First half-life 2 mod



I was wondering in everyones opinion, how long do you think it will take for the first big half-life 2 mod to come out? Also, which mod from the popular ones do you think it will be? If you want, you can also drop the names of some of the mods you think are gonna be really good. Last thing, are you more excited about online mp mods or single-player mods for hl2?
i'd be interested to see a source version of 'they hunger'
I wish Sven Coop 2 would be the first. God I want cooperative mode in HL2 ;(
I honestly don't have an idea, however, I do hope that whoever becomes the first real big mod aren't hurrying up just to become the first.
You could argue that there're mods about already... JBmod with the Manipulator, the Spanish drivable Strider mod...

I'd love to see Sven Coop 2 too (anyone seen Sniper's work on Osprey 2? That's going to be ported apparently) but I doubt it'll be about any time soon...
JBMod's turning into a full mod. v0.6 is going to have official maps, so it'll be more like a mod for building, like Tribes had.
Yeah, Specialists would rock... I always liked that mod, despite how much I sucked at it... a proper DoD 2 would really hold my interest (rather than the more-or-less direct port DoD:Source seems to promise), and Team Fortress 2 still intrigues me.

Hmm... wonder if the makers of the aforementioned "minimods" would band together and create something really epic for singleplayer :D
Bobcat I agree...

I mean seriously if a mod is rushing to be "the first out the door" and it's a shitty mod, not well balanced, all buggy then nobody will care and thus when they do get around to fixing bugs and all that, a whole heck of a lot less people will download it because they already had first impressions.
Cant wait for the goldeneye mod someone here was making. Bet it will take about a year though
cool, but just guess a date, anyone, im just curious what yall think...
I'm lead designer on city13, and we're actually extremely productive right now - about six or seven maps in progress, design well underway, music, everything.

About The Specialists - that game was about style, not skill. Pwning a mac10 nub with golden colts is classic.
Edcrab said:
You could argue that there're mods about already... JBmod with the Manipulator, the Spanish drivable Strider mod...

For some unholy reason, I had a sudden vision of a strider blasting "La Cucaracha" everytime a Combine soldier layed on the horn...
noone mentioned Natural Selection yet?! :( I hope that one hurries its sweet butt-cheecks.
Oh GOD I hope they make NS: Source or maybe even NS2 (which will be different then NS in gameplay) on Source.
Being the First Mod out for a game engine does have huge advantages.

look at desert combat for BF1942. Not exactly the best gameplay, or innovative, or even original. but it was the first mod to be released and therefore earned a shedload of players well before any other mod.

and if any other mod After that EVER came out with features even remotly similar, then that mod would be deemed a copycat.

i remember back when Eternal silence, and Homefront mods, were still working on BF1942 and myself (working for Galactic Conquest) had a Space race. Space maps were thought impossible, yet the 3 teams were trying to make it work, and it was almost a space race to see wich team could make a space map first. and the public knew, wichever team came out with space maps first would almost be declared the "owner" to the rights of Space within the BF1942 engine.

its stupid, sad, and pointless. but that is the way of things im afraid.
The_Monkey said:
Two words: USS Darkstar.

Technically, does USS count as one word? :p
And I thought Unknown Worlds had said no NS: Source, their moving on, but might make a game in that universe sometime? Hmmm someone in contact with Flayra should ask, but i guess hes been asked hundreds of times.
can someone please tell me what the rewards of modding are? i just cant get my hear around spending all that time!
the preacher, DC is/was so popular becuase it was a large and well made mod, with lots of new features. most other mods for BF1942 were buggy, and relied heavily on only one feature. THe mod you mention Galactic conquest, was buggy to the point where it was almost unplayable last time i tried it. This is reason why DC is the biggest mod around, not becuase it was first
HalfLife2Addict said:
Stop bickering - CS:S was the first mod kiddies.

I see no bickering...
Personally, I consider CS:S as more of its own game than a mod, shows how much theyve actually modded. :D
isis. you say it was buggy to the point of unplayable.

i dont think its fair that you portray the mod like that and casually say "the last time i tried it" wich i assume means it was back in the First release era, where there was only 1 map.
yeh it was buggy, but it was ALPHA 0.1 lol.

we are up to Release 4.2 now with Release 5 soon to be released.

perhaps you should actually try the latest version of the mod before slandering it based on outdated versions.
Eh? there's already a public alfa out for mechmod. So they are teh first.
Greatgat said:
For some unholy reason, I had a sudden vision of a strider blasting "La Cucaracha" everytime a Combine soldier layed on the horn...
LMAO! one of those rare occasions where I actually laugh out loud