First AD up



Firts AD up

Just got my PC gamer (December issue) in the mail and on page 81 there's full page AD from EB for Half life 2 for $49.99. YOu can pre-order it from them (lazy to look for item number) and get free t-shirt.

(Of course it doesnt say release date)

on other note , Call of Duty , final version is reviewed and gets 93% and they're calling it " Shooter that replaces Half life as best shooter ever".

THought you might like to know......
Well thats good to hear on both accounts.
I've been looking forward to COD for a long time now.
I am now proceeding upon setting my PC Gamer magazines on fire.
thats wierd cos PC gamer said MOHAA replaced Half life as best FPS.

so we can assume that COD wich is made by the same guys as MOHAA has replaced MOHAA as the best FPS ever then?
Call of Duty will be great, better than Medal of Honor. But I don't think it will replace Half-Life. Nothing can replace Half-Life, it was just so great. I can't wait for Call of Duty though, I've played the demo a million times.
You can get Munro and HL2.Net in trouble by posting scans of magazine material. I dunno if that photo counts or not though.
*says " While suplies last. "

Btw-> in my excitment i kind of misreadit . It says on page 2 " COD looks like it could replace HL as the greatest shooter ever made. Read on our review for the word on this masterpiece "

Sorry for t he confusion.
COD sucks tbh, I played the demo, it's nothing new.
Originally posted by Mjolnir light saber letter opener...sweet!!

Damn, I'm 1 minute too slow. I just saw that Lightsaber letter opener......
Hey how come you get the december issue in october?? did PC gamer forget november??
Call of Duty does look quite good, I played that first demo quite often...I can't find the second one anywhere though. Anybody got a link?
I don't think there is a second demo... I think they're all just movies.... except for Ste. Mere Eglise. Half-Life killer? Get oouuttahere!
On the COD Website they say "Another demo is coming soon".
Re: Firts AD up

Originally posted by wally007
on other note , Call of Duty , final version is reviewed and gets 93% and they're calling it " Shooter that replaces Half life as best shooter ever".

ROFL there only 5 years late.
Chris-D, thats only if you post pics of articles before the magazine comes out, once its out its no biggie.
Yeah, while CoD is good, It surely does not beat Half-Life. Since its the people that made MoH (Which was "OK" but historically innacurate in alot of ways and had WAY to much scripting) I'm not expecting the Final Product to be amazing, except for visually.
Originally posted by Cheetarah654
Chris-D, thats only if you post pics of articles before the magazine comes out, once its out its no biggie.

No - you can still get in trouble. However, posting ADVERTISMENTS from the magazine isn't likely to cause any problems since the magazine doesn't have copyright for the ads people pay to have printed.
Originally posted by Chris_D
You can get Munro and HL2.Net in trouble by posting scans of magazine material. I dunno if that photo counts or not though.

I'm sure they're gonna get in trouble for pimping EB, which dislikes FREE advertisement :dozey:
Re: Re: Firts AD up

Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
ROFL there only 5 years late.

Good point... Hell, now I'm laughing. Why am I laughing?
The second demo is out. It's very good, picks up the day after the first demo. Same town. I would provide a link but the site that I got the link from is down at the moment. Anyway, check out the forums on when they get the site back up. They've been having server issues lately. Check in the PC gaming section of the forum. There is a thread about the second demo. I think the first post has the link. If I can find the link later I'll post it.

Edit: I just checked my history, both links that I had in there are dead. Sorry ;(
Why does everyone think Half Life was so good? I personally did not like the singleplayer. Killing a giant abortion at the end of the game was sort of stupid, and the only cool monsters in the game were the headcrabs...

...and most people don't even play Half Life's multiplayer, they play a mod.

If so, those people should be saying said mod or the engine is good.
COD, Max Payne 2, and Halo will PWN until HL2 comes out, then the heavens will open up (Gabe at the left hand of God) and hand out free copies of HL2 and HL3 Demo! (legit and working) w00t!!!! lol...
(and for the perverts) free Alyx pr0n!
Originally posted by Heleos
Why does everyone think Half Life was so good? I personally did not like the singleplayer. Killing a giant abortion at the end of the game was sort of stupid, and the only cool monsters in the game were the headcrabs...

...and most people don't even play Half Life's multiplayer, they play a mod.

If so, those people should be saying said mod or the engine is good.

You say that and expect to get out of an HL2 forum alive? :p

The engine wasn't anything special, it was basically just the Quake 2 engine. And all the reviews that gave it 99%, as well as all the GOTY awards were given before popular mods came out.
bah, hl1 will still remain the best "original FPS" game in my books ^__^

not that CoD isn't exciting or anything, hehe
Originally posted by NSPIRE
bah, hl1 will still remain the best "original FPS" game in my books ^__^

not that CoD isn't exciting or anything, hehe

from the demo, COD is just a prettier MoH with better AI.

which certainly isn't bad at all..MoH was an awesome game, and cod looks to be great too

but i dont see why everyone places it in the same category has hl2 and d3.
Well COD is the Quake 3 engine's final big blast. For me, it will be the closing of this generation of games, then HL2 and D3 will bring on the next.
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
Well COD is the Quake 3 engine's final big blast. For me, it will be the closing of this generation of games, then HL2 and D3 will bring on the next.

Well put my man, he speaks the truth
Well i thought HL1 wasnt that much fun either. That's my personal opinion.... Most fun game i've ever played must be Duke 3d hands down.

Nothing like playing multiplayer and stop for few minutes to play little pool...
Chris_D is right

No posting of links to actually scans of magazines. It may sound petty but magazines are copywrited.

Continue on. :)
Originally posted by alco
The engine wasn't anything special, it was basically just the Quake 2 engine.

Wasn't it highly modified Q1 engine?