First ever model [Gate]


G0lden Eagl3

Well my first ever model:


Comments please. Thanks.
Good model, but I've never seen a gate that you can't open =P Anyways, it's a lot better than my first models.
overall good design, now focus on making the same thing at no more than 200 polies.. good start though :)
yeah much better than my first model. good to see your using xsi
Woohoo, XSI rules. For beginner modelers, I highly recommend Desty's Colt .45 video tutorial. Good model though. My first models didn't look like that good (I used 3ds VIZ a crippled version of MAX, I shudder at the memories). I think a lot of your polies went into making the spires round, no? If so, try to cut back. Things don't need to look perfectly round. In-game, not too many players (critics, yes; players, no) will stare intently at every surface and say "Ah, I see the bottom is squarish. Your model sucks." Also, XSI has a pretty good auto-smooth. As long as faces are above something like 120 degrees, it will try to blend them together. This helps the middle section look round, but the bottom edge will be straight. To hide this, stick it on a plane with a similar color (now you're working with textures; I haven't even figured them out yet) and it will look excellent.

Also, make sure that the boxes on your grate only have 4 sides and are not subdivided anymore than they have to be. You could also look into plaes, depending on how detailed you want it to be.

Keep up the good work. A phrase I always ask myself when modeling is "How can I cut polygons out without cutting details out?" Look for unnecessary subdivisions, never-to-be-noticed details, details that could be done with textures, etc. After you scour your model a few times, you can stand back and say "Damn, that is a fine looking model."

Good luck.

i dont think optimising is an issuie as i dont think hes making the gate to be used in-game.
yea having lots of polies for a model that prety obvously isnt gona be ingame shouldnt need to be optimised.

btw keep at it dude its good for a first model