Fire + Water Contest


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I was screwing around Photoshop, and decided I'd have a crack at making some fire, I made quite a few different types, and then I had an idea - a contest!


Contest is simple - Make either fire or water.

Water could be a pool of water, or it could be a splash, etc. Fire could be on a torch, or it could be just fire, etc. If you are making a pic with alot of stuff in it, remember that the fire/water has to be the main focus of the pic. They don't have to be realistic, but they can be realistic if you want. You can enter both fire and water, or you can enter just one, up to you.


1) Make the Canvas size 300x300 MAX 50x50 MIN

2) They must be made from scratch, i.e. starting from a blank 50x50-300x300 canvas.

3) You can only use photoshop and the tools in photoshop (plugins accepted, duh) (no other programs to touch it up or whatever)

4) Only up to 1 of each (making MAX 1 fire, 1 water) pics per person.

Those are the only rules.

Rule #2 is what makes the contest interesting. :)

PM me if you are entering, just write something like 'I'm entering the contest', don't write a whole paragraph.. (post your pic in this thread, though) and I'll look at your pic to judge (if someone else wants to be 2nd, 3rd or 4th judge, just pm me)

There will be one fire winner and one water winner.

So that means you can post in this thread just to show off your mad skillz and not enter, or you can enter.

I hope this'll be a good one, enjoy.
Unless there's cookies involved, i have no interest.
Can I use photoshop plugins? Muahahahaha. I can make cool looking stuff with that, but without them I can't make crap.

I'm not going to enter anyways, just throwing the idea out there.

EDIT: Doh, I read the actual post and saw the line that nullified my question.

I ask though, why would anyone touch up photoshop work with any other program if they already have photoshop? Isn't that like, the touchup king? heh.
Remus FAILS. Obey the rules!

I made some pretty sweet fires back in the day when I made image signatures for people. Now I dont even bother with photoshop, because I can make sweet fire in Maya.
Use a brush with opacity & set mode to "screen"

Set the color to VERY red, slight green, and very little blue. (About 200R 50G 20B) Keep brushing, the edges will be reddish and as you keep brushing you'll get nice tones of orange/yellow/white. Then use the smear-brush.

Here's some really shitty fire I slapped together.
All I did for the fire in my first post was draw a bunch of plain red, then put like 6 dots of plain orange, and 6 dots of plain yellow (like 15px size brush), then just used the smudge tool to make the fire look/blend the dots+red together. I love the smudge tool.
dam, i can't use 3dsoftware? i guess I can't take part..
3) You can only use photoshop and the tools in photoshop (plugins accepted, duh) (no other programs to touch it up or whatever).

Krynn72 said:
Remus FAILS. Obey the rules!

Does not compute... :|

YES, I did use a plugin to generate the fire but he stated that plugins were allowed, so I don't get it.
Mine is fire and water! :P

100% by hand, only used the ocean ripple filter for the ocean water:

Does not compute... :|

YES, I did use a plugin to generate the fire but he stated that plugins were allowed, so I don't get it.

Whoops nevermind. It wasnt about the plugin, I just thought your image was bigger than 300x300 for some reason :o