First Grade Teacher: Santa's fake, kids!

Nat Turner

Sep 28, 2005
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Guess what, kids? There's no such thing as Santa Claus! That's what a suburban Dallas music teacher told first-graders on Monday - and the school's been hearing from parents ever since.

The angry phone calls prompted the Richardson school district to issue a pro-Santa statement. The district announced that the offending teacher had heard from Santa Claus himself -- who assured the teacher that "the spirit of the holidays is alive and well."

And Santa asked the teacher to pass that message along to students. A district spokesman says the teacher won't face any disciplinary action.

Funny story. :D

Interesting how they then perpetuated the lie through an announcement.
I find it odd that the teacher isn't dead yet.
I find it odd that someone would dare say Santa Claus doesn't exist.
dekstar said:
I find it odd that someone would dare say Santa Claus doesn't exist.
That worthless bag of shit doesn't.

I love how you're first few years of life are being lied to by your damn parents.
Guess what, kids? There's no such thing as Santa Claus! That's what a suburban Dallas music teacher told first-graders on Monday
Good Lord we should kill her!
I'm supriesd that parents gave a shit.
Oh noes!

She is a witch! We need a public hanging or she must be stoned in the streets! said:
The spirit of the holidays is alive and well.

Shouldn't that be: the spirit of Christmas? The dude isn't called 'father Christmas' for nothing ....
It's a good thing she finally told the kids the truth, I mean really, kids don't care who the **** gives them the gifts
Ikerous said:
I find it odd that we lie to children...
I was talking to me folks about this, and they were saying it's a lot of fun. Not in a deceptive, mean way - more a giggle, trying to keep this little sweet magical tradition going.
I don't remember feeling crushed or anything when I found out - I half figured it out, half got outright told by a friend. I felt very grown-up :)
el Chi said:
I was talking to me folks about this, and they were saying it's a lot of fun. Not in a deceptive, mean way - more a giggle, trying to keep this little sweet magical tradition going.
I don't remember feeling crushed or anything when I found out - I half figured it out, half got outright told by a friend. I felt very grown-up :)

Exactly, it's a rite of passage.
el Chi said:
I was talking to me folks about this, and they were saying it's a lot of fun. Not in a deceptive, mean way - more a giggle, trying to keep this little sweet magical tradition going.
I don't remember feeling crushed or anything when I found out - I half figured it out, half got outright told by a friend. I felt very grown-up :)

Wrong! It's a malicious evil lie, plotted by the horrid grandmasters in their iron fortress bunker, deep within the artic circle.

I can't remember when I found out...
/me imagines a group of small kids beating up a man dressed in santa clothes on the middle of the streets

"hes not real!"
CyberPitz said:
That worthless bag of shit doesn't.

I love how you're first few years of life are being lied to by your damn parents.

I went so emo when I found out, I was only 5.

Why not tell kids as well that they'll never make something out of themselves.

It gets it out of the way.

Come on, seriously people... let kids have at least some mystery in their lives. It doesn't harm a child's development if he grows up believing in santa clause and the eastern bunny and later realizes it was all silly, but still cherishes the memories.

When I was a kid, when I found out Santa didn't exist... christmas became less magical for me when the day rolled around, because I knew it was just my dad who delivered all the presents. I loved that my dad would do that for me, but there was also something to be said for the 'magical' thought that a jolly old fat man landed on our roof with a fleet of top of the line reindeer and delivered presents for me.

Why not just go ahead and stuff sex education videotapes into your toddler's stockings this christmas, as well? Give them a jump start on the realities of the world.
I kept asking my parents a bunch of questions about Santa when I was 3, and was very persistent, so my mom just told me he's made up. Nobody at school would believe me though. :(
We lie to our children to teach them skepticism. That way they are prepared for the real world where people lie to you all the time.
as a parent I have no qualms of lying to my son about santa (I havent gotten that far as he's just starting to recognise santa). Parents lie all the time, it's a necessary evil the tooth fairy, or why rover went to doggie heaven after he died or how grandma is in a "better place" now that she's gone

kids should be exposed to harsh realities as they mature and understand what they're seeing. It is a parents DUTY to protect their children and sometimes that means lying to them
I'll lie to my kid about Santa.,.. just so I can be the one to tell him Santa doesn;t exist later on and laugh in his face about how he was so gullible for all those years... if he doesn;t cry then he gets whatever Xmas presents he wants, but if he does, well, he gets coal
I bet you a copy of Hl3 that wouldnt happen'd take one look at your son's/daughters eyes and you'd never say something like that ..if you did you're better off not being a parent ...always use condoms :)

ya I know you're joking
CptStern said:
I bet you a copy of Hl3 that wouldnt happen'd take one look at your son's/daughters eyes and you'd never say something like that ..if you did you're better off not being a parent ...always use condoms :)

ya I know you're joking
oh shit, with a copy of HL3 on the line I just might do it!
I'll buy it too (your kid will probably be in college by then) and gladly give it to you if you can muster the courage to tell a 3 year old child that you were messing with his head'd have to do it front of me so as to not cheat
hell, why would i give credit to a guy for buying my kids the presents that I bought them...just doesnt seem right to me :\
Septih said:

REBUTTAL: (Jim Mantle, Waterloo Maple Software)

Come on, ya gotta believe! I mean, if you can handle flying furry animals, then it's only a small step to the rest.

For example;

1) As admitted, it is possible that a flying reindeer can be found. I would agree that it would be quite an unusual find, but they might exist.

2) You've relied on cascading assumptions. For example, you have assumed a uniform distribution of children across homes. Toronto/Yorkville, or Toronto/Cabbagetown, or other yuppie neighbourhoods, have probably less than the average (and don't forget the DINK and SINK homes (Double Income No Kids, Single Income No Kids)), while the families with 748 starving children that they keep showing on Vision TV while trying to pick my pocket would skew that 15% of homes down a few percent.

3) You've also assumed that each home that has kids would have at least one good kid. What if anti-selection applies, and homes with good kids tend to have more than their share of good kids, and other homes have nothing except terrorists in diapers? Let's drop that number of homes down a few more percent.

4) Santa would have to Fedex a number of packages ahead of time, since he would not be able to fly into Air Force Bases, or into tower-controlled areas near airports. He'd get shot at over certain sections of the Middle East, and the no-fly zones in Iraq, so he'd probably use DHL there. Subtract some more homes.

5) I just barely passed Physics and only read Stephen Hawking's book once, but I recall that there is some Einsteinian Theory that says time does strange things as you move faster. In fact, when you go faster than the speed of light time runs backward, if you do a straight line projection, connect the dots and just ignore any singularity you might find right at the speed of light. And don't say you can't go faster than the speed of light because I've seen it done on TV. Jean-Luc doesn't have reindeer but he does have matter-antimatter warp engines and a holodeck and that's good enough for me.

So Santa could go faster than light, visit all the good children which are not uniformly distributed by either concentration in each home or by number of children per household, and get home before he left so he can digest all those stale cookies and warm milk yech.

6) Aha, you say, Jean-Luc has matter-antimatter warp engines, Santa only has reindeer, where does he get the power to move that fast!

You calculated the answer! The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy. Per second. Each. This is an ample supply of energy for the maneuvering, acceleration, etc, that would be required of the loaded sleigh. The reindeer don't evaporate or incinerate because of this energy, they accelerate. What do you think they have antlers for, fighting over females? Think of antlers as furry solar array panels.

7. If that's not enough, watch the news on the 24th at 11 o'clock. NORAD (which may be one of the few government agencies with more than 3 initials in it's name and therefore it must be more trustworthy than the rest) tracks Santa every year and I've seen the radar shots of him approaching my house from the direction of the North Pole. They haven't bomarck'd him yet, so they must believe too, right?
I remember one time, I was talking to a young girl around my old street, and I let slip Santa did not exist. She went home, told her mom, and her mom came out and shouted at me.
Samon said:
I remember one time, I was talking to a young girl around my old street, and I let slip Santa did not exist. She went home, told her mom, and her mom came out and shouted at me.
you're a horrible person, which means I respect you a whole lot more
Samon said:
I remember one time, I was talking to a young girl around my old street, and I let slip Santa did not exist. She went home, told her mom, and her mom came out and shouted at me.

ahaha good one, :O :laugh:
The amusing part was at the end of her shout the mother said to her kid 'Don't worry honey, Santa won't be delivering to him this Christmas.'
Then picked her up and slammed the door.

They had one of those 'Santa please stop here' signs on the garden. Don't you just hate those?
lol, Was that all really necessary. The time I found out that Santa was not real was when the tags on the gift said from Santa, But they were all in my moms handwriting
Blackghost905 said:
lol, Was that all really necessary. The time I found out that Santa was not real was when the tags on the gift said from Santa, But they were all in my moms handwriting

Santa puts tags on your presents? :O
what he doesnt on yours? I still get presents that says "from santa"