Finally *crosses fingers*


Oct 17, 2004
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Ok, this is not HL2 related but I still want to share because the last 24 hours have been a mess.

I was playing BFME yesterday and at around 15:30 my screen goes totally crazy. It turns black and alot of grey stripes appear. So I restarded it and the screen goes black and the computer starts beeping... Great I think, the video card is dead...

So I start looking trough my computer and then I realise, my watercooling have DRIPPED down onto my videocard. I think that this is the end of my videocard, and this is not the first card my watercooling have killed, the other one burned up...

Anyway, I start cleening the card and completley remove the watercooling system and put on the original fans... Altough I remember my CPU fan is broken so I have to wait until today before I can buy a new one. With that said and done I spend the evening watching TV (I usually watch TV like 10 hours every year, total!).

Today, I got up and bough a new CPU fan. I started up my computer and guess what?! My videocard worked! I mean, I could bath my computer and she would still work! =) But a cupple of minutes the computer dies again, I restart, it dies. So I pick it apart again and when I remove the videocard I see that the liquid from the watercooling have gotten into the AGP port. Damn! Well, the computer works I just have to dry it up. I spend a cupple of hours (three more or less) puching in toiletpaper into the AGP port and then removing it again.

And now, after being apart from my dear Elin (Yes, I have named my computer, after all, she is my baby) for 24 hours she workes fine so far. The questin is, do I have the currage to start BFME again and see if she can manage the pressure?

Only one way to find out.

Thx for reading.

And no, my computer is not my girlfriend, I have a reallife girlfriend, and I live with her. Even my girlfriend calls my computer Elin. =)
Lucky, but you name your computer, thats just... whats a word for totally nerd? ;)
I'd love to meet the genius who came up with the concept of combining electrical components with water to "prevent" them from breaking - amazing

I'd stick with your fans mate, the fact that you are repeatedly putting the cooling system back in and killing your machine in different ways made me laugh, I thought of that episode of the simpsons where they hook up electricity to some cans of duff beer to test homer's ability to learn through conditioning, he just keeps picking up that can and screaming in pain over and over again
Raawr said:
Lucky, but you name your computer, thats just... whats a word for totally nerd? ;)

Yes, VERY VERY lucky. If it works that is. I really haven had the guts to try a game yet. =)

And I think the word(s) your looking for is "totally nerd", and damn proud of it! =)
CR33P said:
I'd love to meet the genius who came up with the concept of combining electrical components with water to "prevent" them from breaking - amazing

I'd stick with your fans mate, the fact that you are repeatedly putting the cooling system back in and killing your machine in different ways made me laugh, I thought of that episode of the simpsons where they hook up electricity to some cans of duff beer to test homer's ability to learn through conditioning, he just keeps picking up that can and screaming in pain over and over again

Yea, I've been thinking about buying a Wapochill case so I don't get the fuzz with my current waterclooing (it sucks). But I have removed it now.

And the simpsons episode you mention Lisa wires a cupcake to a battery and see it Bart can learn trough conditioning. Other then that, you're right. =)

Sorry I can't remember which episode it was. =)

As I said, totally nerd. =)
eiric said:
Ok, this is not HL2 related but I still want to share because the last 24 hours have been a mess.

You know it's not HL2 related, but you put it here anyway? Why? It just makes the mods' lives harder as they have to move it.
eiric said:
Yea, I've been thinking about buying a Wapochill case so I don't get the fuzz with my current waterclooing (it sucks). But I have removed it now.

And the simpsons episode you mention Lisa wires a cupcake to a battery and see it Bart can learn trough conditioning. Other then that, you're right. =)

Sorry I can't remember which episode it was. =)

As I said, totally nerd. =)

Well thats lucky, in that 10 hours you watch tv you c that particulair episode, what makes me think you watch alot more tv then that.
Well all technically name our computers. When you install XP it gives the PC a name or you can specify one.
Raawr said:
Well thats lucky, in that 10 hours you watch tv you c that particulair episode, what makes me think you watch alot more tv then that.

I don't watch Simpsons on TV, DVD ya know. =)