First Half-life 3 screenshot

kenyo said:
of cource it is fake, but it deosnt look like hl1 it looks like hl6!
and that is why it is obviusly fake! (hl6 wont be out tell 2012, near the appocalisp)

Kenyo you've been Sig'd!!!

Photoshop guy, that's actually really quite good! Source is maybe halfway to where it needs to be to produce something like that. Well, maybe less but the water sure is purdy!
Some of you guys aren't the sharpest tools in the sheds, are you?

If somebody's making a joke about how the graphics are less realistic than other games, it's just a joke. Hahaha i laughed so hard at the guys telling me it isnt real.. O RLY?!

the next person who tries to tell us that it is a picture dies
It is a picture..arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............................
Cool! Hl3 really looka amazing.
Ant I bet that when it's finnish it will look
even better! they gotta fix the textures man..

Asså... hihi
I say LOL but not at the ones that thought it was a real screenshot
i say lol at them that are trying to explain for people that it is a photo. they dont get the sarcasm of the whole thing and thats so funny... at the original thread there are so manny dumb asses. haaa :D
Pfh, so much fake stuff nowadays. Now someone taking a picture of real life with a crowbar in their hand, and that half life 2 movie with bill cosby and tom cruise. Sigh...
The_Great_Walter said:
Hey, that's a Brazillian taxi there in that picture...awesome...HL3 takes place in my home nation...

aeh cara, de onde vc eh?
I think some of the problems with games looking unrealistic is actually because they are perfect to look at. Not enough imperfections. (i'm not saying just lower the resoloution in textures)
Cyan Leader said:
Aeae so d ctba vamo domina esse forums HAhAUhaUhauah

yeah, and like, in half life 3, like, the crowbar, like, will be able to deform if you hit something really hard, and like, it will get stuck to the softer stuff, like, like, human meat, yeah
Rafa 5.0 said:
yeah, and like, in half life 3, like, the crowbar, like, will be able to deform if you hit something really hard, and like, it will get stuck to the softer stuff, like, like, human meat, yeah
