Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

AmishSlayer said:
Heh, well it's on my computer now too, so it doesn't exactly matter who downloaded it :P I'm just as guilty as him. I don't feel bad though since I'm gonna buy it for sure.
Could you show me the video
For proof of course... nothing else!
Watched it again, the movie is amazingly good. I want to replay FF7, but I cant put up with the horrible graphics, there was a FF hack site a while ago and some crew was actually re-writeing the FF7 engine to include higher polygon stuff, dont remember where it went off to though, it was called like QUIFFM or something weird.
Meh. never really liked final fantasy... it was the first and the last RPG I ever played...'nuff said.
socK said:
Watched it again, the movie is amazingly good. I want to replay FF7, but I cant put up with the horrible graphics, there was a FF hack site a while ago and some crew was actually re-writeing the FF7 engine to include higher polygon stuff, dont remember where it went off to though, it was called like QUIFFM or something weird.

Cookie for anyone that finds this! :D
Well, they said on GameSpot that Square MIGHT be considering the possibility of thinking about starting some work on developing a ff7 remake for ps3. If it was to be like in the PS3 tech demo or something like the movie, then it would be AMAZING. FF7 as it is now is great, but imagine the world and the people made with the graphics they can produce today.
Having now seen it, it's nothing to write home about in the list. One and Half hours of Fanservice. "Ooh, I wanna see this character in CGI! And this one too! But OMG, don't kill ANY of them!". The plot is so minimal that I got paper cuts from just watching it. Not to mention that the main attraction - the CGI - is awfully ropey. It's more or less perfect on the major characters, but the kid's animation looks like Final Fantasy X in-game and some backgrounds are none too impressive either.

That and I simply don't go in for the Matrix x40,000 fight sequences. They look ridicullous, hard to follow, and devoid of any cleverness. Odd what's happened to the basic laws of gravity... I your character can't even jump in the original game, and that's probably because if he did, he'd be able to fight in the stratosphere so long as his team mates "boost" him, however the hell they were doing that. The Turks were quite fun, but alas, they were just fanservice. I'd say I was disappointed, but I always had this markedout as bottom chocolate anyway.
kupoartist said:
Having now seen it, it's nothing to write home about in the list. One and Half hours of Fanservice. "Ooh, I wanna see this character in CGI! And this one too! But OMG, don't kill ANY of them!". The plot is so minimal that I got paper cuts from just watching it. Not to mention that the main attraction - the CGI - is awfully ropey. It's more or less perfect on the major characters, but the kid's animation looks like Final Fantasy X in-game and some backgrounds are none too impressive either.

That and I simply don't go in for the Matrix x40,000 fight sequences. They look ridicullous, hard to follow, and devoid of any cleverness. Odd what's happened to the basic laws of gravity... I your character can't even jump in the original game, and that's probably because if he did, he'd be able to fight in the stratosphere so long as his team mates "boost" him, however the hell they were doing that. The Turks were quite fun, but alas, they were just fanservice. I'd say I was disappointed, but I always had this markedout as bottom chocolate anyway.

Your characters could jump in the original game. They just couldn't jump inless needed to (Walk up to a small cliff and hit action.)
Oh, yea, sorry to mention. This is based off a game, not reality.
You can't expect the movie to be based off of real physics etc. if the characters can cast magic, summon, and is based off a fantasy game.

IMO, the detail was great, they made the CGI perfect. I loved the backgrounds, though, this is my opinion.

The combat scenes were awesome. I found them easy to keep up to, I didn't find this ridiculous.

Whats so bad with fanservice, without fans, you might as well throw away everything in the world.

I've downloaded it after pressure of my friends getting exicted about the soon to be release. Definatly going to buy it and watch it while traveling intill my eyes start to bleed.
I'm not really sure what the point of this movie was. It hardly added anything of interest to the FF7 story, so really... I don't get it. It's a bunch of nice CGI and cool fight scenes, but that's about it. WAs still better than the other FF movie though, because FF7 pwns.
Fun as hell movie, definately a treat for FF7 fans. :thumbs: Reno and Rude were brilliant as well. :laugh: No mindblowing revelations, but still great IMO.
KagePrototype said:
Fun as hell movie, definately a treat for FF7 fans. :thumbs: Reno and Rude were brilliant as well. :laugh: No mindblowing revelations, but still great IMO.
Yah, I gotta say, Reno in this was my favorite character.
Fliko said:
Oh, yea, sorry to mention. This is based off a game, not reality.
You can't expect the movie to be based off of real physics etc. if the characters can cast magic, summon, and is based off a fantasy game.
That's bullshit. Just because something is Fantasy doesn't mean that it doesn't establish scientific laws and limits. Impossible jumps were limited only to limit-breaks in the game - hence, breaking physical limts, jumping impossible heights. In fact, in the few places where you *can* jump in the game, your characters struggle to reach across tiny gaps in bridges and scenery. Here, the characters never stop flying around. It's pathetic, a substitute for any really clever movements by just making the space any fight inhabits as gravity-less as possible, as far removed from the authenticy of the Real World or even the game on which it is based.

In fact, the one thing the movie reminds me of over anything else? The Power Rangers. No shit. It's a bunch of colourful characters jumping around, waving their arms around and grunting. The clincher is that "dragon" which i'm told is supposed to Bahamut (it looks greatly different from all 3 "Bahamuts" in the game). That thing looks like a plastic toy based on a something from a saturday morning kids show. It's a nasty design and probably the least scary dragon i've ever seen.
This kind of falls in line a bit. Just watched Final Fantasy VII: The Lost Order. That was a nice rehash of Nibleheim. Relearning/learning a few things about Zach. I enjoyed it. Great watch.
kupoartist said:
That's bullshit. Just because something is Fantasy doesn't mean that it doesn't establish scientific laws and limits. Impossible jumps were limited only to limit-breaks in the game - hence, breaking physical limts, jumping impossible heights. In fact, in the few places where you *can* jump in the game, your characters struggle to reach across tiny gaps in bridges and scenery. Here, the characters never stop flying around. It's pathetic, a substitute for any really clever movements by just making the space any fight inhabits as gravity-less as possible, as far removed from the authenticy of the Real World or even the game on which it is based.

In fact, the one thing the movie reminds me of over anything else? The Power Rangers. No shit. It's a bunch of colourful characters jumping around, waving their arms around and grunting. The clincher is that "dragon" which i'm told is supposed to Bahamut (it looks greatly different from all 3 "Bahamuts" in the game). That thing looks like a plastic toy based on a something from a saturday morning kids show. It's a nasty design and probably the least scary dragon i've ever seen.

I'm guessing you're not an anime fan. :p
kupoartist said:
In fact, the one thing the movie reminds me of over anything else? The Power Rangers. No shit. It's a bunch of colourful characters jumping around, waving their arms around and grunting

lol, best thing i've read on here in a long time.
KagePrototype said:
I'm guessing you're not an anime fan. :p
On the contrary, i'm a huge anime fan (I have a model of the goddamned Turn-A Gundam on my desk. That's like a niche of a niche of a niche!). I just don't go in for this Dragonball Z BS, no matter how pretty it looks.

Anime doesn't begin and end at people with stupid hair jumping around hitting things you know :p
I saw nothing wrong with all the jumping around personally, with the minor exception of when they were all giving Cloud a "boost"... which looked a bit silly.

The story was rather bad considering the depth and complexity of FF7, but it's worth watching just for the cool fight scenes in my opinion. And yea, Reno was great :laugh:
Suicide42 said:
I saw nothing wrong with all the jumping around personally, with the minor exception of when they were all giving Cloud a "boost"... which looked a bit silly.

The story was rather bad considering the depth and complexity of FF7, but it's worth watching just for the cool fight scenes in my opinion. And yea, Reno was great :laugh:

Yeah, the story was weak compared to the game but the fights were amazing.
Loved it. The Tiffa fight was really cool. The Bike scenes were a bit meh (Except the
one when they were in the tunnel

The story was weak, yeah. But tbh I just watched it for the graphics :p
Iced_Eagle said:
socK said:
Watched it again, the movie is amazingly good. I want to replay FF7, but I cant put up with the horrible graphics, there was a FF hack site a while ago and some crew was actually re-writeing the FF7 engine to include higher polygon stuff, dont remember where it went off to though, it was called like QUIFFM or something weird.

Cookie for anyone that finds this! :D

I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline that cookie though, because there's nothing there that's quite as amazing as a redone FF7 or anything. It's mostly enhancements to the music for the PC versions. It's still a great resource site for the PC versions of FF7 and 8, and the message board was still getting lots of traffic last time I was there, despite the age of both games.

As for Advent Children - I didn't have high expectations after The Spirits Within, but I must say I enjoyed it quite a bit. Seeing all your old favourites rendered in glorious CG makes you all teary eyed and smiley.

But BEWARE - strictly as a standalone movie this ISN'T very good. The pacing is terribly dodgy and the story is incomprehensible. If you haven't played FF7 you might want to steer clear altogether. The best way to watch it is as a tribute to a great game from the past.
Suicide42 said:
I saw nothing wrong with all the jumping around personally, with the minor exception of when they were all giving Cloud a "boost"... which looked a bit silly.

The story was rather bad considering the depth and complexity of FF7, but it's worth watching just for the cool fight scenes in my opinion. And yea, Reno was great :laugh:
I have to agree with the boost thing.
That, and how everyone happen to appear at the most convientent of times.

Cloud was doing a limit on the Bahamut summon. So, he did an impossible jump.
Fliko said:
Cloud was doing a limit on the Bahamut summon. So, he did an impossible jump.
Yeah, but he never stopped doing impossible jumps any other time. It's just a case of him doing an uber impossible jump when limiting, a slightly less than uber impossible jump the rest of the time.