First game you ever played?

ray_MAN said:
I am happy to hear that! :D ;)
My first was Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon! :D It was the best! :naughty:
lol, that was my little brothers game. I remember the only good thing about it was that little mini-game with the flying bear
Pong. In a bar. On an Air Force base. Must have been 1973 or 4. Thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. Played for hours.
kmack said:
Ducktales and cosmic crusaders on those huge ass (really floppy) floppy discs on a crazy old computer thats screen was about 5 inches and displayed in shades of green.
I played the original Wolfenstien on my uncle's state of the art laptop, nice and black and white :hmph: . Then i played doom on my dad's black and white laptop :eek:

Teehee. I've still got some of those big floppy discs around since my dad found some games that my cousin gave us a long time ago (Qix, Dr. Quandary's Island, Populous... Beyond Zork.....). Then my dad ended up setting up a Windows 3.1 computer that can use those big floppies (even though the games also came with normal ones. But really, between the really big ones and the normal ones, who'd choose normal?) and I ended up playing Populous and Dr. Q over Christmas break. Then I told my cousins and they thought I had reached a new low in life or something ("You're still playing that? Really??") ;(.

Anyways... first game. I can't remember, so I'll say either Outlaw or Donkey Kong on the Atari. Or Adventure... I remember Adventure :D.
First PC game. Too long ago to remember. Maybe Scorched Earth or Jill of the Jungle or Commander Keen. Gah, that blue jumping dog thing was scary. It's still scary now.
i loved commander keen. It was the best game ever.

anyone notice how when you were small it didnt matter if you played the same level over and over again?
Some game on an old old old old console where you had to put in cassettes as games... it was some sort of helicopter game
I think the first game I ever played was Super Mario 3
The first game I ever played.....not including Atari and Coleco was the original Final Fantasy, and Super Mario 2 or maybe it was Alex The Kid on the Sega master system, uggg I can't remember it was so long ago
A game on the Amstrad called Mummy, you had to guide your hero through a maze to the exit, without the mummies getting you.
Elite on the 48K ZX Spectrum, (the one with the blue rubber keyboard).
The wire frame graphics were so cool for the early 1980's.

I loved the "Ultimate, Play the Game" series too,
JetPac, Knightlore, Alien 8, Sabre wulf.
They rocked!
Reader Rabbit: Preschool. aww, what fun times! :x
the first real (read: non educational) game I ever played was DOOM II. Now theres a good game! (still play it today!) :cheers:
NHL 96 on the genesis was the first game I actually played for fun, but I used to mess around with Asteroids on the Atari, didn't really play it as much as I did mash buttons on the controller and watch stuff happen.
This Mickey Mouse game on an ancient PC. It was running DOS, beeotch. Then all these semi-educational games, followed by a gameboy and Donkey Kong Land.
robotron 2084 on atari 800 xl ;)
it was in 1985 I guess - like stone age for most of you :p
Frank said:
Some game on an old old old old console where you had to put in cassettes as games... it was some sort of helicopter game
100 bucks says it was Choplifter, one of the most popular games of the time. and it sucked
"Bat Cave" on a Texas Instruments TI-3500 (something like that) Hooked up to a tv and used a tape player as the input.

But most of my childhood gaming memories are number muchers, oregon trail, a Labyrinth type of game that was offered by compuserve and Duke Nukem 3D (some time later)
I can't really remember... I might have played some Atari and Reader Rabbit on an old laptop before Super Mario World, but I generally give credit to Super Mario World as being my first...
Fellowed by pokemon...... ^_*
Mine was like Crash Bandicoot on PSX and probably The Sims on PC.
GoldenEye. The absolute perfect game to start your gaming career with.
a whole bunch of crazy text adventure games like "adventure" where you walk around and fight a gnome and stuff. it was friggin sweet.
Iremeber my next door neighbour had a spectrum and when I was 4-5 (i think) I played a fruit machine game on it......then there was dizzy and games like that....

Then I got myself a NES and remember going into my local video shop with my dad and him buying me Super Mario Bros. This thread has brung back alot of good memories for me.....the days of Zelda and Duck Hunt with the gun controller. Of course I played alot of games for the Sega master system and megadrive but that was only because my next door neighbour had them. OMG I just rmembered playin theme park for the first time on the megadrive and my next door neighbour (who is a relaly smart dude) figured out passwords for the game to get ye loads of dosh at the start of the game......he actually worked out the equation to get the password correct every was very interesting at the time and just showed how much of a games geek/really smart person he was when he was 12.
It was a game for NES where you shot down ducks, I think it was called "Duck Hunt"...
madacian said:
I think it was California Games on my Commadore 64.
Oh man. I forgot about that game. Was quite fun back in the day.
Has to be the very first sonic & alex the kidd on my sega master system! 8bit power!
metal gear on the MSX, nice computer that is.

they were making a new smaller MSX computer with USB and stuff, ill definently buy it if they release it
this game where you had to click on the thing the word on the screen meant.

the first real game was jill of the jungle