & the MAC.. the MAC handles the graphics, videos and sounds MUCHMUCH better.. and faster.. I can render almost 100% faster on my G5..

Time = Money

HL2 = shadows = Suck
Petabyte said:
Have you seen this, she?
Crash Different

btw- Just update that ti4200, and you've got yourself two kick ass PC's.

/\ link found via falconwind

So.... yeah... Shadows..

my god, that's my favorite macintosh movie. I still can't get enough of it! tnx for letting me re-download it :)
I think She is right, just that she's being a brat about the whole thing. The shadows are nothing like real life or even close by what we've seen so far. Computer power just is not at that level yet (give it a few years though) where it can give us everything we want; physics, large maps, advanced AI, lighting, shadows. etc.
I guess the question is whether or not a lack of realistic shadows will hinder the game experience and that is up to the individual player and no one else.

To me this argument is similar to a spoiled little brat calling an adult fat and the adult arguing "It's genetic!".... and the brat doesn't really understand what genetic means.
eth8686 said:
Have you not seen the Nike commercial "Impossible is nothing". How about taking that perspective into the programming.

Everything is possible, just not quickly. Take your time and you WILL solve the problem. Problems are meant to be solved.

I love how people who know nothing about programming bitch about it.

Could you imagine how much this guy would cry if valve said "Hey look, you're all bitching about these shadows so we're going to take another couple of months so we can get them working."

Give them a break!
The only time I can see myself worrying about the shadows is when I have to actually LOOK at them.

In that Coast bink, the best way you could aim where the crane would drop is by looking at the shadows.

And when you look at the shadows.... eeeehhhhh.
It's a screenshot that dates from from somewhere in 2003, it's from an old build that's for sure...shouldn't be looking at it
ferd said:
It's a screenshot that dates from from somewhere in 2003, it's from an old build that's for sure...shouldn't be looking at it


Judge the shadows when it comes out...and if its the only floor in the game, it gonna be good.

p.s. search the forum....another over discussed subject :sniper:
Models don't cast shadows on themselves or on other models. Suprised they had to use a model for that hole though. I though source would have some detailed map geometry but I guess not. Even doom3 didn't have self shadowing models. Can't expect source to. I bet someone will fix it with a mod though.
nobody complains about the lack of shadows in HL1, just get rid of shadows in HL2 so then everyone can STFU about them :D:D yay the world will be at peace once more!
neptuneuk said:
nobody complains about the lack of shadows in HL1, just get rid of shadows in HL2 so then everyone can STFU about them :D:D yay the world will be at peace once more!

They will only find something else to complain about :)
She said:
HL2 = shadows = Suck

It's getting old from you shes. HL2 and u3 use the same exact method. Dynamic shadows via the projected vertex method. So either you give it a rest, or change your story. Because as much as I would like to respect your opinion as someone inside the game industry, your making it hard for me. So please at least look like your knowledgable, and give your hl2 shadows suck rant a rest. since what your whining about is in every build of every game that uses projected vertex shadows including U3. Just because you saw bink movies with workarounds not yet implemented doesn't mean you can judge. And if you had played HL2 like you claim to have 'played' or 'seen' U3, you would know that valve fixed this 'sucks' part you have been crying about.

Just give it a rest already because your ranting about somthign that is non existent, and will feel rather foolish once the game releases.
Yeah, I saw that video a long time ago. It was to show off the 6800's amazing graphic capabilities.
Wow. A fixed-framerate tech demo. w00t etc.

Epic scored a major PR coup by showing their engine 2 years before any games would be available that use it. Every other half-decent engine will have exactly the same feature set by the time UE3.0 comes to market.
But, offcourse she already knew that, ya know being a graphics designer and all.
HL2 = Shadows = I don't give a fcuk. I just want the damn game.... ;)
HL2 and u3 use the same exact method. Dynamic shadows via the projected vertex method. So either you give it a rest, or change your story. Because as much as I would like to respect your opinion as someone inside the game industry, your making it hard for me. So please at least look like your knowledgable, and give your hl2 shadows suck rant a rest. since what your whining about is in every build of every game that uses projected vertex shadows including U3.

*snickers* You do realize that neither HL2 or U3 use "projected vertex shadows" (their proper term is shadow volume) but in fact use shadow buffers, right?
Anthraxxx said:
HL2 = Shadows = I don't give a fcuk. I just want the damn game.... ;)
Exactly. Why bother complaining about such a tiny graphical glitch? Especially when the rest of the game looks so pretty?
If that sort of thing is going to affect your gaming experience enough to create some whinging thread that makes you sound like an over-demanding toddler then you may as well stay off computer games until they get picture perfect realism or you grow up.
el Chi said:
Exactly. Why bother complaining about such a tiny graphical glitch? Especially when the rest of the game looks so pretty?
If that sort of thing is going to affect your gaming experience enough to create some whinging thread that makes you sound like an over-demanding toddler then you may as well stay off computer games until they get picture perfect realism or you grow up.

You're looking at it the wrong way. Since they CAN make the shadows better, then why not? Better shadows can only ENHANCE your gaming experience, and that's what valve wants, the best damn gaming experience you've ever had. Now, I've been playing call of duty and COD:UO and they are by far some of the best times I have had this year, and they use the same 5 year old lightmap technique. But if it used unified lighting, the experience would be even more involving. However, Valve obviously wants HL2 to run on as many computers as possible. I just hope for Half Life 3, they redo the rendering engine, and give it unified lighting, because by the time HL3 comes out, Unreal 3 will be out. So why not keep up with the times?
hl2 is designed for mod makers to port their mods over easy so they cant be too extreme on their features
No, I get what you're saying and I agree, to an extent.
My point is that it's a fairly minor problem and that "FFS why do the shadows suck" is bollocks. The shadows are generally very good except in one or two instances. It's called a glitch. They happen in games and surely the person who started this thread could have realised that? Did it really require an entire thread devoted to this small problem.
It's all I can do to hold myself from stopping to tell him to shut the f*ck up and stop whining.
Agree with above, never saw a single problem with HL2's lighting.
Yarr, why does ye want perfection, great games arnt purely shown up by sqweak'ay clean visual's, its all about the gameplay fun, small inperrrfections does not ye bother me.
Yea, the shadows definately do not suck for what they were programmed to do. It just would be nice if other light sources actually affected the shadows, which, looking at current binks, they do not. Oh well. Maybe in Half Life 3.