Finished Ep2 ..WOW (No Spoilers)



I am sure my little note here won't mean much to anyone.. but I just had to say "kudos to the team(s)" that made the Half Life series.

I am a "serious gamer". I am now 30 years old and have in my possession every single console and most computer systems released in the US that had games available for them. Gaming is my life in more ways than one. I am happily employed in the industry.

I purchased Half Life the day it came out. After reading the system requirements (when I got home of course..not at the store hehe) I noticed a curious little thing. "Mouse and Keyboard" under input. NO! I had been playing other games that offered the option of keyboard only or keyboard and mouse and had no intention of using the mouse to game.

When I took the unopened Half Life back to return it a different person was working at the store. One of my best friends had just been hired that same day! He told me "I hated using the mouse at first too, but I got used to it and it really is better... plus even if you hate it the whole time you'll love the game so much you'll put up with it!"

Then he even went as far as to offer to pay for the game if he turned out to be wrong.

Grudgingly I went home and fumbled with the mouse controls for a few hours. Anyone who made the switch back then from pure kb to kb+mouse knows it didn't take long to realize how much better it was.

Not only that, but Half Life became my favorite game of all time before I even completed it.

That was, until HL2 and the episodic chapters.

I have never been so in awe of all factors involved in a gaming experience. The story, the characters, the weapons, the control... everything. Now that Crysis is out (which my computer runs on very high settings with darned good framerates) I almost thought I'd have to give my own personal "best graphics" award to it. Well, it may have more technical stuff going on under the hood...but after playing Hl2 ep2 for the last 3 days from beginning to end... nothing will take it's "best graphics" crown in my book. The atmosphere is incredible and while it may not have this bell or that whistle.. it truly reminds me of some of my favorite movies. The color pallette, the animations, the ACTING, and all the little details just make it simply the best I've seen.

I don't want to ramble on too much.. so suffice it to say that I am very very happy my friend convinced me to stick it out and give Half Life a try.

I am not ashamed to say that you have a 30 year old man day-dreaming and some nights just plain dreaming about Half Life.

Thanks Valve for such an awe inspiring experience.
Wow, nice story. Mine's similar too, a friend convinced me to play it but I didn't like at first, so I dropped it. THen this same guy told me to play it or he will murder me. So I did, and I will always thank him for that.

An there's absolutely nothing you should be ashamed of. It doesn't matter how old you are when it comes to play games, and it doesn't mean your a sedentary person with no social life. There are people who spend that many ours watching films or reading and nobody says a thing.
Half life is.... beyond normal gaming experiences. I get the chills while playing, and feel cold when some one dies. It is like an experience for me, not sure about everyone else though. Not saying it feels like a movie or something, movies suck most of the time imo, but more like a book with animation and gameplay, and a physical manifistation to grasp and manipulate by my own will.

AKA, its great