First bit of Episode 3 news!

You know how hard it is to create a great game...?
You know how hard it is to create a great game...?


HL2 + Eps are hardly mediocre. This is top notch stuff.

Check out the Lost Coast commentary to get a glimpse at some of the technology living behind the game we're playing. It is AMAZING stuff, all done for what many would discount as a 'stupid video game.'
They're telekinetic levitating psychic alien slugs. You honestly think neural scanning by probing the brain stem is that bad an addition to their repertoire?

Episode Four is looking very likely to follow the story of Barney after we last saw him. It fits so well with what we know so far, although it wouldn't be all that original.
Mind-reading is one thing, but gaining a person's knowledge by ingesting their brain is quite another.
Not least because it makes some rather heavy assertions about the way knowledge is stored in the human brain.
It just seems a bit silly to me.

However, as I believe I've said before, this is fiction and, as the Advisors are Valve's creation, they can do anything Valve want them to do.

Bah humbug.
I don't think it's that far fetched. Taking the knowledge out of someone's brain...
I think advisors will simply drain the electrical brain waves out of the host's body, gaining their knowledge but in a Sci-Fi, factual way
actually i was thinking that it would be cooler for the advisors to gain info from eli this way:

they never showed us they are EATING the maybe they could make it like they shoot out some sort of tendrils into the brain and then make it a part of their own bodies! like a parasite that feeds off the brain by first taking it over!basically, while they are 'feeding'...they possess two brains...their own and the meal's...and so they can easily tap into the memories and stuff! :borg:

it wouldnt be as stupid as eating it for info at least!
It sounds pretty stupid.

My personal hopes are that there's no god-damn info sucking involved, and the Advisor is just eating his brains for the nutrients. God, I hope they don't fall to the brain-sucking way. That would be stupid.
Crytek partnered with Valve. I can see it already. Major bullshit.