First Driving lesson tomorrow! Help!

Hectic Glenn

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Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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I dont make many threads but i feel now i need some guidance. In a few hours i've got my first driving lesson, and i've seen quite alot of car related threads in my time here so i know theres drivers around.
I'm kinda nervous and a little uninformed about what i'm gonna be doing and stuff like that. I was wondering if anyone had any tips and stuff to help me.
I have fears that i wont be able to keep a straight line or my turning will suck, or ill miss the break pedal or break too late. I guess these are things i'll learn but anyone got any guidance to help me get roadworthy rather than making roadkill!
Hectic Glenn said:
I dont make many threads but i feel now i need some guidance. In a few hours i've got my first driving lesson, and i've seen quite alot of car related threads in my time here so i know theres drivers around.
I'm kinda nervous and a little uninformed about what i'm gonna be doing and stuff like that. I was wondering if anyone had any tips and stuff to help me.
I have fears that i wont be able to keep a straight line or my turning will suck, or ill miss the break pedal or break too late. I guess these are things i'll learn but anyone got any guidance to help me get roadworthy rather than making roadkill!

im having my first driving lesson next week :D

good luck!

they are nothing to worry about :D go for it, everyone sort of feels nervous on thier first time doing anything.

i dont feel nervous at all.
Heh, I'm also having my first driving lesson next week. Good luck though.;)

outpost said:
Don't crash

You jinxed iT!
I think, the point of the driving lesson is to solve these issues you have with driving...
lol yeah i hope so, but ive got this nervousness that i'm gonna have an itchy foot....VRMMMMMMM that kinda thing, or turn thinking the car will go easy then it smashes into a wall. What do i expect? I dont wanna look like a complete n00b.

(My instructor is called Steve btw...not that you'll care)

/me needs tips and helpers
Most important thing you can do when you are newly driving is, drive slow - take it easy.I don't mean drive at 5mph - but don't drive fast. Thats how a lot of young people die.

Keep far from the car in front of you, keep your distance. A lot of crashes are caused by young people running up the back of another car when it stops suddenly. Does not happen if you keep a big gap in front of you when traffic is moving.

Of course no matter what anyone says, ie few drinks is ok, if you have any alcohol on that day, do not get in the car.

Don't worry if you are waiting at an intersection and some idiot is leaning on his air-horn tellling you to burn out into traffic. If its not safe, don't turn - let him blow his horn for as long as he likes. Better you put up with a horn, then drive out into traffic and get hit by cars.
You do mean lesson and not test, right?
Because the lessons aren't the problem (from what I hear) its the test.
My 16th birthday is still 6 months away... :(
Errr, You should've learned something from the exams.
Who says hes taken exams? You don't have to do the theory test while you're learning to drive, you only need it when you want to get your full license.
Relax, it's not like the instructor's gonna say "here's the keys, i want 5 laps in 10 minutes!"
First lesson is just basics, like how to stop, what the pedals do, basic clutch control (so you can start and stop). Oh, and steering, lol.
Good, so hes not going to make me start driving around. I mean hand eye co-ordination here is good enough, but i'm still gonna need some time to get into the routine of clutch, first gear, hand break off etc. And btw this is not my test, its my first lesson, i'm a beginner here. Putting me behind a wheel LOL whoses idea was this? oh right :(
Hectic Glenn said:
Good, so hes not going to make me start driving around. I mean hand eye co-ordination here is good enough, but i'm still gonna need some time to get into the routine of clutch, first gear, hand break off etc. And btw this is not my test, its my first lesson, i'm a beginner here. Putting me behind a wheel LOL whoses idea was this? oh right :(

i have faith in you mate :D
Of course being in Europe you've got manual to deal with almost 100% of the time which could hamper your initial learning a bit. I learned manual right after I got my license on a crappy-ass truck with a gas pedal that would be floored after about 3 inches of pressing and a clutch that would only be pressed after about a foot of that was kinda annoying.

I'd say just relax and maybe get some practice with your parents if you have any trouble. I doubt you'll be hitting up any main streets on your first lesson. You'll simply be going through the basics.

Just keep a lookout for crappy drivers. It'll be completely natural after a little bit.
Thanks guys, kinda thing i wanted to hear that i'll eventually slip into it. Not long now! I wanna do good as some of my friends have passed theory already (1 is driving properlly) so i should get on my way to doing that. Cheers and Korebolter especially!

(oh and i would practice with my parents car, but its automatic and we HAVE to learn on a manual as far as i know in the UK)
I would practice on the auto hectic. What i did is i learned the basics of driving stick (no main roads or any of that, just friction point and whatnot, downshifting.) and then took driving lessons in an auto (Canada) and learned the rules of the road. After that it was no problem, jumped in the standard and drove without problems. What I'm saying is that I was probably as nervous as you were, but once i actually got out there that went away. Just remember your instructor has a brake on his side.
Yeah enough of my random ramblings, practice on the auto wit your parents, less stuff to think about and therefore easier. then once you learn to drive you just gotta worry about your clutch.
good luck ;)
Well here is my tip:

Don't crash. kthx

Have fun. :laugh:
Ignition on
Parking brake off
shift to 1st or to drive
press gas slowly, then stomp on it

drive in the middle of the lane(top of the steering wheel pointed down the road)

use your ****ing blinkers when you change lanes

im sure you'll get it, its just one of those things you have to do first.
No don't press gas slowly...stomp on it! :D
Tr0n said:
No don't press gas slowly...stomp on it! :D
When I start driving I'll make sure I follow that advice and rear-end the car in front of me. Then when my insurance quadruples, I'll come back in here and blame you. :P
i have just a simple piece of advice, once u start driving, look straight ahead.
now i realize that sounds like common sense, but what new drivers tend to do is look to see if the vehicle is between the lane-lines.. that just causes the driver to drive out of the lane instead.

so look straight ahead and u should be fine :)
I cannot stand driving, I haven't driven ONCE since I got my learners permit :P
Thadius Dean said:
I cannot stand driving, I haven't driven ONCE since I got my learners permit :P
Are you serious? :eek:
Edit: Wait you just got your permit, I thought you were in your twenties. :P
Oh man, I remember the first time two years ago my school instructor took me out in the Taurus. Not good. I nearly hit the curb at my first turn because I didn't turn enough. Otherwise, it just takes practice. Learning how to drive is the easy part, it's the decisions that you must make on the road that make it hard. You'll get the hang of it soon enough, it just takes some experience ;)
when you pull up to stop lights rev your engine non stop and look over at the person in the lane next to you like you wanna race
Dr. Freeman said:
i have just a simple piece of advice, once u start driving, look straight ahead.
Real drivers follow that advise when reversing too.
The instructor expects you to be rubbish :P, so just relax man.

Ive got my test on June 13th :o, i'm so gonna fail ;(
When my former workplace opened an office in Cali, me and the boss went over there from Australia. Australia drives on the other side of the road. And Cali makes you if you are from the third world place called Australia with no cars, take a driving test.

So my boss drives out of the DMV, turns out onto the wrong side of the road, drives 100 yards down the road and pulls over and says 'Im really busy - if you are gonna fail me, please do and Ill drop you back at the DMV'

The guy says 'Nah - could happen to anyone' and he passed him!

I did the same test - and I had a big angry black woman called Nerisse - who told me that I was responsible for oppressing indigenous black people in Australia. Fortunately, I turned her around by the end of the journey, and she said she could have failed me a million times, but was giving me a break because I was good guy.

Ty Nerisse - says I and went out and bought a corvette.
Don't worry, your instructor will guide you through at your own rate of learning. The test is the worst part. The UK test is supposed to be the hardest in the world. Which I could believe. You lose marks for absolutely anything, there's no leniancy given.
But enjoy the lessons, don't get drunk beforehand :laugh:
It's all a good enjoyable experience really.

Oh, in the UK, don't learn in an automatic, because most cars are manual. If you pass a manual test you can drive both manual and automatic cars.
I'm also having my first driving lesson next week... i need the freedom, and to get started on it and out the way :)

my ex girlfriend took me out in her car and showed me how to go forward... i was scared shitless. the carpark we were in was tiny and i thought i'd end up with the car in the river thames, so as soon as i was going forward, I slammed on the breaks and stalled it :p very clever.
I have nowhere else to write this, so..

I just had the worst driving lesson I've ever had. :(

Seriously suckie. Nothing major.. but made about a gazillion little mistakes that seriously just piss me off. :angry:
/ revives my thread

I just had that first lesson i was talking about, it was delayed a 2 days cos of a car problem
Aside from that the lesson was AWESOME, you guys were right, its was really good fun. I learnt all the basics then he threw me in the deep end and out into some busy roads and stuff. It was really good fun. Only problems were getting a straight line and the sensitivity of that damn 'gas', the amount of times he said 'off gas' geez lol :rolleyes:
Cheers everyone, it was nothing to be afraid of i had a great time. Anyone else whoses starting soon, its something to look forward to seriously. Still buzzing lol...must calm down, play some GT4. :)
Hectic Glenn said:
/ revives my thread

I just had that first lesson i was talking about, it was delayed a 2 days cos of a car problem
Aside from that the lesson was AWESOME, you guys were right, its was really good fun. I learnt all the basics then he threw me in the deep end and out into some busy roads and stuff. It was really good fun. Only problems were getting a straight line and the sensitivity of that damn 'gas', the amount of times he said 'off gas' geez lol :rolleyes:
Cheers everyone, it was nothing to be afraid of i had a great time. Anyone else whoses starting soon, its something to look forward to seriously. Still buzzing lol...must calm down, play some GT4. :)

Yeah, the first time I pressed the Accelerator it just revved it up to the red thing on the rev counter.
I never once took a drivers education class or anything, I learned from family and friends, a lot easier IMO. But glad to hear you did well :)
outpost said:
Don't crash

Somehow those were the exact same words of wisdom I have for him.


Pretend there's an egg under the pedal.

Until you're alone and away from people. ;)
firemachine69 said:
Pretend there's an egg under the pedal.

Until you're alone and away from people. ;)
Yeah, that's when you pretend there's a brick above the pedel.
man, don't be can't really make a balls up or anything.
The driving instructor knows exactly what its like for people starting to drive because he has helped many other people, you can't go wrong tbh.

With learning to drive i offer one good tip that will help:
Listen to everything the instructor has to say and take it in.

I'm gonna be learning to drive soon (as soon as i get my first paycheck from work) .....i'm gonna get in that car and learn asap, then i'm gonna drive..........simple.