Final Fantasy - Vote

Favorite Final Fantasy Game?

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FF1 was my favorite. I played it on my NES back when I was in High School. I actually have it here on my desktop as well and play it from time to time. Brings back the memories.

I also had FF3 on my SNES. That was fun as well.

The newest FF I played was the one that was on the Playstation several years back.

I put XII, its the only one i've played but its pretty hard to imagine anything being better. I bought VII today, but I wont start it until i've finished XII.
I'm just going to go ahead and vote for my current favorite. I'll never play every FF game to the end, so I'll never have a fair judgment of all the FF games, but out of the ones I've played - and I've played most, It was my favorite. Shortcomings and gripes forgiven for the overall niceness. Besides, how cool is a weapon called Gravestone with a chance on strike that turns enemies to stone before shattering them into pieces upon subsequent impact? (if I remember correctly). It's ultra.
FF1 was my favorite. I played it on my NES back when I was in High School. I actually have it here on my desktop as well and play it from time to time. Brings back the memories.

I also had FF3 on my SNES. That was fun as well.

The newest FF I played was the one that was on the Playstation several years back.


Yeah, I played it when I was in elementary school...and for some reason, I was able to beat it, though right now, I can't hardly get past I can't even get to him, because the freaking volcano is hard has hell, and requires 3 days straight of leveling up! :(
I'm just going to go ahead and vote for my current favorite. I'll never play every FF game to the end, so I'll never have a fair judgment of all the FF games, but out of the ones I've played - and I've played most, It was my favorite. Shortcomings and gripes forgiven for the overall niceness. Besides, how cool is a weapon called Gravestone with a chance on strike that turns enemies to stone before shattering them into pieces upon subsequent impact? (if I remember correctly). It's ultra.
So uhh... which one is that then?
FF7 and 3 are neck and neck. FF7 was my first RPG and was harder than FF3 so that's my vote.
FF8, if for nothing else, it had an incredible story and a great fleshed out protagonist. Loved it
Squall had about as much character as a game protagonist with no dialogue, except you kinda wish he actually didn't after awhile.
I don't give much of a sh17 about any FF, but my friends play and I wanted that guy to bang that girl from FF10 so I voted that.
The only one I played was 7 and I hated it :(

probably one of the worst games I've ever played.
Squall had about as much character as a game protagonist with no dialogue, except you kinda wish he actually didn't after awhile.

I like Squall :D I identify with his nihilism, but yeah he really fades away after disk 1.. still love the game.. dono why. haha I just totally contradicted my old post, ah well fack it.

Quistis was hot
I loved 9. It was actually a fantasy theme rather than some real looking people. And it had comedy.
I couldn't even finish 7 it was so boring. Why do people like it so much? I think I made it to disk 3....
I found it fascinating. Possibly because it was my first real RPG. I played through twice without getting bored... never beat those damn weapons though. Never got omnislash and knights of the round on the same game either >.<

IMO, it's still the most cinematic, involving and enjoyable RPG game for it's time. And not just from Japan. People say it's overhyped, but it was a breakthrough for it's time in terms of scope and quality, even if not everyone loved it. I think it's hyped more for that fact rather than being the "best rpg evar" or something, and rightly so.

I really need to try 9, keep hearing good things about it.

I LOVE 9, the character (Zidane) is the antithesis of Squall though, and the story begins like a fairly standard American fairy tale. I thought it was a total cop-out BS piece of generic japanese RPG shit until I got a few hours in and just started loving every minute of it. The graphics style is a translation of the old school FF art into 3D. And Vivi is the best character ever.. anyways play it if you get the chance, and don't judge by the first 30min of gameplay.

I couldn't even finish 7 it was so boring. Why do people like it so much? I think I made it to disk 3....

It was a huge leap for the FF franchise, and the RPG genre in general, the graphics and 3D on top of water color backgrounds was actually something new, and the characters seemed to stand out.. I loved FF7 because it was fresh at the time. I can't stand all these new FF7 franchise milking though..

Advent Children was really forgettable to me D:
I like Squall :D I identify with his nihilism, but yeah he really fades away after disk 1.. still love the game.. dono why. haha I just totally contradicted my old post, ah well fack it.

Quistis was hot

Squall is emo child. Srsly.

I can't believe that EASY-TO-GUESS SPOILER DON'T READ NEXT Laguna was his dad. ><
So uhh... which one is that then?

oh man, the gravestone? I was describing FFX. I think you can click something on the poll image or whatever to reveal who voted for what, since that info disapears after you vote.

KupoArtist, Warbie, and maybe a few others suggested FF Tactics, so I just got that game for PS1 (PSX), along with a bunch of other games for PS1, and was playing it, or rather, watching mostly. It seems OK so far, but pretty time consuming.
i hate FF games, turn based RPG's are so boring
i hate FF games, turn based RPG's are so boring

Yea, I really don't dig it unless it's done really well. Even when it is done really well, it can be boring. The story is what makes them timeless though I guess. I think the techniques that you can use in battle make or break it. If you just hold down the button to attack all in nearly every battle, it gets pretty lame quick, but in games where you need to figure out what spells and techniques to use and when, it can be a lot of fun IMO.

If you noticed, the RPG's are always the most sought after retro games. Graphics and sound technology doesn't matter with these games. For example, I wouldn't want to play .. let's say Twisted Metal 1 for PSX, because the entire game relies on graphics technology, and it would look and play pretty shitty by todays standards. But Playing a game like Final Fantasy for the PS1, it's great, IMHO.

I like real-time RPG's like Dungeon Master and DM2(very old), Oblivion, Phantasy Star Online(the old one), Zelda, etc. Many people put real-time RPG's into the adventure or action category, however, so...

Maybe you and I would like games like Mass Effect, Gothic 3, and Neverwinter Nights 2, though I haven't tried them yet personally. There is a slew of other real-time RPG's.

Another Real-time RPG is Might & Magic: Dark Messiah. I bought that a couple months ago. Can't seem to get into it yet though.
I think you can click something on the poll image or whatever to reveal who voted for what, since that info disapears after you vote.
Only if the creator of the poll enables it. I had a quick look and couldn't see anything... just asking for curiosity's sake though :)

On turn-based RPGs, I used to be really big on them (hence FF7 being pretty much my favourite game), but I think now with modern (sorry, \m/ NEXT-GEN \m/) RPGs we're kind of past that. There'll always be the hardcore crowd who can't get enough of these games, but for the masses I think most people have higher expectations now, that games of this type should be more diverse, different and/or innovative. Personally I'm somewhere between the two - I'll always have a soft spot for turn-based type combat, but I'm getting tired of straight rehashes of the same old formulas. I think FF12 was heading in the right direction, but they could've expanded on the formula more than they did. I'm really looking forward to games like Mass Effect that seem to be going for more and more radical approaches, but there'll always be room for the more stock (or retro) RPGs IMO.
Only if the creator of the poll enables it. I had a quick look and couldn't see anything... just asking for curiosity's sake though :)

You misunderstand me. Scroll up to the top of the page and click one of the poll numbers to reveal who voted for what.

I did enable it, but it hides them again once you vote.
Weird, I can view who problems..
I guess I'm confused.

And on topic, There were times in FF7, that I would fall asleep playing the game. I would be circling the forest in Mideel just holding down X to I can keep racking up XP. I would fall asleep for hours at a time doing that. *Amazingly I never died...*
Weird, I can view who problems..
I guess I'm confused.

And on topic, There were times in FF7, that I would fall asleep playing the game. I would be circling the forest in Mideel just holding down X to I can keep racking up XP. I would fall asleep for hours at a time doing that. *Amazingly I never died...*

I'm always so tired when I come home from work. I usually nod-off the whole way home (45 minute drive.) It is REALLY hard way to make a living.

I can't wait to start back in school so I don't have to do this shit for the rest of my life. My kind and generous brothers agreed to pay for my college. I'll be taking a computer programing set of classes.

Yesterday, I kept nodding off while using the internet when I got home. Eventually, I accidentally fell asleep, and my hand somehow flipped the mouse upside-down on top of my keyboard.

LOL. It startled me. I knew it was time for sleep at that point.

But yeah. FF7 was a snooze fest for me. I tried.
Well the whole game wasn't a snooze feast, just when I wanted to get to lvl 99.... \=

And recently I've been so tired I've been taking small naps. And I'm not the type of person that CAN nap. I'll be sitting in the chair, and I blink, next thing I know, I'm waking up to me slightly snoring a bit...

it's weird.
You misunderstand me. Scroll up to the top of the page and click one of the poll numbers to reveal who voted for what.

I did enable it, but it hides them again once you vote.
Ah, nifty. Never did know that :)

Also, I probably would've nodded off had I tried to get to 99 too. Highest I got was everyone in their 70s, and the only grinding I did on disc 3 was for AP on certain materia.

Like, dayumn.
Just use a turbo controller and set it up to level for you.
Eh, I'm not a cheater. My code of morals in video games is probably more strict than in real life. Don't ask me why >_>