Films: Rate and Discuss

Once Were Warriors. A New Zealand Film.


It is a classic New Zealand Movie. Don't know I missed it all these years. A brutal portrayal of family violence and it's effect on those abused.
Paranormal Activities. Saw it yesterday, didn't sleep last night. 10/10 for acting if nothing else.
Paranormal Activities. Saw it yesterday, didn't sleep last night. 10/10 for acting if nothing else.

The only part I thought was really creepy was when

The girl gets up in the middle of the night and stands there for hours staring at him


I once had a roommate who sleep-talked a lot, and once got up, stood in front of me, and stared at me for half a minute. It was probably the creepiest thing I've ever experienced. I was frozen in bed hoping I wasn't about to get strangled. It was so surreal that I'm still not sure if it actually happened or if it was just an incredibly vivid nightmare.
Paranormal Activity did creep me out quite a bit, especially the part when

she was dragged down the corridor into darkness by nothing basically, or when he find the photos of her in the attic above the bed.

Your normal gore films etc don't scare me in the slightest but its stuff like that that get to me, like unknown origins, aliens activity etc. I felt the acting was sloppy in parts though.
Inglorious Basterds - 9/10

Very interesting, and largely humorous, film with classic Tarantino touches all over which made me smile. Definitely a worthy contender against his other great films. Supremely tense all the way through, brutally graphic and probably the coolest film I've seen based on world war 2. The ending was unbelievably satisfying and funny. Great watch.
So I involuntarily watched the first Twilight movie for the first time.....I don't want to talk about it... *cries*
Inglorious Basterds - 9/10

Very interesting, and largely humorous, film with classic Tarantino touches all over which made me smile. Definitely a worthy contender against his other great films. Supremely tense all the way through, brutally graphic and probably the coolest film I've seen based on world war 2. The ending was unbelievably satisfying and funny. Great watch.
Strange you thought it was funny. I found it a bit unsettling.
same and that's why i didn't like it :|

but let's not get into that argument again
Well it was unsettling and very humorous at the same time I found, just the entire concept was ridiculous but it worked somehow.
Gran Torino - 8,5/10

It wasn't perfect, but overall an amazing movie.
i really enjoyed gran torino aswell but if the only complaint is its not perfect and it is amazing then why an 8.5/10? For me amazing films are about a 9 O_o

yeah its a half point difference but its significant in my eyes :P
Thick as Thieves - 4/10 I guess
Had morgan freeman and he was good as usual but not much else notable. The plot was pretty cliche/unimaginative.
Avatar - 7/10

Not bad. The cgi is the only thing groundbreaking about the film (but it's mostly groundbreaking due to the method that was invented for it's motion-capture), as the film really is just The Last Samurai with Cats. Or Ferngully 2 without Tim Curry as the villian or Robin Williams as Batty.

It is a lot of fun but the climatic battle is pretty cliched. Actually it's completely cliche. To the point where literally two of the three anime's I've ever watched have done their battles better and more originally than Avatar.

I really don't like to invoke or compare anything to anime, ever, because they all play out the same and even the best ones are told in a terrible fashion when compared to the majority of films. Yet, during the final battle sequence in Avatar when
3 of the main characters are killed or forced out of the fight (after their avatar dies) one after the other in a sequence of cuts over the space of 30-40 seconds,
I actually found myself thinking "Wow, even Gurenn Lagann could do this better". Which was really surprising.

So it's worth seeing, because its a harmless and almost brainless adventure epic, but it's nowhere near as revolutionary as people talk about. That's all James Cameron-hero-worship bullshit.
I dont see Avatar as revolutionary to be honest, never have really since I first heard about it.

The whole 3D thing has been done before, but I guess the impact will be greater on this film that the others (Ice Age comes to mind as...the only example I can think of).

The CGI is, of course, mind blowing though.

Im still going to see it this xmas. Im not expecting an amazing story though. And if its like Ferngully, then I have no issues with it.

Ferngully was epic.

I got back from seeing it just now. I thought it was merely decent but given the hype and the calibre of cameron's work it is piss poor.

It is just a generic scifi action movie, however this is not necessarily a bad thing IMO despite what others say as long as it is done well this wasn't, not in any meaningful way anyway.

The film is definitely a technical marvel but nothing else matches that high point. It is way too long (what is with all the 3 hour epics lately??) and the first half of the movie is FAR TOO SLOW!! The whole first half to me just seemed to be a very clunky expositionary way of showing off each "cool technical bit". To me it felt like I was trapped in a tutorial for a game that lasted about 90 minutes :|

The second half is better and more enjoyable with the usual action staple stuff we expect from the genre but nothing overly memorable but this part is enjoyable nonetheless. Oh and the only character that I really liked was sigourney weavers' character. Jake is a massive idiot and everyone keeps saying that actually.

BTW the navi are way too trusting of a guy who turns up speaking english, wearing human clothes, with human weapons, knows nothing about navi culture, just admitted he was a marine and said he was from the "jarhead clan". And then they are surprised when he admits that he know about the bulldozing thing? WTF? O_o

BTW the unobtanium thing is hardly mentioned really.

And yeah it is abit like ferngully 2 :| To reiterate its not bad but DEFINITELY not worthy of the hype and not something expected of cameron :(
Inglorious Basterds 9/10

Loved it!! was gritty and fun and felt short which meant I loved every minute of it! so glad i bought this :)
Pirate Radio - 7/10

I haven't heard one good thing about this movie, I thought it was a pretty cool movie, although it was more about the drama on the boat opposed to the people trying to shut it down/the station itself, so the message at the end of the film was kinda weird. But it was enjoyable to watch.
Avatar 9/10

well I thought it had great visuals and I got teary eyed a couple times.
happy Kadayi? :P
The title of the thread is rate and discuss. The point is not merely to score or say something without a wider context such as 'awesome!!!' or 'I'd happily let Tarantino rape me!!!' but to actually communicate why you have scored the film as you have. Otherwise you might as well write a blog....
Inglorious Basterds - 7/10

I gave this like a 1 or something earlier in the thread and after watching it again on a normal TV I have to say, this is NOT a movie theatre movie, unless you're by yourself and can focus all your attention on it. This is a movie you watch when you want to watch a movie cause you have to actually watch the whole thing. It's pretty ok. Way over hyped in this thread though, it's still not THAT good.
The Godfather - 8/10
Finally got around to seeing this long ass movie. Great characters and atmosphere. Better than scarface but not better than goodfellas.
Inglorious Basterds - 7/10

I gave this like a 1 or something earlier in the thread and after watching it again on a normal TV I have to say, this is NOT a movie theatre movie, unless you're by yourself and can focus all your attention on it. This is a movie you watch when you want to watch a movie cause you have to actually watch the whole thing. It's pretty ok. Way over hyped in this thread though, it's still not THAT good.

Do you often leave cinemas in the middle of a film? Surely that's backwards right?
No I meant like you can't phase in and phase out, you have to watch every part.

Plus when I saw that movie I was on a date sitting in the back seat of a car. **** the movie in that situation. But from what I saw (the first half) at the theatre it was just boring.
Dog, where is this time machine of yours? I would be very interested in using that particular instrument.


I saw Avatar last night at a midnight showing. I would give it 3.5 stars I think. A lot of it is cliche and dialogue can be cornballish, but it really rises above those flaws in its ability to immerse you in this awesome world. I was sitting in the second row in an IMAX theater so I don't think I really got the intended 3D experience, but I still thought it was very well done and would not recommend seeing this movie non-3D.
Holy shit, get Quentin Tarantino's cock out of your mouth and look at the movie, it's not that good, it's average, and it could've been atleast an hour shorter too.
Well what if you were in the movie theatre and had to take a piss or get some popcorn or something? It being two and a half hours doesn't help anything. I saw this in the drive in ffs, the bathrooms are a good 10 minute walk away.
Be prepared. Requiring you to pay attention is usually a positive. Films where you can skip chunks and still understand the 'plot' as much as if you'd stayed are generally dire - Transformers 2 for example.
Well what if you were in the movie theatre and had to take a piss or get some popcorn or something? It being two and a half hours doesn't help anything. I saw this in the drive in ffs, the bathrooms are a good 10 minute walk away.
Film quality is not servant to your excrement requirements or desire to graze.
Film quality is not servant to your excrement requirements or desire to graze.

But it does mean that it's not suited for the movie theatre which I believe was my original point?
No, it means you aren't suited for the movie theatre.
Pee in your cup. Or your car. Or your date. Whatever.
I always thought it was customary to go to the cinema to watch the full film. Not only catch half of it and then say its rubbish because WTF YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE ENTIRE FILM TO GET THE PLOT?! Its a harsh age we live in.
Holy shit, get Quentin Tarantino's cock out of your mouth and look at the movie, it's not that good, it's average, and it could've been atleast an hour shorter too.
I was referencing the drive-in theater... and then talked about Avatar. I haven't even seen Basterds. Dick.
Avatar - 9/10

I liked it. There, I've said it. I quite liked it. I saw it in 3D, and the effects were nicely done. The colors were vivid, although the 3D goggles prevented me from taking all of their glory in directly. The Na'vi were actually OK, for CG beings. They were actually well rendered, with believable expressions, emotions, etc. It was awkward at first, but I got used to that soon enough. People complained about it's nearly 3 hour of runtime, but I think that without it being that long, the story would have been vey very choppy - much like the first golden compass movie. Also, I do love a good long movie. Like the Lord of the Rings.

Howver, there were certain shortcomings in the movie. For example, the Colonel (who I very much liked, very badass) was portrayed very shallowly, very flat, with only one type of personality. I guess it appeals to the immature - the bad vs the good thingy, but I have to say, it is mankind that is good, and the xenos that must be purged.

If I had my way, the ending would have looked like this:

The exploitative corporate powers wipe out the entire Na'vi resistance, via high altitude bombing runs and VX gas. Along with napalm. Lots and lots of napalm. Jack Sully is arrested and tried for multiple counts of first degree murder, sabotage, destruction of private property, dessertion, treason, and finally beastiality. He is found guilty of all charges.

The Na'vi are then rounded up in reservations where tourists from Earth can stare at them. The mining operation is a complete success, and humanity ushers in a new era of prosperity, ready to fight and annihiliate the next sentient alien race for the glory of mankind, in a war for dominance of the universe.
I was referencing the drive-in theater... and then talked about Avatar. I haven't even seen Basterds. Dick.

Woa man I'm sorry, I thought you used some joke I just didn't get (at my expense obviously). I didn't realize, my bad.

EDIT: Escape from New York - 9/10

I love movies like this, plus Snake Plissken is bad ass. I can't wait to rewatch Escape from LA after work tonight. It's pretty much the same movie different setting but that's ok, because it kicks ass.
Goddamnet, I want movies that have plots that instantly beam into my brain.
Home Alone - 8/10...
Classic, finally got around to getting it on DVD... in a Christmas themed 4 pack of movies for $20.
Watching the two burglars get outsmarted by the kid never get old.

Miracle on 34th Street (1994) - 6/10...
Came in the pack, never saw it before and I can't really say I'd have missed much if I had never seen it.
I mean, it was still fairly enjoyable and charming but nothing at all compared to the original.
Following - 9/10

This is Christopher Nolan's first feature-length, albeit a very short one (70 minutes running time). It's very similar to Memento in that it's non-linear, Neo-noir styled and based around around fitting scenes together in an attempt to complete the entirepuzzle. It was shot on analog film in black and white, and I loved the look. The scenes were out-of-order enough to challenge the viewers into figuring out the succession of events, but not too much that it was outright confusing. A little easier than Memento as far as figuring things out, but I think I'm going to give it a second watch sometime and take more mental notes, as I know now that I definitely missed a couple details here and there.

That's another thing I liked about this movie. The mise-en-scene was very well done. Depending on how far down the timeline a certain location was shot, certain objects in certain rooms were arranged differently or not there at all. This and the dialog between the limited amount of characters provided a lot of clues as to what was going on.

The pacing was very well done. I didn't feel bored at any particular time. The flow of information was coming in at the right rate and sped up at the right times (especially towards the end).

There was also a lot of interesting messages about voyeurism through the dialogue. I can't really remember any exact quotes, but a lot of it was about how interesting it is to peer into others lives through various methods and how you can subtly manipulate things to make them value what they once had.

It's always nice seeing older films by directors who are now extremely successful. It's good to know that Nolan has always had a thing for dark, gritty movies with morally ambiguous characters and themes. If you've enjoyed any of Nolan's work, I highly recommend this to you.

It's available on Netflix's Instant Streaming (that's how I watched it).