first attempt at a real, high class CS map


Feb 24, 2005
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Well, Ive since started a hostage rescue map, based on a bank building. Im not very experienced at mapping outdoors and making it look real, so I wanted to do an indoor map, but I didnt want it to resemble cs_office. So, I hope to get some preliminary screenshots soon of the main lobby. What do ya'll think about a map of this theme, and any tips for indoor mapping ?

Completely indoor maps, hmm. I suggest having very noticable changes in room types. Are you infact doing somthing like an office building?
Well, you know how office is mostly long hallways, and small rooms adjacent to each other. My bank building has a rear enterance, from the back parking lot drive-thru area, and the front enterance, which opens into the large open, main lobby. And off the lobby the vault and so fort, so Im going for more space and less hallway/chokepoints.
that works make sure its not completly open space though
On this note, i also need to create my first proper css map, anyone got any ideas/ref pics?
For references for bank buildings watch lots of films with banks in and if they're good, buy/rent the DVD to freezeframe to draw reference pictures. These pics don't have to be amazing, just simple floorplans and basic sketches for the fearues like the counters and offices. Height variation goes a long way in indoor scenarios (stairs, ramps, double-storey rooms and also ceiling height).

@Monk: Same thing. Come up with a few ideas that you think would make original or interesting gameplay. You can do this by picking specific guns you'd like to cater for (long-range sniping, close-quarters shotguns and smgs, mid-range rifles) and also gameplay style (slow and methodic, fast-paced rushing with lots of flanking opportunity). Once you've got some ideas, pick a setting that you think would cater well for this overall gameplay experience, then watch some films, play some games or just close your eyes until you have some inspiration. When you've done this try to draw up a floorplan and make a thread here for feedback or more advice.
Well, mapping the bank has been, tougher than, I'm making revisions and will be able to post pictures soon hopefully. I also was wondering if its possible to just ask a business, like a local bank for a rough blueprint, or if that would look like i was setting up a robbery attempt :p Cause having even a rough print would help tremendously.
I'm a bit curious. Your bank has a drive through? :p