Finally saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre (new one)


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Omg, that movie blew sooooooo hard. I could see every last thing that happened in that movie coming from a mile away. Also a very large use of blood in that, more than needed.

Bottom Line: Not scary, some jumpy parts but nothing all that scary.
Yeah me and my friends saw that in theatres, it blew so very hard. Funny thing was, all the posers and preps thought it was the best movie ever.
The only people I know who liked it were the goths, that is about it, of course they also say they enjoy cutting their palms.
The movie is terrible my mom usually buys horrible movies and this one we have -,-
Damn them goth poser-prep skater-stoner rocker-raper thinger-thanger.

Although I must say, this movie blew chunks all over a carcass of a still born baby deer fawn and then re-ate and digested the chunks and carcass which then came back to life and blew chunks all over the audience who paid money to see the movie.
lol, it wasn't as bad as i thought it was gonna be.....besides if you truly like b-movies, then bad is good. I mean personally my favorite one is the second one....and that one isn't scary at all, it's hilarious. I just want to know one thing from all you guys that said you hated it, what did you think of cabin fever?
Well, I liked it, but then, I haven't seen the original, so I had no prior expectations. I hear the original was more of a black horror-comedy...
It was bad but not near as bad as House of a 1000 Corpses. of 1000 corpses really blows the llamas ass.
I never saw the remake, but the old one was okay.

Another crappy gorefest: Cabin Fever.
Hehe, the new Texas Chainsaw Massace was hilarious. I've never seen the old one though :(
It wasn't even funny, just sad and predictable. Oh I wonder whats gonna happen when she thinks she is finally safe, I really wouldn't expect him to suddenly bust through the wall or cut into something with his chainsaw. And who the hell picks up hichhikers with blood coming outa their a-hoo-ha.
I have the original on DVD... the bit where leatherface dumps that girl on that meathook hard so it goes through her back and leaves her hanging is just great! :)

not seen the new one though...
Dalamari said:
Omg, that movie blew sooooooo hard. I could see every last thing that happened in that movie coming from a mile away. Also a very large use of blood in that, more than needed.

Bottom Line: Not scary, some jumpy parts but nothing all that scary.


All I kept hearing about was how good this movie was...I saw sucked. They changed it considerably from the first, not for the better. It had every horror movie cliche ever made I think.

Why oh why can't they leave the classics alone and not do remake after remake.

Bit OT

I have the original on DVD. A lot of people (people under 20 generally) think it sucks as well, but they have to keep in mind it was made in the early 70's. For it's was scary as hell. And more than that, it was original, which isn't something that can be said for pretty much any scary movie today (and many owe a lot to TCM). Contrary to popular legend (for those who have never seen the original)...there is almost no gore in it (violence yes, gore no.)

The commentary on the original's DVD is funny as hell. Where Gunnar Hansen (Leather face) goes on about how slow the girl is when she runs. He said he actually had to stop and pretend to cut branches etc otherwise he would have just caught her. And Tobe Hooper talks about how much he disliked the kid in the wheelchair ;) good stuff.

And for me, House of 1000 corpses was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life.
your average scary movie in the 70's had either a werewolf of a vampire...
I swear that crime scene footage at the end of TCM was so retarded, if they know that he is still at the crime scene killing people WHY THE HELL NOT SEND IN A SWAT TEAM!!! FFS, BLOW THE SHITE OUTA THE HOUSE. The original TCM was at the very least, interesting.
It was claiming to be the scariest movie in years. So i watched, im like w...t...f.... this sux. Damn, Even Jason X was scarier then this **** and that movie suxed.