First bit of Episode 3 news!

If Alyx has to die, it should be something abrupt and singular. No long, Shakespearian goodbyes, just you and her fighting off some foes and then as you leave whatever building / thing you're in, BAM, sniper gets her in the head.
No long, Shakespearian goodbyes
Alyx Vance said:
Is this the end for Zombie Shakespeare?
Alyx's death would be insanely annoying after all that Saving her from death malarkey at the beginning of Episode Two. Not that it wasn't kind of annoying to see Eli snuff it after having spent half a game saving him before.
Alyx and Gordon's vortal cords are interlinked now, due to the Vortigaunts healing of Alyx. Kind of a hard connection to break, but it seems destiny has it that they can never be broken. Stasis is the only way I see them being separated.
Not sure if it makes a difference, but the Vortigaunt said almost vortal.

I'm pretty sure it will be Mossman or Barney who gets it.
They won't kill Alyx, I'm certain of it. Which I suppose makes her a perfect candidate for being killed off but even so.
If Alyx has to die, it should be something abrupt and singular. No long, Shakespearian goodbyes, just you and her fighting off some foes and then as you leave whatever building / thing you're in, BAM, sniper gets her in the head.

I'll never forgive you for that comment...
They won't kill her. I just... can't see it happening. I think I'd even hate Valve for it a little if they did. :|

A more likely outcome is that she's "stored" away for future use by the G-man, like Gordon (andAdrianShepard*cough*).
They won't kill her. I just... can't see it happening. I think I'd even hate Valve for it a little if they did. :|

A more likely outcome is that she's "stored" away for future use by the G-man, like Gordon (andAdrianShepard*cough*).

That would be lamer than a happy ending for all parties involved.
It's propably going to be a videogame with 80% storyline, that's ******* awesome ofcourse but I don't wan't it to end.

I want answers, and with those answers I want new questions. :D

Is the Combine the worse entity? Or is there something worse than even them
They won't. Her character still has some life left in it, and it would seem cliched and forced if they killed her now. They'll wait until later before they shuffle her loose the mortal coil.
I also cannot see Alyx dying any time soon. They have invested too much into her and Gordon. Perhaps she will fade into the background between Ep3 and whatever comes next... but not by death.
Besides... Gman pwns Alyx... how can she die?
I think it would be cool if the vort & Alex & Barney go with you the whole time. Oh and G-Man helps fight the advisors...
Not sure if it makes a difference, but the Vortigaunt said almost vortal.

I'm pretty sure it will be Mossman or Barney who gets it.

My money is on Mossman getting captured and either killed or stalkerized.

Barney has survived far too much through this series to end up just being killed.

I'd be pissed if they kill him off...

... before he gives me that beer he owes me.

(I played HL1 last week and laughed so hard when Barney offers you a beer after his shift that day. :) )
Alyx is not going to die. Period. I'm willing to put money on this.
Also, I doubt Barney is gonna have anything to do with Epi Three. He's proboaly still resting.
I think it will be Mossman. Shes the logical choice IMO.
I think it would be cool if the vort & Alex & Barney go with you the whole time. Oh and G-Man helps fight the advisors...

Um. Why?

Alyx is not going to die. Period. I'm willing to put money on this.
Also, I doubt Barney is gonna have anything to do with Epi Three. He's proboaly still resting.
I think it will be Mossman. Shes the logical choice IMO.

Does someone have to die?
How is this the first bit of news? The first bit of news was the concept art with the advisors in the arctic.
I'd be pissed if they kill him (Barney) off...

... before he gives me that beer he owes me.
Yeah, he gets a round in & just as he's finished paying for it an advisor, that you thought you'd just finished off, comes hurtling through the bar window, capturing Barney & sticking it to him Eli Vance style. But you do nothing because your so stocked that you finally got your beer from Barney. And all it took was 2 full games & 3 episodes :LOL:
Barney really isn't going to die you know. Neither is Kleiner.

It'd be like killing off C3PO or R2D2.
A nice twist might be that gmans new intrest in Alyx is to make her the new asset instead of Gordon, and puting her in stasis.

So Half life 3 will not only be about recking havoc at the combine homplanet, but ending with an epic battle against Gman and mecha-Alyx, armed only with a crowbar.
The first bit of news was the EP2 commentary about fighting the chopper in EP3 :p
The first bit of news was the EP2 commentary about fighting the chopper in EP3 :p
It was being developed for Episode 3, we don't know if it still remains i.e. that it was shifted into Episode 2 instead. Though this will most likely be the most combine-oriented game in the whole series, so I doubt they'd rule it out.
See, I'm guessing that Gman will come with another speech saying that his contract has been transferred to the Combine side. So he either has to comply and work for the combine, or defy and have many obstacles in his way as he works toward the inevitable end.

Another possibility is that when Eli Vance is grabbed by the Advisor, not only was he killed, but that they sucked the knowledge out of him, like what happened in Starship Troopers with the brain bug. Thus the Combine will know everything about the rebels, including forces deployment, weapons, and base locations. This will lead to an imminent attack on the bases, starting with White Forest. Meanwhile, Wracked with grief, Alyx will refuse to accompany gordon to find the Borealis. Gordon then prepares to leave for the ship alone when a distress signal is recieved from Barney Calhoun. Gordon then flies the helicoptor to rescue Barney, and it is subsequently destroyed as he arrives. Upon meeting up with Barney and eliminating the Combine in the area, Barney assists Gordon to the coordinates through use of more Train travel. Upon arrival at said coordinates, they find a Black Mesa facility, now overrun with zombies and the like. Journeying inside, they manage to find the Borealis, stolen from Aperture through use of teleportation technology developed by Black Mesa, or stolen from Aperture. Inside the Borealis they find pieces of technology that you would recognize from portal. Such as GLaDOS, and the ASHPD (Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device) except, however, the main prize will not be either of these. It will be cake!

Srsly tho, they will find a large isolated portal device, meaning that they can move large items or many people from place to place without the need of a receiving device. As they are getting ready to move it from there. They are attacked by the Combine and the Adivsors. Initially they hold them off, but eventually they are overwhelmed, so they use the isolated portal device to escape, leaving explosives behind to destroy the machine. Thus concluding Ep3
How long do you guys think it will take valve to port Ep3 to the xbox 360?
I do NOT think Ep3 will be the end of the whole saga.VERY few of the questions will be answered in my opinion.The only large question that will be answered is the whole aperture science/GLADOS/Borealis thingy they brought up in Ep2.

But on the whole...expect a largely HL2-like ending,possibly with things ending up far worse than ever before.

Because remember what Valve said,this will end the current story arc.Episodes 4,5,6 have already been announced.And they will not be developed by Valve,rather by a third-party developer with Valve's supervision.

I'm thinking that after Ep3, Valve will take a well-deserved vacation, and then start work on Half Life 3 (the official, non-"the episodes ARE half life 3-version). And that will be the absolute endgame of the series,with all or at least MOST (like 95%) of the mysteries answered.

In my opinion, ep4/5/6 will involve another main character.Possibly even Barney (what was he upto during Ep2?etc) or maybe even the famed Adrian Shepherd.

Or someone completely new.

So far, only Episode Four has been rumoured at.
Episode Four isn't a possibility. Valve have already stated they're going to end their arc at Three.
There's been talk of a fourth episode (although I've not heard anything on it in some time) which will not be from Gordon's perspective and will be developed outside Valve.
Another possibility is that when Eli Vance is grabbed by the Advisor, not only was he killed, but that they sucked the knowledge out of him, like what happened in Starship Troopers with the brain bug.
I think you might be right there, which is a shame because it's such a seriously stupid idea.
They're telekinetic levitating psychic alien slugs. You honestly think neural scanning by probing the brain stem is that bad an addition to their repertoire?

Episode Four is looking very likely to follow the story of Barney after we last saw him. It fits so well with what we know so far, although it wouldn't be all that original.
They're telekinetic levitating psychic alien slugs. You honestly think neural scanning by probing the brain stem is that bad an addition to their repertoire?

Episode Four is looking very likely to follow the story of Barney after we last saw him. It fits so well with what we know so far, although it wouldn't be all that original.

Think that'd make sense. But from my perspective, it wouldn't be an Episode Four... merely an expansion, just as the expansion packs of Half-Life weren't further Episodes