first ever model


Aug 7, 2003
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ive decided to have a go at modelling! ive only been going one day but was eager to put up a pic of what ive been doing since yesterday because i always see threads with other people posting their first model....i wanted to join the fun. here u go then. a ferrari f50

(ive only been modelling ONE day so dont be too harsh!)
first model.JPG

edit: heres something completely different ive just done...
Fluffy Kitten said:
What program were you using ?

if you look at the picture, real closely, you'll notice, in small writing, the words, "alias maya"

nice first model
yeah i got the learning version of maya on recommendation of my brother who works for MPC in london (they just did the effects in poseiden, sp?)

thanks for the comments

heres what ive messed about with today tho, ive updated the shotgun a little, and added a glock quickly from my head (which ive butchered as you can see). theres also a book of matches cos it was on my desk and i thought it would be easy to do. i also did a coke bottle which im quite proud of! so proud in fact that none of u will ever see it!! :)
todays models.JPG
naaier said:
if you look at the picture, real closely, you'll notice, in small writing, the words, "alias maya"
Yes, I know... I thought I was being "funny".
You know what thought did, don't you?