First habitable Earth like planet found!

We could send a message and see if anyone responds (that's if they have the capability to recieve the message). Even if they did get the message and sent one back, it would take 40 years to get a responce from the time we sent the first message. By then, I see the earth wiped clean of humans.
I say 20 days from first contact we'll have wiped them out

I don't even want to think about what the current US government would do if we made contact with aliens

Who says they haven't had contact?
can someone make that damn faster than light speed travel thingamabobber already?!
If there is life on that planet capable of recieving our signals they have allready got our television transmissions, 20 years later then we did.
Well, if intelligent life DID evolve (which, I'm sorry to say, is extremly unlikely - evolution isn't about becoming intelligent and turning into higher biengs its about adapting to your eviroment). Even then, they would have to have something like a radio, and they would be comeplety different from us, they might not even enjoy radios. Even assuming they heard us, they might not be interested.

But there is likely life beneath the seas there, and proboaly surface plant life (judging from the fact that they know its like Earth)
(which, I'm sorry to say, is extremly unlikely - evolution isn't about becoming intelligent and turning into higher biengs its about adapting to your eviroment)
yes because becoming more intelligent and adapting to your environment are mutually exclusive. I mean, who has adapted more to their environment better then humans????
I really wanna see what's going on over there.
...sooo cool! Quick! Start breeding!!! We need to populate this planet!!!
Another bonus is that the planet's solar system contains another planet, a gas giant, which with its gravity protects the planet from incoming asteroids and comets -- like Jupiter in our own.

Wouldn't a ocean world filled with life be cool?
Astroid fields, gas rings & giants, moons galore.
Remember that picture that had the comparison of the different stars? Ours is itty bitty.
funny coincidence: kryptonite was discovered earlier and as was this planet which orbits a "red" sun that fits the description of the planet Krypton.


Where's superman?
The Earth has a mass of approx 6 x10^24 kg, a lot.
This other planet will have a mass of about 3 x10^25 and it's radius is approx 50% greater than the Earth's so it must be pretty dense! (like the average forum user :D)

Hmm, so the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the planet will be:

21.8 m/s^-2

Earth gravity is 9.8 m/s^-2

So it's just over double earth gravity. Or 2.2G, which isn't too bad I guess, the typical rollercoaster ride exposes people to no more than 3G.
Being under a constant 2G force might cause some health problems though! :)
The Earth has a mass of approx 6 x10^24 kg, a lot.
This other planet will have a mass of about 3 x10^25 and it's radius is approx 50% greater than the Earth's so it must be pretty dense! (like the average forum user :D)

Hmm, so the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the planet will be:

21.8 m/s^-2

Earth gravity is 9.8 m/s^-2

So it's just over double earth gravity. Or 2.2G, which isn't too bad I guess, the typical rollercoaster ride exposes people to no more than 3G.
Being under a constant 2G force might cause some health problems though! :)

20 lightyears away means we're seeing it as it were 20 years ago. It's not likely to just vannish or anything. Neither can we 'hope' to find a weaker gravity than we measure, because it's just a fact. 5 times the mass is 5 times the gravity. With its radius 50% bigger, that means we'd be 2.22 times heavier there than on earth.

Not really OT, but still on the astronomy subject:

Einsteins famour formula:
Energy=Mass*(The speed of light)^2
Mass=Energy/((The speed of light)^2)

So should we be able to create more planets (mass) in our solar system from the enery of the sun?

We can build planets, we don't need to travel 20 light-years away!
No we can't just build atoms from light :/ come on... And you're underestimating the amount of energy there's in matter.
No we can't just build atoms from light :/ come on... And you're underestimating the amount of energy there's in matter.

e=mc^2 tells us you get shit all matter from lots of energy......

Or as the nucleur bomb tells us, lots of energy from shit all matter.
Technically, Brick, if we could harness all of the energy that the sun outputs and had a means to convert energy to mass, then we would be able to create the same amount of mass that the sun converts into energy. Sort of like the sun does mass->energy and then we do energy->mass.
I'd be up for going to that planet with that gravity.
Your bones would become heavily built and your muscles massive, your circulation would adapt and become more efficient, when you came back to earth you'd feel like god.
The sun has a power output of like 383x10^24 Watts

If we collected 0.01% of the energy the sun let out in a minute we'd get
2.298x10^24 Joules!

Which is like the energy output of 36000000000 Hiroshima nukes....

If we used magic we could make 76600 tons of matter...... awesome. I'd make a deathstar.

We'd need 1.8x10^41 joules to make a new Earth though, and I ain't waiting 14837200 Years to collect all that energy!


I have too much time on my hands and I'm currently revising A-level physics so I'm not THAT sad for calculating this shit! :P
I'd be up for going to that planet with that gravity.
Your bones would become heavily built and your muscles massive, your circulation would adapt and become more efficient, when you came back to earth you'd feel like god.
Yeah but then you'd at least be 40 years old.
Thanks for doing the maths for me. People should get their numbers straight.
I'm wondering whether it would be possible to create a self sustained community on Mars based on current/near future technology.
I'm not thinking about creating an artificial ecosphere either, is there anything on the planet that we can use to sustain life?
There is plenty of CO2 in the atmosphere of that place.
It's very cold though...

This raises the question as to whether we could inhabit any crazy places here on Earth.
That's the difference between intelligent life forms and those we eat.

I believe truly intelligent life involves creatures that have a certian perception the world and way of thinking.
This, however, frightens me as I see many fellow human beings with comparable thought patterns to a dog.
These lower forms of life, or 'stupids' seem to have no appreciation of the world around them, the universe, knowledge, life or anything. The most thought provoking conversations they choose to engage are typically ones discussing what they're going to eat tomorrow night.
The sun has a power output of like 383x10^24 Watts

If we collected 0.01% of the energy the sun let out in a minute we'd get
2.298x10^24 Joules!

Which is like the energy output of 36000000000 Hiroshima nukes....

I learned yesterday that if we could capture just ONE second of the sun's energy output, we'd be able to power all of the world's energy needs for a million years.
I learned yesterday that if we could capture just ONE second of the sun's energy output, we'd be able to power all of the world's energy needs for a million years.

Perhaps but by far not enough to turn it into enough mass to make another planet. Perhaps a big rock, not a whole planet.
I think you guys are focusing on the gravity a little bit too much :thumbs:

Besides, with the larger radius it works out to be only about 2.2 times as much gravity. (since radius is squared). 5 times the mass != 5 times the gravity. Gravity is G(m1*m2/radius^2).

All things being equal the mass is 5Earth, and the radius is I think about 1.5 Earth. So thats (5/1.5^2) which is about 2.2 times the gravity of Earth. That roughly means that things would fall at about 21.52 m/s^2.
It is extremly unlikely that it would just take us 20 years to get there, with significantly more advanced propulsion systems then we have now 200 years sounds about right.
I hope NASA can build a fast spaceship and set up a plan exploring the planet with 10 years. So the ship can travel to that planet in 50 years. When it gets there, it will send information back, which takes another 20 years to get back to Earth. If I live long enough, I may still be able to witness a true alien.