
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I'm a freshman in high school, and my finals are next week. I am not exempt from any of them, and I have three EOCs... should I be worried? The finals are Algebra II [EOC], Biology I [EOC], English I [EOC], Health, Mass Media, and Honors World History.

Who else has finals around this time... a lot of the high school age people I'm assuming.
Not finals, but here in the UK we have these little things called A-Levels which are at about the same level as college courses. Slightly better. You need them to get to university.

Well, they are two years long and after the first year you get a set of exams called AS level exams, which stands for advanced subsidarys.

Thats the stage I am at. I have 3 maths exams, 2 physics exams, 2 ICT exams, 1 business exam and one more general studies exam...


I think I might fail......
I have finals the week of memorial day, im a freshman too
Today was my last day of normal class, after mon, tues, and wed of next week I'm out for the summer.
i'm a junior, finals next week monday to thursday.

y'all can get exemptions as freshmen? our school only allows it for seniors.
and, if you did ok in your classes you should do fine on the EOC's. i didn't think my EOC's were particularly challenging... and i didn't study for them.....
We get exemptions if we have 5 or less absences... the exemptions are only from non-EOC courses that are more than one semester long.
The exemptions are based on grades too, right? Senior year, we get exemptions if we have 85 average/3 or less excused absences/no unexcused absences. The teacher also has to be willing to give them (some just won't give exemptions at all).
Done my Uni exams already, passed them all (pending external verification) :D

One more year...
wtf is an EOC??? i guess we dont have those here on the west coast.....i have finals coming up june 1-3(junior year of hs), but i dont have many....the AP courses i took dont have finals(we took ap tests instead, lol), so i only have trig, chem, and spanish III. im not really worried at all, because tests are easy for me, and i could fail any of those finals and still get at least a B in each course, but it still sucks.

2-year courses you have to take to get to a university? as in you cant go straight from highschool to a university? cause i got a letter of interest from cambridge, and if i have to spend 2 years doing extra stuff, screw that.
I've done my art exam, handed in all the coursework for my subjects. I now have 3 exams left. One of the exams, History to be exact, im not enjoying the prospect of doing at all. It shouldn't be too difficult but writing two essays in one and a half hours isn't my idea of a day out with friends....if you catch my drift.
I have mine coming up in about 3 weeks, there incredibly easy.

/me laughs at all the Uni guys
Here in NY we had regents exams. Cakewalk. High School was too easy.
chu said:
Here in NY we had regents exams. Cakewalk. High School was too easy.

Heh, Regents exams are a total waste of everyones time and money. Whereabouts in NY are you Chu? :)
I'm a HS senior, so I don't have to take any exams... and we just took our AP tests so I wouldn't really have exams anyway. Except, of course, for my Calculus 2 class I'm taking at a local college. :| I have over a 100% though so I should do fine. ;)