Finish those old games while you still can

Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
If HL2 turns out to be as good as many of the reviews have been saying, (and I am pretty sure it will be.) then make sure you finish off those old games you never had time to get around to before hand!

HL2 could very well ruin us for other games. So those old games that seem great now could soon seem bland and dull. I am the type to collect too many games because I like to have a big selection. But it also means I have less time to finish each title. Not only that , but I spend a lot of my playing time with online games, so it takes a while to finish off the single player ones. But now I had better spend a while getting through games like Thief 3 and Painkiller before HL2 , or I think I may just lose all interest afterwards.

Am I expecting too much? Is the bar really going to be raised that much? Seems that other companies are bumping up their release dates to get out before HL2 also. (Everquest 2, Medal of Honor :pacific Assualt)
Ive been doing that for about 2 months, although the older games are already looking a bit second hand after the release of doom 3. Im kind of whoring myself between painkiller, Call of Duty expansion and Far Cry just kilin time for the big one, though i ve never played theif, could never get into it...are the sequels better?
I know i am the same, i just bought the new GTA and im trying to get as much in as possible its suppose to be 150 hours of gameplay, then i got halo 2 coming but i think i can beat that in a week so i think ill be fine, but i kow i wont beat gta, but i also have games that i bought for like 10 bucks that i need ot beat that i havnt even really playe dyet...
jak 2, prince of persia, splinter cell pandora tomarrow, and i also got far cry to work on, i have never beat opposing force either, but i did beat blue shift, i have a lot of gaming to do and its a good thing i work at a game store cuz i can jsut play them there all day :)
So many games, so little time. I'm still just meeting the Trites in Doom 3, been playing since Day 1. I also have not beaten Far Cry. They are both good games though.
Petabyte said:
So many games, so little time. I'm still just meeting the Trites in Doom 3, been playing since Day 1. I also have not beaten Far Cry. They are both good games though.

heh. I took quite a while to beat doom 3 myself on regular difficulty. It actually wasn't tough at all. maybe I should try nightmare lol. I know where you're coming from though. I'm trying to get through far cry now.
Hmm. I have considered this, but I have decided that I will have time for other games... I mean, you can't play HL2 for months straight, without any other-game-breaks, even though HL2 looks like it is going to be the most amazing gaming experience every created...

I'm not worried at all..
Brimstone04, what is teh AMD FX-53? is that like the new AMD 64 bit computerS? And btw, that is one sweet ass computer.
I almost never finish games. Most become so dull and repetetive that I can't stand to keep going.

Games I have played awhile, but didn't beat!
Full spectrum warrior.
Most of the Mega man games.
Countless, nes, snes, sega games.
Just counltess platform games.
Splinter Cell.
Far cry.
list goes on and on

I think all the games I have beaten
Half Life
Sof 2
Starcraft + exp
Diablo 2
WarCraft 2
Warcraft 3
probably like 20 more

So many games out there I could beat. I guess the problem is most games suck in the middle and are only good at the begining and end. So many people want longer games when I can barely finish most of the games coming out now.
SirOsisOfLiver said:
If HL2 turns out to be as good as many of the reviews have been saying, (and I am pretty sure it will be.) then make sure you finish off those old games you never had time to get around to before hand!

HL2 could very well ruin us for other games. So those old games that seem great now could soon seem bland and dull. I am the type to collect too many games because I like to have a big selection. But it also means I have less time to finish each title. Not only that , but I spend a lot of my playing time with online games, so it takes a while to finish off the single player ones. But now I had better spend a while getting through games like Thief 3 and Painkiller before HL2 , or I think I may just lose all interest afterwards.

Am I expecting too much? Is the bar really going to be raised that much? Seems that other companies are bumping up their release dates to get out before HL2 also. (Everquest 2, Medal of Honor :pacific Assualt)

you have a point there, but i'd have to disagree with you regarding eq2 and its bumped up date. i dont think they are releasing it early because of hl2. i would think eq2 is for different gamers. its a totally different genre. i think a lot of people on this board would definitely check out everquest 2. as for pacific assault, hell yeah they should release it before hl2 comes out.
Old games?
I reccomend Max Payne 2 and Max Payne 1, followed by GTA3 and final fantasy 3
I still play my old games and always will. Whats really keepin me busy now is Rome: Total War, Nov. 16 will be here in no time :)
I want Rome, but instead I bought a lab manual and paid off a parking ticket. Oh yay for college.

Right now I'm biding my time with WarHammer: Dawn of War, CS:S, and a little bit of console sauce thrown in for good measure (mostly ESPN NFL2k5 and ESPN NHL2k5... both rented... and overdue)

Yay for being poor! :p
Damn, I still have yet to play:

Rome: Total War
Deus Ex 2
Neverwinter Nights (including the x-packs and modules I wanted to play)
Call of Duty
Icewind Dale 2

Yeah... I'm gonna have a tight gaming schedule because this list is extremely abbreviated.
wayne white said:
lol im just at the beginning of kotor

That is my favorite RPG game to date. It was freaking brilliant. I can't wait for The Sith Lords!!
Some of you guys must be rich or seriously abusing the warez. I could never offord to buy so many games.
Right now I'm playing:
Planescape: Torment
Star Wars Battlefront
FF7 (pc)
kalayq said:
Some of you guys must be rich or seriously abusing the warez. I could never offord to buy so many games.

I'm a DINK. Double Income No Kids. So not rich, just enough spare cash to buy lots of games ;)
I get games for free.. :p :p
(no, Not pirate :|)

metroid prime, paper mario, max payne2, crimson skies, Riddick, prince of persia, gta vice city, doom 3, cs:source, fable.

I'm sure I left some out. I just pick a game a night, and stick with it. But I too fear that HL2 will suck me away for some time.
Jus need to wrap up Takes of Symphonia then i'm all good for Halo 2 and HL2 \o/

(Rome and Paper Mario 2 are on hold till Christmas :))
Ages120 said:
I almost never finish games. Most become so dull and repetetive that I can't stand to keep going.

I think all the games I have beaten

I haven't beaten gta3 yet. I'm like 1/3rd through the second island missions then stopped cuz of doom 3. i fell in love with gta after i got vice city on my pc. Oh how I can't wait to get San An if they ever release it on pc as i have no ps2.
i finally just finished doom 3, and it was a long game it seemed to me... it had a pretty sweet ending too :) but i know hl2 is gonna be ten times greater

Well, I'm hoping for a good desert combat style mod, the new desert combat final sucks... as soon as one comes out, im downloading it...
I never beat games....
Why? cuz they bore my... after a while i play and i shot the mofo and then that mofo it looks so similiar that i feel that the game repeat it self... but games with good story like max payne i finish just because i want to know the ending. so i just leave them on my HD... :
Sims 2
Doom 3
Guilty Gear XX=Reloaded
Myst Iv - i have it but i don't find the time to play it
TV - didn't had time to install it...
Painkiller - Lousy stroy...
Still got HL1 =]

Also i play alot of PS2 gamez such as
GTA:SA - 6% finished... (it's ****ing hard!)
Tekken 4 - Party game =]
Soul Calibuer 2 - Party game =]
Second Sight
Burnout 3
and some others that i can't remmber.
just bought Legend of zelda: Wind waker, and soon metroid prime for GC (both about 30 Bux cdn, and both 1 year old) and reg CS.
Im not sure how long wind waker takes to beat but i got at least have a month so it should be all good.
god, its like NOTHING comes out the whole freakin year, then out of nowhere bam!!, so many damn games to play this winter.

I gotta finally beat metroid so I can play metroid 2, then paper mario 2, gta: san andreas, Scrapland, then half-life 2, bloodlines, goldeneye: rogue agent, Super Mario 64ds, then comes resident evil 4.......its just tooooo much
Haven't played doom3 in a while stopped at the first boss.
you should get cracking. I don't know what everyone is complaining about, i thoroughly enjoyed doom 3 and accepted it for what it was. I think people just like to jump on the wagon because apparently the "cool" thing these days is to bash or be like "I'm so smart i criticize and am dissapointed with everything" people.
I'm so happy... I have no trouble playing older games. I can pick up a 2001 game in 2004 (like SWAT3) and still enjoy it, despite the dated graphics and many things that are now made better - as long as the game has good gameplay.

It gives quite a lot of abilities, really. That's why I can play Doom2 in 2004, thanks to great gameplay, and that's while I will be able to play HL2 in 2010, despite the pretty bad graphics by that time's standard.
destrukt said:
I'm currently replaying The Dig...

That is one of the best adventure games ever. The music and voice acting is superb. I think the only adventure game that could top that one is The Longest Journey. Maybe Grim Fandango...

I played through HL1 to prepare for HL2. I've also played through Deus Ex 2, No One Lives Forever, and I'm currently playing Uru.
I have to admit something.

I never finished HL1.


Cant wait for the source version. Maybe I'll play that first.
Heck, I started playing HL again yesterday! HL will always be in my heart, no matter how good HL2 is. =)
anything really, I mean CS:S has already tainted my gaming.
after the exquisite graphics of CS:S I can't play any hl1 mods (even TS!!) or any of my old games.

however I would recommend (as I always do in these threads)

Clive Barker's Undying
Alien VS Predator 2
Need For Speed Underground (1 not 2)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Battlefield 1942 / Desert Combat
vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
Finished DIII but I still need to finish FarCry. Got about halfway through DX:IW but I never went back to it.

Undying was very cool.
A couple of weeks ago I decided to reinstall the first Command and Conquer and play it because I've never finished it.
Great as usual ^^
SirOsisOfLiver said:
HL2 could very well ruin us for other games.

Half-Life was great, but it didn't ruin me for older games.
In fact, I played some Dark Forces and Duke3D a couple of days ago.

I don't believe it will be any different with HL2; conceivably it will take up my playing time for the first week or so, but after that I fully expect to mix a good deal of Vice City, SoF2 Inf and legacy gaming into the recipe.