Films: Rate and Discuss

Completely agree with Yorick.
Death Proof was nothing but trailer trash whores talking about shit that no one cares about, the actual action doesn't start until the movie's almost ****ing over, although, I do enjoy seeing Kurt Russel on the screen even if he rarely ever takes any awesome starring roles anymore.

Planet Terror was superior in every way.
Hah, now this really is interesting. I found Planet Terror overwhelmingly dreadful. :O
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 7/10

I'm catching up on the series before I go see the new one tomorrow night. I forgot how plain entertaining the movies are. Corny and predictable, sure, but damn do they keep me watching. The actors looked weird in this one, weird teenagey proportions and eyebrows that were out of control; but eh.
Watchmen 8/10

finally got to see this and although it was almost like the comic it was also not even close. the music during the sex scenes were atrocious, the ending was of course switched around a bit, and Dr Manhatten sounded gay. I dunno but I'm feeling kinda weird about the movie now that i think about it
Watchmen 8/10

finally got to see this and although it was almost like the comic it was also not even close. the music during the sex scenes were atrocious, the ending was of course switched around a bit, and Dr Manhatten sounded gay. I dunno but I'm feeling kinda weird about the movie now that i think about it

Yet it gets an eight out of ten? I really don't understand. Unless you are grading it on a 6-10 scale like most people do.
and eyebrows that were out of control; but eh.

This made me lol.

American Psycho - 7/10

Pretty cool, but I didn't really enjoy it all throughout. And as for the ending... again neat but not very satisfying.
KA, you're the only one I love.

SORRY, I'm not attracted to amorphous blobs with black and white avatars.

Umm also I watched umm oh yeah Step Brothers, because it was on a flash drive someone lent me. Probably 1 out of 10 because I laughed maybe twice. Plotless, pointless, unfunny and dull beyond measure. I didn't have much against Will Ferrell beforehand, and it's sad to see him in such a shitty film.
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince - 7/10

It had all the juicy stuff in it, but for those who read the book it just went by way too fast. Nothing in the book that made me anxious seems that juicy in the movie, though I read it over a year ago.
I also thought that Dumbledore died in the courtyard, not in his office... I could be mistaken though...

Regardless, I still did almost cry when he died. Though I can't stand Danial Radcliffe's acting. He's so fidgety, and spazzy in the face, and I didn't feel anything when he was "crying" other than a kid trying too hard to force an emotion.

It was good though. Kept my attention throughout. A lot better than Ice Age. :l
Yet it gets an eight out of ten? I really don't understand. Unless you are grading it on a 6-10 scale like most people do.

here here!

I need to watch that movie again cos I distrust my initial impressions of liking it :|

I was so hyped you could have shown me a still image of rorschach for 2.5 hours and I would be satisfied :P
The new Harry Potter film 2/10

They should really do more of an adaptation job when making those books into movies, they have potential to be decent with a good rewrite. JK's dialogue is sketchy at best, her sense of pacing and attempts at creating tension just don't translate well to film, and the stories could do with having some of the formulism removed.
Two points for Rickman chewing up the scenery, hamming it up hilariously.

Ice Age 3 was better...
They should really do more of an adaptation job when making those books into movies, they have potential to be decent with a good rewrite. JK's dialogue is sketchy at best, her sense of pacing and attempts at creating tension just don't translate well to film, and the stories could do with having some of the formulism removed.

An interesting opinion. I must admit I partially graded it compared to the other Harry Potter films, compared to which it felt like a major step forward. Personally I felt that with this film they did an excellent job of removing things without disrupting the overall flow. Granted, Horcruxes weren't explained as much as they needed to be, but I felt there was a lot of unnecessary plot removed, for example Harry's incessant whining about the prophecy.
Well if you only grade it against the rest of a fairly dire series of films (though the books are also shit) then yes it's good.

I'm honestly surprised how poor Radcliffe and Grint still are. They've had more than enough time to take some acting classes. Watson is decent, as are a few of the supporting cast.
I'm honestly surprised how poor Radcliffe and Grint still are. They've had more than enough time to take some acting classes. Watson is decent.

Totally agree, they still can't do much right. Emma Watson has finally dropped her crazy eyebrows, which pleased me a whole lot. She acted the previous five movies entirely with her eyebrows.
Public Enemies - 8/10

Rock-solid piece of work, not a classic but good regardless. It felt a little rushed, should have taken longer to expand some of the details but when the only bad thing you can say about a movie is 'it should have been longer' that's good movie.
The new Harry Potter film 2/10

They should really do more of an adaptation job when making those books into movies, they have potential to be decent with a good rewrite.

Here's the thing critics of film adaptations don't understand. What you saw was 652 page book turned into a 153 page screenplay. That's 75% of the book, gone, and what's left is put into the film. That is an absolutely mind-boggling task to do (especially with a series so mythologically dense) and no matter how well it's accomplished, the film series is always looked down upon by the book's fans for not doing a good enough job.

It's bollocks really, because the studio knows it has enormous expectations to live up to and spends over a year at least writing and re-writing the script to come up with what they believe to be the best possible adaptation, only to have people think they've done a shit job of something they believe is so easy a monkey could do it.

My bitterness aside, I enjoyed the film however I'm not really a fan on the director, David Yates. He can certainly direct the action and drama well enough (there's one brilliant performance by Jim Broadbent) but he can't direct comedy. As such, everything that was supposed to be funny in the film came off rather flat and it feels like the series has lost some of its charm because of that. Still, i enjoyed it quite a lot.

Yeah I'm with you on that. Although, I'd surmise that the first half of Death Proof (the bar scene and the first murders) is tolerable and the second half is just Tarantino jerking it over cars and car chases from other great films. I just think it's bad storytelling from a guy who is usually very good at it.

Wait to you see how bad Inglorious Basterds is. The fanboys will be blindly running to his defence, but it is a turd of the first order.
Here's the thing critics of film adaptations don't understand. What you saw was 652 page book turned into a 153 page screenplay. That's 75% of the book, gone, and what's left is put into the film. That is an absolutely mind-boggling task to do (especially with a series so mythologically dense) and no matter how well it's accomplished, the film series is always looked down upon by the book's fans for not doing a good enough job.

Except I think the books are crap, but one could adapt them into half-decent films with enough effort. As it is the films are only slightly better than the books (still shitty) because although they winnow out a lot of the extraneous rubbish they don't change what is left enough. Rowling's dialogue needs a lot of rewriting to be acceptable for example.
apollo 13 - 8/10

a very emotional and enjoyable movie, this is how you make a space disaster film Mr. Bay
In Michael Bay's defense, the true events that Armageddon was based on had a lot more explosions and awesomeness than the true events that Apollo 13 was based on.
Except I think the books are crap, but one could adapt them into half-decent films with enough effort. As it is the films are only slightly better than the books (still shitty) because although they winnow out a lot of the extraneous rubbish they don't change what is left enough. Rowling's dialogue needs a lot of rewriting to be acceptable for example.

So you want the producers who are adapting the books you don't like to make them better to suit your taste, when you're not even the audience they're looking for?

That's like saying "This chocolate bar is terrible! It doesn't even taste like beef!".

The thing is, you're looking for the filmmakers to change what you don't like when their job isn't to change but to adapt. If you're seeing a film adaptation when didn't like the book and were hoping they'd change the bad parts of it in the film, I guarantee that 90% of the adaptations out there will leave you disappointed.

Wait to you see how bad Inglorious Basterds is. The fanboys will be blindly running to his defence, but it is a turd of the first order.

Yeah that looks absolutely terrible. The thing I hate about Tarantino films these days, is that you could replace every character in his films is Tarantino himself. Any of his three films after Jackie Brown. Every single character is simply Tarantino as acted by someone else.
Harry Potter and the Boy Wizard Who Seriously Needs to Trim His Eyebrows (Half Blood Prince): 7/10

Mainly for the same reason I posted before, I enjoyed this movie. They're getting better at acting (I think?) so that's good. Plus, Hermione was wearing a pair of shoes I own, so :D
So you want the producers who are adapting the books you don't like to make them better to suit your taste, when you're not even the audience they're looking for?

That's like saying "This chocolate bar is terrible! It doesn't even taste like beef!".

The thing is, you're looking for the filmmakers to change what you don't like when their job isn't to change but to adapt. If you're seeing a film adaptation when didn't like the book and were hoping they'd change the bad parts of it in the film, I guarantee that 90% of the adaptations out there will leave you disappointed.
There were people in the cinema (aside from me) s******ing loudly at the dialogue during some of the 'emotional' scenes. Something that people may not notice is crap in a book is often more apparent when adapted to film or television if it isn't fixed.
There were people in the cinema (aside from me) s******ing loudly at the dialogue during some of the 'emotional' scenes.

I have no idea what "s******ing" means, so i'll assume that's bad. Even then, you're talking about changing dialogue in pivotal scenes, which is a big decision to make. Changing that dialogue could anger a lot of people.

What was the scene you were talking about anyway?
Moon 8.5/10 (I don't generally rate in halfs but it is better than 8 IMO)

Very, very good movie. It deserves to do well which is a shame cos it won't seeing as how limited this release is, so if you can see it!

Very clever movie with great dynamic characters, both kevin spacey and sam rockwell are great in this. I may pick this up on DVD :)

bruno 6/10

tasteless comedy that follows the same formula as borat to the letter but inferior. Although I have to admit I did laugh a few times though

angels and demons 6/10

better than I thought and certainly better than the da vinci code seeing as how stuff actually happens in this one. Script can be pretty cliche and laughable at times and there is a fair share of plot holes too. Alot has changed from the book so much so even I noticed it and I haven't read the book in ages.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 9/10

Fortunately, I got to see this recently. I'm not really good at reviewing things, but here goes nothing!

This is the sixth installment, and in my opinion, the best one. The acting is exceptional, the characters interact with each other nicely, they're able to show good facial expressions, and they seem real. There are only a couple of violent scenes in the movie, so it's okay to bring the whole family to watch it.

The special effects are believable, they're not some cheesy sci-fi "copy and paste" sort of thing. They really did a good job implementing the cinematic physics into the movie, although I wish they had done it a bit more.

The story was hard to follow, but I soon caught on. I haven't read the book yet, but I'm currently beginning to read the second one. I don't want to give any spoilers out, so you'll have to watch the movie or read the book yourself!

The dialogue is good, ranging from a funny comment to a serious explanation. The music also varies greatly, but it fits in nicely with the scenes.

I don't want to keep going on and on, so overall, a good movie for the family and it's well worth the money. I will be getting this on DVD when it comes out ;)
Harry Potter 1,2,3 9/10

For some odd reason these movies are even better a second time around. I truly understand much more now and for that I'm getting to understand everything and now everything makes more logical sense. If you are about to watch the newest movie I highly recommend this way of watching. It makes the experience a whole lot better. Also don't be afraid to read the books or at the bare minimum download the audiobooks and listen to them while your in your car. if you go to work every day, image how much you can get through during that time.
Yeah, I have a soft spot for the Harry Potter films and books.
Read them alot when I was a kid, stopped at the 3rd book though.

I really should pick the rest up at the library or something.
I have no idea what "s******ing" means, so i'll assume that's bad. Even then, you're talking about changing dialogue in pivotal scenes, which is a big decision to make. Changing that dialogue could anger a lot of people.

What was the scene you were talking about anyway?

If the dialogue is so godawful (and it is) it should be changed. It's not the only thing that should have been adapted better either. They should have done a better job with the pacing - another area where J.K. tends to fail miserably.

It was quite a few scenes btw, I wasn't keeping note but from the top of my head the bit where Snape was talking to him at the party, some bit where Harry mentioned a parent(s) being dead dramatically, and some of the exposition bits.
Oh, and there was some chuckling at the "Black Smoke Terrorizes London!" shocker.
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince - 5/10

This, for me, was the lesser of the HP movies. It just almost completely lacked any of that...magic (ironically) that the other films had. I felt bored in places, main characters were either non-existent on screen or were on screen for like 2 minutes in the entire film (I swear Neville had one line in the whole film for example).

I did enjoy the darkness to it, and the subtle humour gave the crowd a few giggles and the dark side gave us a jump or 2.

And the cliffhanger at the end was annoying at best, and the 'twist' was like a hammer-blow out of nowhere. And Snape's...twist was like ' and why?' and wasnt pursued any further, it was like 'oh okay, but what does that actually change???' leaving me confused, but I guess because I havent read the books there may be a link in the next movie(s).

Overall I was left just wanting more of a movie and more from the other characters that the films have focused on previously.

But as always, the older actors steal every scene away from the biggest eyebrows ive ever seen on a teenager.
public enemies - 5/10

Frankly a boring movie that had me shifting in my seat and looking at my watch multiple times. I don't know a lot of the dillinger story but nevertheless I know the basics of it. The movie however never expands on these basics (e.g. I am told that dillenger is a national hero in some people's eyes but I am never really shown why) and as such many characters are introduced that have no meaningful context or purpose in the film. This means it is really hard to keep track of the characters with the exception of bale, depp and depp's girlfriend.

On many occassions I saw characters that I was convinced were new characters but found out on wiki where actually characters I saw earlier O_o It makes the whole movie a confusing mess of storytelling and a tedious watch. Also although not the primary focus of the movie the action scenes are hit and miss.

To give credit where it is due depp was good (although this won't be one of the roles he will be remembered for like captain jack for example) and the relationship between him and billie was quite interesting and I did feel for them when bad things happened.
Transformers 2 - 7/10

ok seriously, I took everyones advice on this site about this movie, and is wasn't even bad, it was actually a pretty decent movie.
this summer has been pretty lame at the theaters.

Flight of the Phoenix 8/10

Really enjoyable movie overall but these survival movies always make me angry for people making such stupid mistakes. I guess when your life is on the line though you make stupid mistakes. anyway i bought this like a year ago and finally watched it.
Finding Nemo-7/10
Pixar is always great, even though I've seen it several times. After seeing "UP" I was kind of dissapointed that the relationship between Marlin and Coral didn't strike me as did the relationship between Carl and Ellie, so I had to mark it down some. Also, the humor is good, but not quite as intelligent as that in other Pixar movies (I'm lookin' at you, seaguls), but it is made for kids.
I had to give it a pretty good mark, though because Dory is such a great character.
12 Monkeys - 9/10

Excellent film, the story really sucked me in and had me guessing until I figured it out a few minutes before the movie ended. I really loved Brad Pitt's acting and character in this. Definitely going to watch it again in a few days.
Saw the new Harry Potter film... twice actually!

It's really pretty good... only thing I really noticed being left out were the classes other than potions and characters like Neville that played a bigger role in the previous movies having only a few lines. It was already pushing it on length, though, so I can see how all that stuff got left out.

Every movie in this series always makes me want to be kid again...
watchmen (director's cut) - 6/10

When I first saw this I gave it a 9/10 which I believe was due to the fact that I was hyped up to my eyeballs for this film. Watching it again I can see what everyone else is talking about now. It is a moderately enjoyable film and no more, for everything it does right it gets something else wrong.

It is in all fairness as close an adaptation as you were going to get from this book but what remains from the book has been copied verbatim (on the whole anyway zack snyder is to slomo what michael bay is to explosions) and writing for books is just not the same as writing for film. In books you can read at your own pace and there is more room for backstory and exposition which is missing in the film. Ultimately it makes the film not really engaging enough (and the middle section of the film is a lesson in shifting in your chair).

Although the film sticks to the book mostly some changes are a little dumb, poinless or silly:

I would have liked to see more of the psychiatrist/rorschach sessions
most of the director's cut changes were pointless except for the hollis mason bit which was surprisingly very effective and profound that it makes me wonder why on earth it was cut :flame:
The comedian finding out about ozy's plan is reduced to 2 lines. WTF?
Dr manhattan replacing the squid. At first I thought this was okay but then the holes in this plan start to show themselves. If dr manhattan is invincible then how does the world really rally against him? (infact ozy's attempt to kill him was quite redundant he should have known that wouldn't work) And if dr manhattan leaves earth then how does the threat of dr manhattan stay alive??

Other problems include some of the actors not suiting their roles, namely silk spectre II. She never really conveys any different emotions at all. Silk spectre I wasn't great either. Although lots of people complained about him I didn't find Ozymandias that bad TBH.

However the actors who played The Comedian, Nite Owl I and II fitted their roles well and the actor for Rorschach was really good even if you take issues with the gravelly voice which I didn't. So overall it's really just a fairly decent movie and although not particularly great it is the best adaptation we were ever going to get.
But the thing is, no one wanted an adaptation. It should not have been made.
Well some people did and if done right I would have loved to see this on the big screen.