Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "

special-ed said:
The player was scripted to show the enviroments.. and most of the events were as well..
but these are the actual graphics.

And why exactly should I trust you, some random guy on the internet with the name "special-ed"?
more people need to look at the videos and then realize their being dumbasses..
special-ed said:
more people need to look at the videos and then realize their being dumbasses..

A convincing argument if I ever heard one. And I actually agree.
Also when you create a CGI you only focus on what the camera is pointing at. Nothing happens off screen so you just put in the things you want to see at that time and nothing else. So it is very unlikely to have a glitch in a CGI unless you have an ignorant programmer.
We are being so stupid not trusting sony who has screwed us over before, that there console is capable of producing graphics that it takes 17 high-end processors hooked up a week to pre-render. What are we thinking.

You are the one being a dumbass if you think that CG can't have glitches in them, or be poorly done.

If you want to know what ps3 graphics will look like, look at UE2007 and fight night. You are just falling for the same hype that pissed us all of when the ps2 was released, that incredible emotion engine that could do toy story in real time .
special-ed said:
Also when you create a CGI you only focus on what the camera is pointing at. Nothing happens off screen so you just put in the things you want to see at that time and nothing else. So it is very unlikely to have a glitch in a CGI unless you have an ignorant programmer.

They admitted that it was rush job and that they only finished it 3 days before the PS3 unveiling.

Just because something's prerendered doesn't mean it's devoid of errors.
special-ed said:
Also when you create a CGI you only focus on what the camera is pointing at. Nothing happens off screen so you just put in the things you want to see at that time and nothing else. So it is very unlikely to have a glitch in a CGI unless you have an ignorant programmer.

I can tell you have a wealth of knowledge relating to the topic at hand. You're most certainly right. It's all because of those damned ignorant programmers.
hmm.. around 4 billion dollars going into graphics and sony happens to hire ignorant programmers.
qckbeam said:
I can tell you have a wealth of knowledge relating to the topic at hand. You're most certainly right. It's all because of those damned ignorant programmers.

hahaha stop kicking, Qckbeam, the blood will ruin the carpet! :laugh:
chu said:
Consoles are the rue of all evil. That and religion.

you think someone is paying attention of what you say?
This was ingame graphics and gameplay. Its been confirmed at E3 ladies and gentlemen. Confirmed 3 times by one of the Sony producers on G4 live!! Close the thread..
George Bush just announced on tv that he was a transvestite.

No, **** you. I`m a fan of all systems, so you can go and crawl up somewhere. I want this to be real time graphics, hence, I want proof.
special-ed said:
This was ingame graphics and gameplay. Its been confirmed at E3 ladies and gentlemen. Confirmed 3 times by one of the Sony producers on G4 live!! Close the thread..

Never heard that. Do you have a link?

In my opinion, it's obviously fake. If it was real sony and the game company would be shouting "In game footage!" from the rooftops. They would never leave any question if it was actually real because it would be in their best interest to say their system can actually produce graphics of that quality.
special-ed said:
Also when you create a CGI you only focus on what the camera is pointing at. Nothing happens off screen so you just put in the things you want to see at that time and nothing else. So it is very unlikely to have a glitch in a CGI unless you have an ignorant programmer.

Using the technique described by Pi, I'm sure that you could end up with various glitches such as "characters spawning in the distance".
special-ed said:
keyboard+mouse = ps3's 6 usb ports

whats exactly the purpose of the usb thing?

I dont know

is to conect allmost everithing to other device or something like that?
<RJMC> said:
whats exactly the purpose of the usb thing?

I dont know

is to conect allmost everithing to other device or something like that?

It's to connect usb devices to the console, which includes keyboards and mice. Probably the eye toy thing uses usb as well, though I'm just guessing.
special-ed said:
Just deal with it pc gamers, it has been 5 years in the making and the new consoles simply kick ass..

lol u3 eats killzone 2 for breakfast.

This is funny seriously. Now that some of the hype from some of the new gen console games are coming out, the console fanboys are back to spouting their normal bs. I hope they do know that while the new gen consoles are being worked on and coming out, so is new pc hardware. A new line of 512mb cards should be coming out soon from nvidea and ati.

And please dont even say **** about control options.
two sony representatives said it was real (however one did mention it was a VIDEO of INGAME "TO SPEC" gameplay for killzone 2) today on G4's "E3 05 live"

that being said, it still seems too good to be true.
Mr. Redundant said:
two sony representatives said it was real (however one did mention it was a VIDEO of INGAME "TO SPEC" gameplay for killzone 2) today on G4's "E3 05 live"

that being said, it still seems too good to be true.
I guess it depends on their definition of "real" ;)
And the damn controversy continues. Notice how no one ever comes out and says, "Dude, that's me playing." You know, we don't even get a simple, "The footage was generated using the in-game engine and a lot of cool scripting." We always just have to settle with, "Hey, look at out Killzone! It's what we intend Killzone to be." What does that even mean anyway?

This has got to be the ****ing stupidest writeup I've ever read. It's very little wonder why they didn't come out and say anything when IGN never came out and asked a straight ****ing question. Why in god's name IGN didn't just ask "Is the Killzone 2 trailer real-time in-game footage?" when they clearly wanted to know, is beyond me.

Note that I don't actually give a shit about Killzone 2, or any of the nextgen consoles or PCs.
IGN didn't conduct the interview.

And special-ed clearly lives up to his name.
Then on what grounds should they complain? I don't get it. IGN seems to expect an answer for a question that was not asked.
Everybody should be well aware of the controversy surrounding the video. It's at the forefront of everybody's mind. IGN was complaining that when given the opportunity, the one conducting the interview didn't even ask for confirmation that the video was ingame. The ambiguous responses from Guerilla don't help too much either.
lol special-ed is right, programmers make CGI, not artists and animators or anyone like that.

its all the damm programmers faults i tells ya!!

PS - CGI is a term used to describe pre-rendered graphics, not real time games engines - google it noob.

this quote is my favourite:

Is the Killzone sequence a fair example of what people can expect from realtime gameplay on PlayStation 3?

Jan-Bart: Yeah, it's basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we're trying to make.

a representation ladies and gentlemen....
You know what's really amusing? The trailer is working. Realtime or prerendered, you're all talking about it. Money can't buy mindshare like that.
doesnt mean im going to buy it. i bought an xbox when it came down to 150 quid, but i only bought halo and halo 2 for it.

and all the reviews claim killzone was a crap game by some nobody developers.
i cant see whay this tread is still going on. we all know it is prerenderd.
my last post in here.
i think there's one more point that needs to be made - a lot of the killzone 2 screenies were taken from a HUD point if view - you can see your weapon sticking out in front of you.

now i know we all dont have a problem with pre redered scenes, per se...but when the developer tries to fool us into thinking its real time by making a pre rendered sequence from a first person pov, with your gun out in front of you and everything - i think thats taking it a bit too far.
You have a point, but do you really think, and look away from the whole "is it real-time?" thing now, that the video would have such an impact if they had used standard camera angles to show it, like movie? My guess is, well, we wouldnt be having this thread.
no, but that is my point - they did it for the hype. they knew people would be debating whether it was real time or not - so they did a nice pre rendered mock up from a first person viewpoint, to give off the impression it was a video of the actual engine, and let all us idiots sit here talking about it.

Sony sucks - they always do this/// omg emotion engine!!11 does that mean i will have teh re4l emotionz when i pray Playstayshun2!111??
god i cant wait till e3 is over and bf2 and gta:sa come out so i wont have to hear this kz2 'was it, wasnt it' argument all the time.

mini rant over.