Fill in the blanks please! I really wanna get this thing moving....

Like I said, I don't know much about socket 939. The only problem I have with getting a brand new socket is that the motherboards are not always as good as they should be. In a couple months there would probably be a revision (or even a new chipset like the nForce3 250Gb) on a good number of the motherboards to run better.

You'll have to ask someone who knows more than me like Asus about the registered/buffered RAM.
I just read up on the 939. Apparently it's due out May 25th, if not the beginning of next month. However, I just thought since its going to be the fastest cpu available for a while, it will probably cost at least $1000 no? Am I better off just going with the 940 in about a month when the fx-53 is around $600? Because from what I read the 939 won't be mass produced until like Q4, but rather about 50,000 chips available, including the Fx-53 with socket version 939. Thats the one i want, it will most likely cost at least a grand? What do you guys think, will it be worth it? Or should I settle for second best with the 940?
Guinny, I have alittle bit of advise on your PSU (power supply unit)
I wouldn't buy a ThermalTake. I would reccommend a more prestigous company. For your rig, I would fully reccommend PC Power Supply & Cooling's Turbo-Cool 510 ATX-Delux. You don't want anything less. With all those expensive high end parts your getting, you should seriously consider a reputible power suppy. You don't want those chips of love to get fried from a crappy PSU

I've included a link for you to the model 510 Deluxe. (I would also reccommend Antec)
What is wrong with thermal take? Seems from reviews they work just fine for a long time for a lot of people.
I have heard tons of good stuff about thermaltake power supplies. I say stick with what you have, unless you find a power supply that is cheaper (but same quality) or find a quieter power supply.