Firearms Source announced


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
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After a strange controversy-we-won't-be-talking-about, a Sourcefied sequel to the popular HL1 mod Firearms has appeared, showing off some impressive media. Hoping to combine fast-paced action with realism and a lot of guns, the mod has gained the approval of the original team and, waiting until it had something to show off, has stayed hidden - until now! Find out more here.[br]

[br]On the same note, making this somewhat of a double-bill newspost, the also-Firearmsy Incursion mod has released a rather large media update which can be found on their forums.

Oh my God, some of the best LAN experiences I ever had was with Firearms. This made my day.

First screenie looks juicy, I remember that particular part of that map.

For a just announced mod, I like how this is looking. Maybe they're using CSS content, but meh. They'll get to all custom content if that's where they're going. In the meantime, they can release it as is, when it's playable.
Err... So now we have 3 Firearms on the Source engine: Firearms: Source, Firearms 2 and Incursion?
How the hell do you give Incursion a single sentance of update and no pictures? That's bloody huge!
I thought the original Firearmsmod team said they had no intentions of porting the mod over to source?
Dcode said:
I thought the original Firearmsmod team said they had no intentions of porting the mod over to source?
I guess they've changed their mind after that.
No i just read their website and its not the original team who is making Firearms Source.
Everyone is using a FAMAS in those shots... What are the odds!?
iMMuNiTy said:
Err... So now we have 3 Firearms on the Source engine: Firearms: Source, Firearms 2 and Incursion?
We have Incursion, approved of by the Firearms team, we have Firearms: Source, approved of and sponsored by the Firearms team, and Firearms 2, which we all know the deal about.
Ennui said:
We have Incursion, approved of by the Firearms team, we have Firearms: Source, approved of and sponsored by the Firearms team, and Firearms 2, which has a team of nazis that love Hitler.
Fixed. Don't say it's not true :frown:
Just to set the record straight

World At War : mod being developed by the old FA team

Firearms 2: Non-Endorsed FA clone

Firearms source: Endorsed FA remake (with one of he best HL mappers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing)

Incursion: Not related to FA but has devs that were on the team.. we would like to be not considered a part of the controversy