First Impression: Dissapointed


Feb 18, 2004
Reaction score
Dont get me wrong, it was fun for a bit, but after 30 seconds of story, ive seen 10 minutes of action, which i dont like...

it seems like run, shoot, run, shoot more, broken up by the occasional physics puzzle...

(i am currently stuck, spending 30 minutes trying to stack barrels, only to have them fall over, is not my idea of fun)

come on valve, you can do better then this! more story, less action!

EDIT: for some reason, the topic was posted twice, sorry)
don't double post, read the rules, sorry for being a troll, but this forums has been a mad house for the last couple of days.

ahhem, back on topic, your saying that you don't like hl2 physics, *gets out pitch fork*
U are joking right!!. Some people are never happy imo :cheese:
i didnt mean to double post...

the physics are great, my main gripe is its ta bunch of running and shooting, and almost no story....

it seems like hl1, with new graphics, in a new location.... i expected more story, more character interaction, less quake-style gameplay..

this doesnt mean the game will suck, these are just my first impressions...
Ehm, man..if you dont like First Person Shooters...go read a book with a story... :cat:
You are only running and shooting so you can get to the... place... to continue the story. Stick with it, some people just dont have patience.
It's one of the most atmospheric games i've ever played- the characters, the voice acting, the storyline, wwhich i think is superb so far. I'm loving every minute of it.
did you set it to normal? The defalt is easy. In nomal the game is friggen awsome at least.
The action you talk of so far like the heli and the roof thing (trying to be as vague as possible so as not to spoil) isn't really action. It's real-time story telling. Letting you play out the cutscene instead of defaulting to some prerendered bs like 99.999% of video games do now. It's the most immersive game I've ever played, PERIOD. KEEP PLAYING...
OMFGWTFH4X, someone made a statement about the game!!!111!!!1 A comment we didn't like.

Come on now, how fan-boyish is that. Leave the man his opinion. He didn't say it suxx0rZ, he just said what his first impressions are.
i am up to the
airboat section

so far the story seems kinda lame, there were some good points in the beginning, but now all hell is breaking loose, thats all well and good for a while, but if i wanted insane storyless action, i would play doom...

im not saying hl2 sucks, or will suck, im saying my early impressions of the game: not enough story, too much action

(playing on "Normal")
I don't think the story has even got going. We're three hours in to a twenty hour game, remember.

Reaperman, if you are at the part I think you are:
The barrels float, don't they? You've got to stack them UNDER the jump, in the metal cage. ;)
no, im at the metal gate, the barrels were at the part you needed to flood to get across that red pipe, i thought you needed to stack the barrels, i didnt see the valve that flooded it

if it gets better, great, im saying right now there is too much shooting, and not enough dialouge...
Reaperman said:
i am up to the
airboat section

im not saying hl2 sucks, or will suck, im saying my early impressions of the game: not enough story, too much action

(playing on "Normal")
Dude it's a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER not an rpg? How much story can you have in a first person shooter? I think he wants halo like cutscenes? This game is the story. Get it?
You don't play FPS games for storylines. Go play a Squaresoft title if you want a storyline.

Valve is using the same formula that they did with HL - seamless story telling that happens as you play.

To me, the way they immerse you into City 17 and make it clear that they KNOW you are there and causing a disturbance is amazing. The choppers flying over head, the loudspeakers, etc. is just awesome.


that part where you walk ino the room and Dr. Breen is on that screen warning citizens about the rebellious one that has entered the city. People calling him the last "free man(Freeman)" was awesome.
Jesus, do you have to discus a game that I can't bloody play yet. ;)

im at boring work. 45 minutes left :D woop!

im hoping the story telling aspect is the same as halflife 1 and much more ofcourse, but im confident valve have pulled this off and im in for some great gaming in the next hour.
I actually have to agree with him. For the first bit, the game is just run shoot run shoot run shoot continuously.
Now I'm at Ravenholm (****ing creepy place), and I hope I get out soon...I think I'm nearing the end there
I'm pretty sure it'll get better though, once I've got more weapons and know a little bit more about what's going on, but even if it doesn't, it's still my money's worth, considering mods.

I just dislike the lack of control I have. I keep getting attacked from all sides, and it's annoying. I'm sure I'll get used to it, as the game does seem to be getting better.
im at ravenholm as well, and its rocking my face off... see how there is diolouge and a story, not just gunning down faceless combine? this is how the game should be....

game getting better fast

black mesa east
was badass too...

Too much action? That is an oxymoron.

Dude I seriously think your a girl, your complaining about the fact there is TOO MUCH action and not enough dialogue? TOO much shooting? LOL

Story is important, but you can never, I REPEAT NEVER, have too much action. Be a man not a girl, thx.
All spoilers ok for people making it to night on the first day.

I will third this motion. The first part after
kleiner's lab
things go on too long without story development. Though much of it is really cool, the
section got me worrying that the rest of the game would be plotted this thinly. Once you get past that section (which is almost too long, though packed with some fun stuff ) things pick up. Just wish I had a couple more reminders where Gordon is going.

What makes the first 2-3 hours unsatisfying is that the infantry combat isn't too wonderful. Perhaps I'm just so used to CoD online. Just seems the combine are too easy, even on hard. They mostly just stand there getting waiting for Gordon to pop out and shoot them. And too often, they provide the player with an easy out for every situation (WAY too many explosive barrels; should have disabled some of these on higher difficulties). The manhacks are cool though. (but requiring 3 crowbar hacks on hard makes them a little annoying; Valve, please: repetitive difficulty is not fun)

But things really start looking up about dusk of day 1.

ROFL: who saw the massive bomb spray coming? it's the clown car of helicopters
Yeah, black mesa east and in ravenholm, the story get's better.
you guys are kidding, best game ever.
This is funny. Now imagine if Valve had done the exact opposite. You'd have people saying, "Come on, Valve! Less story and more action! If I wanted this much story I would read a book."

Just goes to show, you can't please all of the people all of the time, nor should you try.
lans said:
Yeah, black mesa east and in ravenholm, the story get's better.

I went to the effort of not revealing what comes after the part we were discussing, you can too. People don't want to know what the order stuff they haven't seen yet is in.
Mountain Man said:
This is funny. Now imagine if Valve had done the exact opposite. You'd have people saying, "Come on, Valve! Less story and more action! If I wanted this much story I would read a book."

no, no i wouldnt...
Yeah... This is in fact a action game. So I'm glad it's loads of action
im stuck in ravenholm, i cant find the church! the guy appeared and said "your on the wrong end of town" or something, if that gives a clue to where i am, i see no church, i checked all alleyways, doors, roofs, ect...
you dont deserve to be playing you **** should be waiting like me
why did most ppl use spoiler tags and one ruins it all. This sucks
i agree, its shoot spin 360 check for enemys, shoot, spin 360 shoot, o hlook nice scenery, shoot spin 360,...spastic physics puzzle, and so on. big dissapointment, im up to
bit and its all terrible run n gun and without a storyline, hope it gets better like u guys hint
Reaperman said:
Dont get me wrong, it was fun for a bit, but after 30 seconds of story, ive seen 10 minutes of action, which i dont like...

it seems like run, shoot, run, shoot more, broken up by the occasional physics puzzle...

(i am currently stuck, spending 30 minutes trying to stack barrels, only to have them fall over, is not my idea of fun)

come on valve, you can do better then this! more story, less action!

EDIT: for some reason, the topic was posted twice, sorry)

more story less action? wtf is your problem man if you want bedtime stories go read a damn book you retard jeez what do u expect... i hate people like you

mercsdad said:
more story less action? wtf is your problem man if you want bedtime stories go read a damn book you retard jeez what do u expect... i hate people like you


Grow up :/

(you hate him because he has an opinion?)

Now try and think how a mature adult would put your point across - and try again :thumbs:
Reaperman said:
come on valve, you can do better then this! more story, less action!

EDIT: for some reason, the topic was posted twice, sorry)

Hmm, sorry to burst yer bubble there slick, but Half-Life 2 IS a First Person Shooter. Yes, a shooter. Not a adventure/action. A Shooter. If you want more story then read a book or something. :D
Warbie said:
Grow up :/

(you hate him because he has an opinion?)

Now try and think how a mature adult would put your point across - and try again :thumbs:

turn off your computer and go read a book.

is that a better answer?
