Fighter pilots are brilliant

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Would of been better with the Top Gun music over it rather then Madonna...

"Highway to the Dangerzone...ride into the the dangerzone..."
that's good stuff. Some of the imagery looks like CG, but nonetheless it is impressive. Always loved 'em Harriers (at least that's what I think they're called)
I'll take the pepsi challenge: not impressed. A couple of barrel rolls? Semi-tight formations? My friend in college would do more than that for $50 in an acrobatic plane he and his father owned, although I don't think he was going as fast.

Cpt. Stern, you're starting to make me question my blind faith in the system. ;)
Those where people that the explosion just wiped off the face of the earth right?
**** my not having 20/20 vision.

At least I can still eventually take to the sky in the pilot's seat as a civillian
Razor said:
Well that was a pleasent thing to post in this respectable thread.

****ing shit Razor, take off that god damn avatar. You keep making me think I'm the one posting your bull shit!
Razor said:
Well that was a pleasent thing to post in this respectable thread.

thought I'd throw a little reality into the face of something meant to recruit people for all the wrong reasons

yes darth sidious, unidentified people
I wouldn't exactly call that recruitment material, its just impressive and very pretty. I didn't even notice what country the pilots were from. It can be appreciated just for its photography or even the rather amazing engineering that goes into planes like that.
Its a recruiting video? I guess I missed the join "branch here" part of the video.
hungryduck said:
nope, not harriers.
That is an Alpha Jet ( and what looks like to be a eurofighter (the plane with the large delta wing)

The Alpha Jet is the French trainer, the aircraft that was chasing it was a Dassault Mirage 2000, the main French fighter which is being replaced by the Rafale. The aircraft are French as it has the French symbol on it.

And relax Pesmerga, if half the people on here thought you were me, you'd get laid far more :smoking:
That was a really cool video, very pretty.

Fighter pilots have to have guts to do those sort of tricks, let me tell you. I would have flipped.
heh you guys are too literal, try thinking laterally for a change's a recruiting video in the same sense that Top Gun was a recruiting movie (do I have to explain why?)
CptStern said:
heh you guys are too literal, try thinking laterally for a change's a recruiting video in the same sense that Top Gun was a recruiting movie (do I have to explain why?)

Yes, but the way you're thinking, you're blaming Top Gun and Tom Cruise for a massacre/terrible accident where innocent people were killed.
Razor said:
Yes, but the way you're thinking, you're blaming Top Gun and Tom Cruise for a massacre/terrible accident where innocent people were killed.

ummm no ..I thought it was obvious that I was pointing out that being a fighter pilot isnt as romantic or glorified as that video would suggest

oh and it was no accident
CptStern said:
ummm no ..I thought it was obvious that I was pointing out that being a fighter pilot isnt as romantic or glorified as that video would suggest

oh and it was no accident

All the video was was a nice, exciting video where some fighter pilots show off a bit...if you want to take that to mean something else, then fine, but please make a new thread in the Politics forum and not crap all over this one. I think you need to stop trying to read between the lines of everything as not everyone or everything has those lines to read or a hidden meaning and motive behind it.

Look at the video, watch the video and enjoy the video for what the video is supposed to exciting video where some fighter pilots show off...nothing more and nothing less. If it encourages little kids to become fighter pilots, then fine, but being a fighter pilot is a lot harder then going down to a recruiting centre and signing on the dotted line.
He he fighter pilots are soon going to be obsolete!:cheese:
CptStern said:
overproduced recruiting ad fluff

this is the flip side to that video
FFS Stern, you have absolutely no clue about that situation.
"Unarmed people", oh yeah, like we're able to tell from grainy gun cam footage.
The people running the show over there have assloads of intel, the armchair warriors running blogs over here have one small video clip. Who do I trust more?

That's not to say that I deny the possibility that something bad happened there, but I'm not going to go spouting off when I only know a fraction of the information available.
No guys, stern is right. I saw a jet from a nearby military base do a barrel roll thing I knew I was blowing up civies in fallujah. You guys should try to be as smart and open-minded as him from now on. Then you will be able to see recruitment ads where there supposedly are none.
If it didn't take nearly 11 years in the RAF to get to fly a eurofighter, I'd join.
MiccyNarc said:
FFS Stern, you have absolutely no clue about that situation.
"Unarmed people", oh yeah, like we're able to tell from grainy gun cam footage.
The people running the show over there have assloads of intel, the armchair warriors running blogs over here have one small video clip. Who do I trust more?

it's obvious from the video that they had no intel on the "armed crowd" prior to engaging them clearly shows the pilot flying quite a distance before spotting them ..for all you know it could have been a wedding procession. BTW how do you think that video ended up on the internet? it's taken directly from the plane in question ...surely only military personnel would have access to the video footage from fighter planes. Why would they release it?

MiccyNarc said:
That's not to say that I deny the possibility that something bad happened there, but I'm not going to go spouting off when I only know a fraction of the information available.

you mean not knowing information prior to assessing a scenario may lead to an incorrect assumption? ...hmmm I wonder where we've seen that before?

that video has been discussed in this thread
from post #62 on

Razor said:
All the video was was a nice, exciting video where some fighter pilots show off a bit...if you want to take that to mean something else, then fine, but please make a new thread in the Politics forum and not crap all over this one. I think you need to stop trying to read between the lines of everything as not everyone or everything has those lines to read or a hidden meaning and motive behind it.

it is you who is taking it to mean something else intention was simple: take the glorification down a notch from something that's literally military porn: all action no consequences which is a disservice to the profession as a whole ...besides it is you and those like you that are turning this into an issue. Accept the flipside because that is reality, and move on.
evil^milk said:
that's good stuff. Some of the imagery looks like CG, but nonetheless it is impressive. Always loved 'em Harriers (at least that's what I think they're called)

They're not Harriers, too thin. Plus there are no nozzles either side of the craft
CptStern said:
besides it is you and those like you that are turning this into an issue. Accept the flipside because that is reality, and move on.

Yeah razor, if you just agreed with everything CptStern said even if it isn't true then we wouldn't be discussing this. It is your fault he has to fill unrelated threads with bullshit politics.
Sainku said:
Yeah razor, if you just agreed with everything CptStern said even if it isn't true then we wouldn't be discussing this. It is your fault he has to fill unrelated threads with bullshit politics.

why do you have such a big problem with this? when you read movie reviews do you ignore the criticism and only look at the positive aspects of the review? when you buy a product do you only look at the positives and ignore the negatives? It's either you dont want to accept reality as it is and would rather engage in mastabatory fantasies where glory comes without consequence or you're a tool, easily manipulated by pretty pictures

again, you're creating the issue
It may be nitpicking but this thread is about fighters not ground attack helicopters
the plane in the video is an F-16 not a helicoptor (that's another incident/video on the same page)
CptStern said:
it's obvious from the video that they had no intel on the "armed crowd" prior to engaging them clearly shows the pilot flying quite a distance before spotting them ..for all you know it could have been a wedding procession. BTW how do you think that video ended up on the internet? it's taken directly from the plane in question ...surely only military personnel would have access to the video footage from fighter planes. Why would they release it?

you mean not knowing information prior to assessing a scenario may lead to an incorrect assumption? ...hmmm I wonder where we've seen that before?

that video has been discussed in this thread
from post #62 on

it is you who is taking it to mean something else intention was simple: take the glorification down a notch from something that's literally military porn: all action no consequences which is a disservice to the profession as a whole ...besides it is you and those like you that are turning this into an issue. Accept the flipside because that is reality, and move on.

So do you really watch some harmless porn and think "how could that woman be degrading herself like that, she must of been forced into it by some evil pimp who has her hooked on drugs..." instead of just getting on with choking your chicken and enjoying it the show she's putting on for you.

And why is it that you have to turn everything into a political debate and an argument, if you can't find an argument, you make it up, if you can't argue with someone, you twist their words. For crying out loud, just watch the video for what it's ment to be :frown:.
-- Jackson Browne would beat you all in a dogfight.

-- rofl
CptStern said:
why do you have such a big problem with this?

Because it isn't a military recruitment video. It is a half-assed airplane stunt video.

CptStern said:
when you read movie reviews do you ignore the criticism and only look at the positive aspects of the review?

If this was a movie and a review said something along the lines of "this is military ad recruitment fluff, here is a link to some videos of people being blown up" I would be frustrated with the writers misrepresentation of the film, and infuriated with the linkage to completely unrealated political garbage.

CptStern said:
or you're a tool, easily manipulated by pretty pictures

Probably that one.

CptStern said:
again, you're creating the issue

No, you created an issue where there wasn't one. I'm just telling you not to do it again, because I would like the off-topic posts to stay on topic...or at least not be the politics section.
Obviously Fighters/ ground attack jets and helicopters can be misused, after all thier purpose is to blow things up, however it's wrong to tarnish the name of all fighter pilots, with examples of misuse, everytime they are mentioned.
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