Finally building my pc tommorow. I have a couple of questions now.


Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
The Glob

Thanks for the suggestion, but i already have the ram. It would cost like a 15% restocking fee to return it and I don't have the extra money to get pc3500 ram. I already spent $200 more on parts than my wife knows about and think i better stop there!!! So what voltages are recommended for ram and agp as I've never really tweaked this sort of stuff before?

Ok... you gotta understand i know zilch right now and am trying to learn... I do plan on running the memory acceleration mode on the p4p800 but i didn't know if the voltage needed to be upped any for this. I don't plan on OCing the ram just yet. I really can't find a voltage for the ram i just know the mobo can be set from 2.55V to 2.85V in increments of .1V. Sorry if I'm a dumbass, but my main hobby is collecting/shooting guns.

I like my Sigs!!!!


Here's my main hobby. Anybody else want to share??

Hey we have something in common!!! Wanking is like practically a way of life for me!!! j/k well...maybe not:naughty:
I love to paintball but it's hard to be both in to shooting and paintball at the same time because both are so expensive. Hell i usually spend between $100-160 on ammo a month. I used to have a spider (or is it spyder) but I was always broke then so I never got to go hardly.

I messed around in the bios of my p4p800 to see how to attain the best 3dmark03 scores on my new pc I had my friend build and here's the results:
stock = 5488
stock with mam enabled= 5509
cpu overclocked 5% with mam enabled = 5524
cpu overclocked 5% with mam and turbo mode enabled = 5563
cpu overclocked 10% with mam and turbo mode enabled = 5490

I read somewhere that you get better performance with only turbo enabled and not mam so i tried it but found that this was not the case with my configuration.
cpu overclocked 5% with turbo only = 5553

With the cpu overclocked 5% the cpu temp never exceeded 41 degrees and the mobo never exceeded 33 degrees during the test, but when I overclocked 10% the cpu temp rose to 46 degrees and the mobo 36 degrees. Could this be the source of performance loss??? I really don't know what i'm doing so I haven't attempted to do a manual overclock to fine tune everything.

The only thing i really regret is when i ordered all the parts i didn't realize that there were ide and serial hard drives. I was only looking at the rpms and as a result i got an ide ;(.

Anybody who has this board and turbo mode doesn't work for you even though you have really good memory try updating the bios. I couldn't get windows to boot with turbo mode on until I updated to the latest bios.

Oh well... Anyways are these decent scores???

If CPU overclocking doesn't affect my scores then why are the scores different when i overclock and change stuff??? And furthermore why does it run a cpu test if it doesn't account for your cpu???

I know but im just wondering why would they includ cpu tests if it doesn't really test your cpu. I don't know what a good score is, and i really don't know how much 100 points will make a difference. I was just hoping for somebody to tell me if these are decent scores. I will probably try 3dmark01 pretty soon but i don't really know what a good score is so it will just be a number to me.

The p4p800 has something called an ai overclock tuner (i think thats what its called). It overclocks the processors and the fsb (not the mulitplier). At least thats what i think. When set at 5% my cpu is detected as a 2.73 Ghz (stock 2.6) and the fsb i think is at 210
(with a multiplier of 4 i guess). Correct me if I'm wrong as it wouldn't really surprise me.

Thanks for answering my question Meteor. I just update the drivers for my 9800 pro to the 3.8 drivers (i had the original 3.1 that came with it). It knocked my score up about 100 points to 5660. Im going to try 3dmark01 tonight after work.

If you oc your card should you increase the voltage to it?? If so how much? What's the recommended voltage to a 9800 pro anyways?

20mm hollowpoint ammo?? That doesn't even make sense. Hollowpoints designed as to make the bullet expand and thus creating a larger wound. With a frikken 20mm you really don't need a bigger hole!!!! That would definately be a one shot stopper. I also understand another purpose of a hollowpoint is to decrease penetration which actually increases knockdown power, but you still don't need more knockdown power if you have a 20mm. The only reason I really think a 20mm hp is a bad idea is because it really reduces armor piercing capabilities.

Is it really tug of war if your gentle??? Cats are nasty. They walk around in a poop box several times a day and cough up hairballs all the time. Dogs are superior in just about every way shape and form in my opinion. The problem is some people don't take time to train a dog so it does end up being hyperactive and destructive. My boxer Brutus never destroys/chews anything he's not supposed to, he's super clean and even avoids mud (kinda strange), and will literally wait by the window for hours waiting for me to return (if i go somewhere and leave him in the house). He'll do anything you ask and even hurdle objects if you just point at something. Boxers are easy to house break (it took me 2 weeks with him with only three accidents). He even runs to the door if he's sick and needs to throw up(versus a cat thet will hack a hairball up anywhere), and if I don't make it to the door in time to let him out he makes sure not to throw up in carpeted areas!!! Now not all dogs are equal i understand. I have 2 other dogs that are dumb as rocks and were much harder to train, but now they are quite obedient.

I gotta wifey. So it's all over for me now. I don't have to impress anyone. I can obsess with whatever geaky hobby i want cause she's stuck with me!!! I make her shoot my guns all the time... She didn't like the 3" magnum slugs i put in my shotty for her last time!!! I didn't like it either because she made sure to hit my arm all day until i had a bruise that matched hers...

Guns may help, but if somebody really wants to kill somebody they will do it gun or no gun. For example over in Europe which has very strict gun control some kid brought a crossbow to school. The only people gun control affects is law abiding citizens because they are the only ones who will abide by the law. If somehow guns could be gotten rid of you would just see a rise in other forms of murder such as knifings to compensate for the decreased gun deaths.

Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
and the sad thing is the vast majority of these people are much more informed and politically aware than your average american. too bad they aren't voting :( maybe we would have a jackass for a president. oh and, there are plenty of good candiates out there, dean, clark, and mccain (too bad he's not inthe running, he should become an independant or something).
So i guess you have to be a liberal to be informed and politically aware???? Righhhhht..... I can smell the bias from dumb asses like this. They don't think you can be smart unless your line of thinking is exactly in sync with theirs.

the economy improving has NOTHING to do with bush or his administration
Why does nobody ever mention that the recession actually started before Bush even became president??? As such it should be called the Clinton recession. Bush played a good part in stopping the recession but no dem will ever give him credit for it. Bush has done GOOD for the economy. His tax cuts have done alot to get the economy back on its feet. As for treehugging agenda shit I really could not care less. There's actually alot of forests we need to thin out somewhat to prevent any more fires like the ones in California. Most treehuggers however think of humans as secondary which is outrageous. I'm not for dumping toxic waste everywhere or anything, I just think people go overboard with the whole environment subject. You hear such people crying about how much green house gases the U.S. contributes every year, but the funny thing is evertime a volcano erupts it produces more green house gases then the U.S. does in several years (i don't remember exactly how much). I'm certainly not as "informed" as those who study every quote Bush has made in order to find a grammatical error, but I pay enough attenion to know that Bush is the real deal. He's an honest man that alot of Americans can Identify with. He may not be as articulate as some former presidents such as the purger Clinton, but at least what you get out of him is the truth. I don't really undersand the argument over a presidents education. The Presidency was set up so a normal person could fill the job. There were Presidents in the 20th century who didn't even have a college education. Furthermore if bush made C's at Harvard that's good enough for me. I myself have one more semester before I get my B.S. in Zoology Biomedical Scciences, and hopefully will be starting dental school next fall.

I find it funny that every time a debate about Bush, and his administration pops up around here this always happens. Us "left wing liberals" attack Bush's policies foreign and domestic for very legitimate reasons, and then a "right wing conservative" steps in and attacks the person attacking Bush's policies. Why is this? How come these "right wing" people can't debate what we said without an attack on our person or character, especially considering we are debating over the internet and not face to face it really makes your arguments pretty lame. So if our way of thinking is so wrong then please by all means point us in the right direction and don't try to change our minds by calling us "poo heads" because frankly it isn't working


I'm sorry to inform you but this thread was practically a room for liberals to smear republicans. If you mistook it for a debate I would recommend lubing your asshole so you can pull your massive head out. Your liberal elitist attitude is pathetic. :dork:

Here's what I own:

Bushmaster A3 dissapator with an I.O.R M2 scope (ar15 carbine)
Arsenal SAM-7 (bulgarian ak47)
Remington 870 w/ extended mag tube (pump shotgun w/ 7+ 1 capacity)
Yugoslavian m48 (8mm mauser)
Sig Sauer P220 (.45acp pistol)
Sig Sauer P226 (9mm pistol)
SigSauer P239 (.357 sig pistol)
Ruger sp101 (.357 magnum snub nose revolver)
Walther P22 (.22lr handgun)
I shoot about twice a month. I collect mostly for a hobby, but also so I can protect myself and my family if the need arises. I just took a class so i can apply for my ccw. All I need now is to have my fingerprints taken and send my application off. I have never even been hunting. Does this mean the second ammendment does not apply to me?? Some poloticians seem to feel this way. They talk about how people should be able to own a shotgun to go hunting. I have a question for the anti-gun crowd. Do you guys really think the second ammendment was written in order to allow people to hunt?? If so I've got news. Your all a bunch of retards. This country doesn't need more laws. The laws do need to be enforced HARSHLY. The main problem in america is because of how degenerate the family structure has become. Isn't it either Sweden or Switzerland that requires every household to have a rifle?? Whichever one it is they have some of the lowest gun related crime rates in the world, yet almost 100% of the houses are armed!!! Americas problems stem from the degenerating morals of our society

good job proving his point.....
I'm only stooping to the level you guys had already went to.

Ok, you got me. I wasn't paying attention to my grammar when I posted. Big frikkin deal, this is a gaming forum. Go ahead and call me stupid like you do Bush. I think it will show how most libs prefer to attack a person rather than their logic. Heck, it's easier to do that.

The problem with passing a law to make guns illegal or to restrict their useage, is that crims generally don't obey laws anyway.
That's why we should really crack down on the existing laws. If we really crack down then there will be less of the people who don' care about the laws. They will either be in prison or will realize they can no longer get away with their crimes. I'm not trying to go as far as to say everything would be perfect, but I do think it would be better.

good job proving his point.....
I'm only stooping to his level.

Correctly-constructed sentences always help, dude.
Do I get a gold star now???? I hope you could understand my sentence this time. If not we can keep trying.....

I have carried a gun close to 5 years now. I also carry a small can of pepper spray that's on a clip like a pocket knife. It would be a liability if some drunk wants to fight with you and you have a gun. You can only use it if your life is in danger or you fear that you will be caused serious bodily harm. So you can't just shoot someone that wants to get physical with you. I had an encounter recently that I was able to get out of that made me decide to carry the pepper spray as it could have easily turned out differently.

Here's my carry gun and inside the waist band holster. Oh and it is a 1911 which are designed to be carried cocked with the safety on. Carrying one with the hammer down with a chambered round is actually dangerous. Carrying it with the hammer cocked there are more safeties actually engaged. The grip safety and the thumb safety (which can only be on when cocked). Some 1911's have a firing pin safety meaning the pin is actually physically blocked unless the trigger is fully depressed, but this is to prevent discharge if the gun was to be dropped than anything else.



it's not that the person will all of the sudden start shooting willynilly ...well they would if they were planning on a shooting spree because now they dont even have to hide the fact that they're packing, they have a PERMIT that allows them to .

If the gun is not concealed it is considered brandishing a firearm which is a misdemeanor. You can get in a lot of trouble if you don't follow the laws. You can't pull a pistol every time someone pissed you off unless you want to go to prison.

also, what happens on the weekend when everyone is drunk and packing heat?

You can't carry under the influence. You will lose your right to do so and end up in jail. You can't go to a bar while carrying. Around here anything that makes more than 49% of their profit (it may be even lower I can't remember) is a a place you can't carry a gun.
It might be semi-stable. My corsair XMS PC3700 did turbo mode on my IS7-G sometimes, but other times it wouldnt POST. I know that the timings are much tighter on that RAM, so its much more stable then my PC3700. Im sure it will do it fine.

Might i reccommend getting a higher speed though? Like PC3500, with CAS 2. P4 2.6c is a great OCer and having higher speed RAM means you can run the FSB:RAM ratio 1:1 at higher clock speeds.
Well, it would help if you gave us the RAM voltage.

If your not OCing, all voltages should be kept at STOCK.