Fill in the Blanks...



Ok this is just for fun. Take this image and fill in the dialogues that you feel fit the moment. Please try to keep it clean. If you don't want to this then don't, but don't post hate replies.



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sportythief said:
Ok this is just for fun. Take this image and fill in the dialogues that you feel fit the moment. Please try to keep it clean. If you don't want to this then don't, but don't post hate replies.


Alyx : OMG your breath Stinks

GMAN : i Brushed my teeth this morning god damnit!
Alyx: You are too ugly to look upon!
G-man: Hey! I got feelings too, you know!
might be some spoilers for ya who havent completed :LOL:

Alyx: do you want to gimme a condom there?
G-Man: uhm yeah, i tought we could hook up while gordon cleans all the mess. I am not going to help him, maybe my suit gets messy.
Alyx: Ahhhh!!! Explosion!!!
G-man: I'm sorry, but can I interest you in the words of God?

Sometimes Jehovas witness just go too far...
G-Man: Come on, I'll just put it in for a second!
Alyx: I'm not a f--kin' microwave!
Alyx: I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny...
G-Man: WTF?
Alyx: Urrgh, you freak! Zip it up! ZIP IT UP!

Gman: Don't you l-like my... offer, Miss Vance? Rather than offering you the... illusion of free will...
Alyx: Peer pressure is evil!
G Man: Come on, just take one hit it wont bite... too hard
these are very funny, good job guys. Keep em comin. :LOL:

I'll try to get some more funny screenies.
OK, here's the second one for those who want more. Try to follow the numbers this time. So 1. is the firstly dialogue, 2. is the second and so on. Once again, keepin it clean.

Lookin forward to these ones. LOL. :thumbs:

for the first pic:
Alyx: Night Fever, Night Fever...... you know how to do it!
G-Man: Look, this aint the time for disco dancing fs!!

Second pic:
1: Oi bitch, wanna slap?!?
2: Hehehe, my beards bigger than his, and hes going grey.
3: Just try it mofo, i'll knee you in the balls!

yeah ok, they are pretty balls but hey, im really really bored.
1. Don't make me use my hand!
2. Thats a cheap ass suit you got their.
3. Your hair is ugly and you got a big nose
1: Why did you hack my steam account woman!!?
2: Dont look at me!! Iv'e stolen my own one!
3: oooh im so sorry evil rulor, ill give u my toaster in trade..huh what you say??
1. why i ask you why, why didn't it work out between you and me alyx.
2.Someone please! my nose really itches!!
3. well, some of your assests just weren't big enough...
1st One

Alyx: No no no no no....that suit looks too....whats the word.....homesexual...i mean, cmon your guy area is hanging out of you pants...and i've seen gordon look down there at you.

Gman: You wanna feel it for a quarter...thats right, for only a quarter you can touch my copy of Half life 2...and maybe something extra