Film Noir Mod Recruiting


Nov 10, 2003
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Hi. I am starting up a mod for half life 2 which will be a film noir mod. In the mod you will play as private eye Jack Torrence, an alcoholic ex-cop.

The mod will be an adventure mod where you will have to talk to witnesses and search for clues in order to find the murderer.

We will focus on making the mod more intuitive and very different from any mod done before by integrating a few key features.

-Detective based gameplay
Walk around the gritty streets of chicago as you Interview witnesses with full voice acting and Search for clues, as you get closer and closer to the truth

-Film noir style
All black and white, except blood and the womans red dress. High contrast, and lots of monologues. Everything you would expect from a film noir

-Limited weapons
Only your 44. magnum and what you pick up from the streets of chicago.

-Exciting storyline
Search for clues and collect the information you need that will finally lead you to the truth of who killed James Connely

We are looking for skilled and dedicated people to join our team.

-Modellers and Texture artists

If you are interrested send me an email or a PM with samples of your work then we can talk further on msn.

Here's the basic story.

I was sitting in my office reading todays newspaper while enjoying my cigaret.
The cigaret smoke filled the room like a thick fog. It was an ordinary Thursday, and it was just like any
other day. It was nothing to do. It has been a slow month with only a few jealous husbands
and a lost cat.

Suddenly the door opened and the smell of sweet perfume cut through the stench of nikotin and alkohol
like a knife through butter. In walked a dame. A dame to kill for. She wore a red dress and she was a looker.
Real high class. She sat down infront of my desk and lit her cigaret without saying a word.

I heard you are the best private eye in town. She said while she looked over my messy desk.
I could tell she was disgusted by the state of it, but she had an offer. Something alot more interresting
than a lost cat or a husband supsecting his wife of cheating. This was different. Just like one of the
cases i would handle back at the precinct

Her huband had been killed, but why come to me and not the police? Deep down inside I really didn't care.
I just wanted to feel the thrill of being on a real case. Maybe it would bring back some fogged up memories from back in the day.

She didn't give me much to work with. Only two names. James Connely, her dead husband, and Tom Gotty,
A guy she thinks had something to do with the murder. She gave me her phone number right before she left.
The way she walked out of the room show that she really knows how to work the crowd.

I decided to pay a visit to a snitch that I was in contact with back on the force. If there was a crime,
he would know about it. The guy knows every scumbag and lowlife that walks the streets.
We will focus on making the mod more intuitive and very different from any mod done before.
How do you plan to accomplish this? Give me three well-thought-out reasons why your mod will be very different, and how you plan on implementing them.
I had this idea once. I forget what inspired me .. I realized it was a hell of alotta work to make it more than just a cheesy novelty piece. I wish ya the best of luck with this bud.

BTW, do you have any gameplay details? I'd love to hear how you planned this beast out.
James Connely? Alkward way to spell a Connolly-esque name

btw my brothers name is James Connolly so you need to take down this mod right away or I'm contacting Jack Thompson
Sin city atmosphere..
Could be nice but will need a lot of work.

What is your job in that one?
Composition of the team so far?
we are only in the startup phase of the mod. So far we only have a concept artist and myself. I have a modeller and a mapper pending. Just waiting for their reply. I myself is a modeller and texturer. I also do the design and storyline along with the concept artist.