First AD up

Originally posted by 6iXx
COD sucks tbh, I played the demo, it's nothing new.
I agree, I don't see whats so great, it's just like Medal of Honor. I think I'll stick with Max Payne. :)
I love Call of Duty. Even if HL2 somehow comes out before it, I'll still get it.

P.S. can anyone confirm the validity of that torrent?
Originally posted by Heleos
...and most people don't even play Half Life's multiplayer, they play a mod...

The reason for this, is because there are no dedicated servers for HL multiplayer, there mostly in japan or on the moon. and there is non for steam. or GA, Optus.. others? hmm...
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
P.S. can anyone confirm the validity of that torrent?

67% now... need more speed :dork:

Once its done I'll let you know.
Call of Duty is absolutely awesome, and so is the Quake3 engine. If you look at the game and realize all the cool features the engine supports now (DX9 shaders) you have to admit that the Q3 engine is indeed a very good one. And just think of it that way, if the Source engine is as flexible as the Q3 engine, I wonder what will come up with Source in the next years.

Just to show what I am talking about:

- The original Quake3 game:

- Call of duty:
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
P.S. can anyone confirm the validity of that torrent?
I got the second demo off a torrent. And it is VERY DIFFICULT. I must have died about 20 times trying to complete the mission!
I think COD has captured people minds because its just so well done.
They took out all the flaws of MOH, put a ton of polish over it, added some really fun missions, good graphics, team dynamics, three different stories, and a sense of flair beyond what most developers are able to muster.
And its blast for any WWII fanatic too. :D
And I'm still shocked that its the Q3 engine...just goes to show how far you really can stretch technology sometimes.
CoD feels and looks great, the perfect example of how a game can use scripted events. Probably even better than HL, but HL was five years ago and had a much bigger impact than CoD's scripted events.

Altough CoD is totally scripted, it's sooooo much fun to play, who needs complete freedom and interactivity when you have such a well directed playable movie as CoD?

I'll certainly buy this game!
I'm trying to like the COD dermos - but the enemy AI is a bit ropey imo.

It looks great and has a very 'Band of Brothers' feel about it ........ which is good :)
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Chris_D is right

No posting of links to actually scans of magazines. It may sound petty but magazines are copywrited.

Continue on. :)

Erm, hello??

Its an "advertisement", copyright owned by EB not the mag. And yeah, there gonna be real pissed-off having their advertisement shown in other places for free, because obviously they prefer to pay for it. :rolleyes:
I like how you get blasted away if a tank blows up a wall right next to you. You just lie around on the floor and everything sounds as if it's about 100 miles away and your vision gets all blurry! ****ING NICE!
you can't beat COD for that:

"Shit, what do i do?"
*bullets wizz past head*
"ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH, the bloody demo's only just started"
*sounds like bullets from a thousand guns, you're getting shot, and dirt is being thrown up around you*
*fire, fire fire, fire*
*dive behind a sandbag and realise it's the best game ever*

Originally posted by pHATE1982
you can't beat COD for that:

"Shit, what do i do?"
*bullets wizz past head*
"ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH, the bloody demo's only just started"
*sounds like bullets from a thousand guns, you're getting shot, and dirt is being thrown up around you*
*fire, fire fire, fire*
*dive behind a sandbag and realise it's the best game ever*



this demo sounds awsome, can't wait to check it out.
cool, an add...its still alive (for the ppl who doubted it)
Call Of Duty is really really good. I've played the demo a million times. Its gonna be great.
The teammate AI is tightest part of CoD. I actually forgot I was playing a single player game. It felt like a very organized clan match in a squad based multiplayer game. I haven't been a big fan of SP games in a while, but I think I might be able to get into this one.
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
Call of Duty will be great, better than Medal of Honor. But I don't think it will replace Half-Life. Nothing can replace Half-Life, it was just so great. I can't wait for Call of Duty though, I've played the demo a million times.

God damn THE epitome of fanaticism
Statix, please just fuck off. You seem to have some sort of obsession with me. Are you some kind of stalker? Seriously, you've only made two posts on this forum that aren't about me. You definately need to seek help.

On a lighter note, the CoD Dawnville demo is awesome! It's really shaping up to be a great game, and I can't wait until it comes out.
LOL ElFuhrer you just made me think of another game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
That game looks soooooooooo awesome it's not funny.
Yes CoD will keep me occupied for a while. New demo soon, that's good.
the second demo came on the pc gamer disk as a exclusive demo, it's a lot better than the first demo IMO, i didn't really want the game until i played the second demo, and now i do.
COD was boring, I couldn't quite understand what was so great about it. The graphics didn't look that great either; you could definitely tell it was an old engine.

And OMGOSHIES a splash of particles pops up from the ground and WOWZ0RZ THE CLOUDS LIGHT UP.. even though the effect is nothing more dazzling than a typical fireworks OpenGL screensaver.
Originally posted by inevident
COD was boring, I couldn't quite understand what was so great about it. The graphics didn't look that great either; you could definitely tell it was an old engine.

And OMGOSHIES a splash of particles pops up from the ground and WOWZ0RZ THE CLOUDS LIGHT UP.. even though the effect is nothing more dazzling than a typical fireworks OpenGL screensaver.

Are you kidding? Call of Duty is the most accurate portrayal of war in a game I have ever seen. You can really feel the fear of your fellow soldiers, and you want to try as hard as you can to keep them alive. Everything is emotional in that game, right down to the expressions on the faces of dead soldiers. The Tiger Tank in Dawnville actually seemed like a living monster rather than a machine controlled by humans. It's like playing a movie, it captures the feeling of the war so well.
Should be good multiplayer.

It also features a 'killcam' which shows where you were shot from, useful for stopping all the 'bs' and 'wtf'ers out there
I would hate the killcam now if I snipe my position is blow instantly?
I'd imagine it will be a server-side option, kind of like in DoD.
Yeah CoD looks awesome, i like it when you get the Shell shock and the game slows down and the sounds are blurry. Awesome stuff!
Are there any Launch Parameters so that it runs in DX8 only?

I will try -DX8 When I run it, but I wanted to check in advance.

Re: Firts AD up

Originally posted by wally007
Just got my PC gamer (December issue) in the mail and on page 81 there's full page AD from EB for Half life 2 for $49.99. YOu can pre-order it from them (lazy to look for item number) and get free t-shirt.

(Of course it doesnt say release date)

on other note , Call of Duty , final version is reviewed and gets 93% and they're calling it " Shooter that replaces Half life as best shooter ever".

THought you might like to know......

Wat kinda shirt?
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
Statix, please just fuck off. You seem to have some sort of obsession with me. Are you some kind of stalker? Seriously, you've only made two posts on this forum that aren't about me. You definately need to seek help.

statix - You've made six posts on these forums, each one has slated ElFuhrer in one way or another. You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with "fanboys" and Elfuhrer which if continues will only get you banned.

Contact your local doctor for information on obsessive compulsive disorders, get well soon.