Finally...some PSP sales data.....

Lt. Drebin

Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score

A solid launch, but nothing great....

Not bad news by any means, but I figured this thing would fly off the shelves. I've yet to go to a place that doesn't have any left except for the local EB Games which sold out on the first day.

Oh each his own. I'm waiting for revisions and better titles. ;)

Oh and is anyone else worried about how 1st person shooters are going to play on this thing?? The opinion of someone who's had more time with this thing than me would be greatly valued....more than an hour.
Hmmmm, I also thought that It sold better. Maybe this means they will drop the price. :bounce:
Datrix said:
Hmmmm, I also thought that It sold better. Maybe this means they will drop the price. :bounce:
I'll kill some people if it drops in price this early after I bought mine. :flame:
Datrix said:
Hmmmm, I also thought that It sold better. Maybe this means they will drop the price. :bounce:

A barebones PSP may persuade me to purchase sooner.

I think we may see this after Sony sells its first least I hope. Then again, there aren't really many great accessories that I've seen floating around for the I may end up buying the "value pack" after all.
$250. Enough said.

Strip out the mp3 player, the dvd player, the web browser, come up with a revolutionary game I can't live without and drop the price by about $150 and I might consider it. I stress the word might.

The problem is that people have played PS2 quality games before. I wouldn't expect people to get too excited over ps2 ports and sports games if I were Sony. I'm sure the library will come around eventually, that's Sony's only hope. Regardless you'll be getting gameplay you can get on three other systems.

I'll be passing on the PSP.
The original poster made a good point with the FPS genre on this system. The DS's touch screen will have the up on this I'd imagine. I saw an ad for Metroid's DS game and it looked cool with the touch screen.

I couldn't imagine playing an FPS game on the PSP with the existing control stick.
Actually trying to play Metroid on the DS and it was horrible. I read an interview on GameSpot and they said the controls for "Coded Arms" was surprisingly good. I am shocked that you guys don't think the graphics are that impressive. Keep in mind that it's a small tiny handheld thats giving PS2 quality graphics. The DS can't shake a stick at it when it comes to graphics and for what it's worth I think the PSP is a MUCH better system and I own both. It's just better in every way in my opinion.
Baal said:
The original poster made a good point with the FPS genre on this system. The DS's touch screen will have the up on this I'd imagine. I saw an ad for Metroid's DS game and it looked cool with the touch screen.

I couldn't imagine playing an FPS game on the PSP with the existing control stick.
Yep, the DS has innovation on its side.
I'd buy it in a heart beat if It was a little less than $250

PSP raped the DS, Better Graphics, Mp3, Movies, just overall better everything.
Im extremely happy with my PSP. Its one of the better gadgets that I've got recently. :)
no the price isnt gonna drop. and yes thats pretty good for a system launch in MARCH. if it was the X-mas season then it woulda sold out, jsut like every other new gadet during the holidays.
satch919 said:
Im extremely happy with my PSP. Its one of the better gadgets that I've got recently. :)

Me2, PSP is the best thing I ever bought... It's so damn sexy.
Killing2Live said:
PSP raped the DS, Better Graphics, Mp3, Movies, just overall better everything.

Even in the small amount of time I spent with it, I'd hardly suggest that the PSP rapes the DS.

As far as controls in FPSs are concerned...I give the DS a definite edge. There's room for as many buttons as you can fit on the touchscreen plus room to use it as your "look" controls. I agree that the stylus sux for FPS, but the thumb peice is beautiful on Metroid playing it on the GameCube. It takes a few minutes to get used to using the touchscreen for this, but it's incredibly easy after that.
I thought the stylus was excellent for MP :)
Warbie said:
I thought the stylus was excellent for MP :)

To each his own. :thumbs:

The stylus doesn't work too well for me. I love the thumb piece though...feels more natural to me.
29th April UK date (Price is £179) dam expensive.

I can't buy it. waste of money.
Gorgon said:
29th April UK date (Price is £179) dam expensive.

I can't buy it. waste of money.

Agreed. Especially when you can buy a GC brand new for 60 quid :)
Lt. Drebin said:
Or a PS2. :)


I sold my PS2 a while back - but wouldn't mind picking another one up for DMC3. £60 is very tempting (and Ico 2 of course :))
Shit is that it, i can afford that right now, but i'd prefer it to be 130-150 mark. I love the look of it and gadgets. I had one of the first mp3 players in my college before that ipod shite, and gadgets are popular. lol my motives suck...those games available atm arnt reeling me in tbh.
The price will go down like all sony stuff but it will prob be at least 3 months untill after it is released in all countries.

I'll get one when it is released in Aus and the price goes down for a movie player in the car (i dont mind converting movies on my pc)

I believe the screen looks better on the psp and that i would rather look at one screen than switch between two, plus there will be more to do on the psp.

They are going to release something for the psp so you can make your own games at home and put them on the memory cards.

In short, it just got a lot easier to have a PS2 in the car ;0)
Warbie said:

I sold my PS2 a while back - but wouldn't mind picking another one up for DMC3. £60 is very tempting (and Ico 2 of course :))

It's a little more than 60 pounds. I was just commenting on how much more the PSP was.

In the states, a PSP accounts for one PSTwo and 2 or more games. So maybe like 75-80 pounds unless the price dropped again. Still much less than a PSP.
I had my PSP for a week and I just returned it yesterday. After having the system for a little over a week it felt like it wasn't worth the $250 price tag. Nothing was wrong with the PSP, but I had a few dead pixels but I didn't see them unless I was looking for them. I only returned my PSP because I rather wait until more games with good gameplay come out. Which I don't think will happen since most of the games will be ports. In order for me to turn in my PSP I had to exchanged it at meijers where I got a sealed one, and then I took it back to EBgames and they gave me my money back. I took my games to gamestop and I traded in my 2 PSP games for $20 each and just bought God of War. Think very hard before purchasing this sytem, because me and many others bought the system off of all the hype. Like someone said in this thead already the PSP is overhyped.
Apollo, thats the most sensible thing anyone can do, even if your loaded, i feel these handhelds simply just arnt worth it, its more of a "hey look what I got" a hardcore collectors item, or just for the heck of it.

Imo those are poor excuses to spend so much on something that isnt really all that useful, not to mention flashing that around in public isnt the most sensible thing, and thats what most kiddies buy them for, especially a waste of time if you have a console, or a decent computer at home. or even a good mobile phone.

if your Japanese, 'hell yes' one for each member of the family.

if your sensible, maybe lend one out for a week, and then give it back.

to be honest i had a go with a friends, and i feel like it's a thing to use when your sitting on the loo. just because you cant really play on you PC or console while your dropping a pear.