First Half-Life: Source Screenshot!

lanzemurdok said:
Damn you just can't please anybody.

It's a freaking port what do you guys expect. The new game is Half life 2 not this port. Just be glad they're doing something to make half life 1 look a little better.
We were giving OPINIONS, sure it will be great but i just dont think it looks that good..
Still, I have to admit that with just a little more effort it could have looked at LOT better. The light levels actually don't look even AS good: too bright makes the old textures really stand out. I was originally made to understand that they had a lot of the original high-quality texture work lying around: apparently not, or else apparently it would take too much work to re-texture even with replacement high quality textures. Updating the models and animations and so on definately would be a huge hassle, but even a quick-rush job on textures would have made a huge difference. For creatures that are in both games (HL2 and HL1) I'm not sure why you couldn't just use the new models too.

The fact that the water is updated (though actually I don't think it looks as good as other water I've seen in Source: maybe you have to see it in motion and this is really turbulent water?) actually makes the scene MORE garish: the elements don't fit together. One thing is high quality, the rest is not. Doesn't blend well.

Wait and see, I guess, but I was hoping for a little more extra polish than just HL1 with the Source engine effects. Couldn't they just have hired some freelance community texture artist to work on the project by his lonesome so it wouldn't take up much of their time?
the physics will be fun though eh :)

hmmmm hl1, whats a memorable place where physics will be hell fun?
I'd rather Valve just completely concentrate on HL2 and let the community do something like this. I'm sure someone will do it anyway..
I think you guys also have to take into account that that is just one screen shot. Maybe in motion it looks a lot better.
For some reason, i prefer the old screenshot to the new source one, in the old shot, everything matches up very nicely, the new screenshot has crappy textures mixed with some fancy effects which completely destroy any sort of immersion.
Munro said:
Is this real? :O It looks quite pants to be honest.

Yes it's real, and I agree with you. I know that Valve are pretty much doing the conversion of HL¹ as a freebie and that's why it isn't going to be an all singing, all dancing affair like HL², but judging by the screenshot I think it is going to be quite an underwhelming experience compared to the sequel.

If they did a thorough conversion or the original and revamped the graphics, level design and player/mob models to the standard of HL² I'd be more than happy to pay extra for it, and I doubt I'm alone in this respect.
Looks pretty good but think I'm gonna wait till someone ports it fully - shouldn't take long I reckon...
Krusty said:
Looks pretty good but think I'm gonna wait till someone ports it fully - shouldn't take long I reckon...

Lets hope that quality wins over speed when someone does.
Six year old textures aren't going to look any better in motion than they do in freeze frame.
Does this mean we will be able to play OpFor and Blue-Shift on the Source engine?
Hi there, I'm new to the forums (as an active memeber that is)

Lot's of modteams have allready approached valve about making a fully ported version of HL in source. Meaning new high res textures, high poly models, the works.

As for now it is simply effects and physics that have been added to good old HL, and it will be using the models from Blueshift: High definition pack. perhaps what we are seeing in the screenshot is not the final build of the port, they've probably polished it up concerning shadows and lighting etc.
Yeah thats what is kinf of desapointing me, I tough for some reason that they would resahpe teh whole thing a little bit better, not jsut effects.

But also I wasn't expecting valve to be already working on old HL. My advise would be to take more time but to do it a lot nicer. Its HL2 which we could'nt wait not old HL.

But anyway I bought it on my silver package... I just hope that for DOD they will ramake it like CS:S was done.

But still HL2 is gold and for me thats what realy important ;op
what da ya say hey?
Wow this looks nice.. I wish they'd at least redo the textures.
If not, I'm sure modding teams will be all over it, soon enough. In fact, I bet they already are 'all over it.'