First Impression: Dissapointed

mercsdad said:
turn off your computer and go read a book.

is that a better answer?


Not really.

Obviously he doesn't want to read a book, he wants more story in HL2.

Getting better, though :thumbs:
Warbie said:
Not really.

Obviously he doesn't want to read a book, he wants more story in HL2.

Getting better, though :thumbs:

ummm make a mod and write your own story

is that better?

For some reason i agree with youabout the beginnig there is allot moe action than expeted espescially in the first part of the game. It is completely opposite of Hl1 where things get tougher later. Right now it's already tough (At least for me). The story in the begging is short but fir some reason after delving through the canls I'm still eager to find out what is store for me.

Well unfortunately i have to go to work tommotow i ahve a 10 hour day and wont be able to play till thursday. can't wait to see what's going to happen.
mercsdad said:
ummm make a mod and write your own story

is that better?


Not really - it being completely irrelevant ;)
First impression :

Need a bit more explanation because we don't really know why the hell that G-man is with us and what's happening.

The game is awesome graphically
The game is awesome for sounds
The game is awesome for gameplay
The game is awesome for anything else
The game is awesome...

I'm sure that the story will unfold with each passing chapters and I can't wait to play again !!
This is the coolest game ive ever seen. it is the closest experience to a movie ive ever seen. hell, it is 10 times better than than most movies.
This is the coolest game ive ever seen. it is the closest experience to a movie ive ever seen

then you haven't played Metal-Gear solid 2... or 3
( you should play the game, not listening/watching a movie )
Even if the story never picks up, I'm already impressed how well the script is with the characters. They talk to you, and it all seems very real, you can't help but stop what you're doing and stand and listen.
I'm not here fo it's story, I'm here for it's characters, atmosphere and fun action. And HL2 does it best, the first game did plenty of the story, I bet there's nothing left to cover in HL2 =P
no doubt the game is awsome, i was just dissapointed with the story in the beginning, its really picking up for me

(big spoiler, BIG)
All I know is I just beat it....and WOW. The ending is a bit strange...but then again so was Half Lifes.
Scatterspell said:
All I know is I just beat it....and WOW. The ending is a bit strange...but then again so was Half Lifes.

How many hours of play did it take? Worth the dosh in the end?
Reaperman said:
Dont get me wrong, it was fun for a bit, but after 30 seconds of story, ive seen 10 minutes of action, which i dont like...

it seems like run, shoot, run, shoot more, broken up by the occasional physics puzzle...

(i am currently stuck, spending 30 minutes trying to stack barrels, only to have them fall over, is not my idea of fun)

come on valve, you can do better then this! more story, less action!

EDIT: for some reason, the topic was posted twice, sorry)

Welcome to the world of FPS.
what are u talking about...AI in this game is incredible, so it does not make it a run shoot run shoot game. The enemies actually think!!
I really believe the people who are reacting like "Read a book" are 13 year old kids.
For years the great story of HL was praised and rewarded in many ways, specially the way it was told. Now you get dropped in a game where for an hour there is allmost no story and only gunandrun action.
I can see why he is dissapointed(at least in the story) and I am too. Surely the game is awesome to play, but running constantly gets people tired.
I think the games story will get better after a while, but somehow it doesn't grabs me right now.

read Reaperman spoiler! *Stupid me*

ah ,well....dosent really matter...good game
I was disappointed with the opening. A 30 second non-eventful trainride followed by an empty trainstation was a bit tame. One of the first things I did was throw a suicase at a women, "no more" was the response. Hmm. When I smashed a glass bottle in some guys face he didn't seem to notice. Compared to the cinematic opening of HL1, it was a bit bland. Or maybe it's just the rose tinted glasses. :)
i'm at (what i think is) neer the end of the hoverboat levels... while the story isn't terribly deep to this point, i think the main idea behind the ammount of action and running for your life is to show, storywise, how "notorious" Freeman is. In the first HL, it wasn't till quite a ways in that you were specifically being targeted and hunted down. In HL2, almost immediately, they all are aware of who you are, and there are waves and waves of people and robots and everything after you. considering that you, freeman, are apparently (From what i know so far) being thrown into this orwellian world and *everyone* knows who you are, and either is willing to die to help you along, or wants you to die, creates this strong sense of paranoia along with a yearning to not let everyone down. ultimately, i think it's excellent storytelling, presuming things get more involved later on and it's not all just the action.

(and is it me, or are those scanners/manhunts i think they're called (the little flying things that photograph you and the ones with the saw blades or whatever) creepier then the head crabs? those things make me jump all the time... it's 1984 all over...)

i'm eager to get into more "concrete" storytelling, but from the first couple hours i've played through, i think much of the storytelling has been more subtle but more immersive. I'm greatful i'm not just sitting back and watching cutscenes and cinemas, but instead in the middle of this active world. it seems more realistic that things aren't being spelled out, considering at least in my life, i don't have someone constantly beating me over the head with what i'm doing, what i need to do, what's gonna happen next, etc... that it makes sense that in the HL2 world, at least some of the story has to be figured out for yourself, following along with how the action is coming about, the atmosphere, etc.

anyways, sry to be long winded, but i think there is more to the action in the beginning then *just* run-n-gun...

my biggest complaint is that i spend ~1/2 - 1/3 of my "gameplay experiance" waiting for the next level to load. but, most of that is prob. my ram (i've only 256) or my processor (1.7 ghz)

my $.02
I think Half Life 2 is very good ! The sound, graphik, physik and the eniemies a very nice and clever ! I have take some nice screenshots in 1600*1200 ( 8AA,16AF ) for people, they don´t have half life 2.

You do find the screenshots here
gainax2k1 said:
i'm at (what i think is) neer the end of the hoverboat levels... while the story isn't terribly deep to this point, i think the main idea behind the ammount of action and running for your life is to show, storywise, how "notorious" Freeman is. In the first HL, it wasn't till quite a ways in that you were specifically being targeted and hunted down. In HL2, almost immediately, they all are aware of who you are, and there are waves and waves of people and robots and everything after you. considering that you, freeman, are apparently (From what i know so far) being thrown into this orwellian world and *everyone* knows who you are, and either is willing to die to help you along, or wants you to die, creates this strong sense of paranoia along with a yearning to not let everyone down. ultimately, i think it's excellent storytelling, presuming things get more involved later on and it's not all just the action.

(and is it me, or are those scanners/manhunts i think they're called (the little flying things that photograph you and the ones with the saw blades or whatever) creepier then the head crabs? those things make me jump all the time... it's 1984 all over...)

i'm eager to get into more "concrete" storytelling, but from the first couple hours i've played through, i think much of the storytelling has been more subtle but more immersive. I'm greatful i'm not just sitting back and watching cutscenes and cinemas, but instead in the middle of this active world. it seems more realistic that things aren't being spelled out, considering at least in my life, i don't have someone constantly beating me over the head with what i'm doing, what i need to do, what's gonna happen next, etc... that it makes sense that in the HL2 world, at least some of the story has to be figured out for yourself, following along with how the action is coming about, the atmosphere, etc.

anyways, sry to be long winded, but i think there is more to the action in the beginning then *just* run-n-gun...

my biggest complaint is that i spend ~1/2 - 1/3 of my "gameplay experiance" waiting for the next level to load. but, most of that is prob. my ram (i've only 256) or my processor (1.7 ghz)

my $.02

Man, somebody who knows whats goin on!

There isnt much story because your playing it out - your on the run from the combine!

It all becomes more than clear when you reach your goal.

The most memorable parts for me, are being chased thru the house at the beggining by combine, and getting stuck in ravenholm for 30 mins, running out of ammo, and wiping out hordes of zombies with teh gravity gun and a radiator! There are some really good bits to the airboat chase too.
Surely it will be. Reviews would have told us otherwise, but the beginning isn't all THAT great.
Though Barney had a great intro, as did the headcrab from dr. Kleiner, what was her name?

And I just read that spoiler :(((( damn you! You could have warned us BEFORE the tag.... awww man
Indeed the start does seem a bit rushed. Pretty daft aswell to be honest. You start the game and have no idea what's going on, next thing you know, you're runnin and gunning your way through canals like you know where you're going. TBH, i dont even know what my objective is right now. I think it's to get out of the city, but damn, very rushed indeed. But still, fun and entertaining, and i've enjoyed the physics puzzles which are like minigames. well they are minigames. So far so good, when i next play i'm going to try to slam a box on a headcrab (no manipulator) to see if it will die using that method.
The game is crazy fun amazing insane. PERFECT!!!!
Esquire said:
Indeed the start does seem a bit rushed. Pretty daft aswell to be honest. You start the game and have no idea what's going on, next thing you know, you're runnin and gunning your way through canals like you know where you're going. TBH, i dont even know what my objective is right now. I think it's to get out of the city, but damn, very rushed indeed. But still, fun and entertaining, and i've enjoyed the physics puzzles which are like minigames. well they are minigames. So far so good, when i next play i'm going to try to slam a box on a headcrab (no manipulator) to see if it will die using that method.

I agree - it is pretty vague.

The begining sets the scene so well, 'big brother is watching you' etc. Then suddenly it's all gone - and you seem to be travelling from one location to another. There should have been a sign at the edge of the city saying 'this way to generic land'.

It lacks the simple, yet extremely effective, goal that Halif-Life 1 gave us. Get out and survive - never was the player unsure of what he/she was doing in HL.

I too am aimlessly wondering about, occasionally driving a vehicle somewhere, to meet some guy - or save him, or something.

Still enjoyng it, though :)
Couldn't really get any better. Imo it's good that they didn't include a lean thingy, that would just have made the controls way to complicated. And I love the crossbow. And the combine machinegun has the most awesome sound ever in the history of gaming. Thank god for my z-680's.
There's a certain level where you need to set up turrets to defend yourself. That sequence was royally ****ed by Valve. Only extremely skilled hardcore players have a chance to survive. Everyone else can apply their favourite cheats right away. I would use cheats myself, but the console doesn't work. Just like it didn't work in the CSS beta. I have no idea what mappers are supposed to do when they can't use the console. Anyway...

My impression of the story so far: there is no story. Nothing is ever explained, no backstory is given to anything. Someone just comes up to you and says "Oh, you must be The One. Take this gun and kill everyone." Sometimes I even forget what I'm supposed to be doing.
I just finished the game and I want more !!

The ending makes me want HL3 so bad.

HL2 = The best game ever. End of discussion.
we11er said:

And I just read that spoiler :(((( damn you! You could have warned us BEFORE the tag.... awww man

Sorry but was that my post?
Eh I don't use spoiler tags for nothing remember? ;)
Esquire said:
Indeed the start does seem a bit rushed. Pretty daft aswell to be honest. You start the game and have no idea what's going on, next thing you know, you're runnin and gunning your way through canals like you know where you're going. TBH, i dont even know what my objective is right now. I think it's to get out of the city, but damn, very rushed indeed. But still, fun and entertaining, and i've enjoyed the physics puzzles which are like minigames. well they are minigames. So far so good, when i next play i'm going to try to slam a box on a headcrab (no manipulator) to see if it will die using that method.

I agree, and think a few lines concerning the Combine from Alyx or Barney when you meet Kleiner would have benefitted the story greatly.

There is the sense of "reach this location" as in Half-Life, but not what you're supposed to do when you get there.
I think I'm starting to get near the end, but I still haven't seen anything resembling a story.
Reaperman, you fancy putting your (big spoiler, im a wanker) warning above the actual spoiler?

Thanks x
I honestly don't like it that much so far and I agree with the thread starter. There seems to be no real story. It just seems like a regular point and click "shoot 'em up" so far.

Opening a gate the first time is kind of fun. The tenth time it's boring.
Po|ygon said:
U are joking right!!. Some people are never happy imo :cheese:

Lol exactly the game is superb if you dont like go play with your console.
My take so far

Yesterday I get up around 9am and remember vaugley from the night before my wife saying something about HL2 is out. Since I purchased it online already I fired up steam and sure enough the unlocking of files and all that crap starts, unfourtanately for me I have to go to work, so I spend all day just waiting to get home. Ended up not getting home from work until midnight.
Anyway, I played for 5 hours and I was pretty blown away. I actually was nervous at points, I dont know, maybe I have a more active imagination than most, but I think they did and excellent job on setting the mood. Those damn Manhacks had me checking my back ever 30 seconds. (although I have gotten quite good at bashing them with the crowbar, but when they send 6 or 7 of them after you I look like a 6 year old at batting practice.

Anyway Im up to the chapter 9, I agree with most that the airboat section seems to be a little long. Getting slightly bored with it at this point, but reading other post I am certain that it is going to change and pick up again.
I think its a great game. Graphics really put you there and even though its short on story up to this point, I dont think it takes away from the playability as much as some seem to think.
Im quite satisfied with it and looks like, according to others, that it is just going to get better real soon.


read Reaperman spoiler! *Stupid me*
I did also Koffern! Man just one little sentence, and I thought to myself, that cant give away much. Damn was I wrong. lol

(and is it me, or are those scanners/manhunts i think they're called (the little flying things that photograph you and the ones with the saw blades or whatever) creepier then the head crabs? those things make me jump all the time... it's 1984 all over...)
YES gainax2k1, they are! I hate those things they give me the creeps big time.
See people its little things like that, that make this game so awesome. Im 36 years old and getting to the age were my little old heart cant take that kind of stress. Manhacks scare the bejesus outta me.

Okay, enough of this, Im going in. Be back to post after this next session.
Okay, I finished it and WOW! I thought it was great. I loved HL1 and at the start of 2 I thought it wasnt going to stand up to those standards, but boy that was wrong. Get past the air boat and the dune buggy, although that costal road was some of my favorite levels, and the story really kicks in. I can respect someones opinions about the game even if it isnt positive and yes there are some negatives about the game, but damn, even with that being said it is the best ever far as Im concerned.
I am not even going to point out all the different aspects that make it so great, that would just take to much time.
Ready for number #3.
my view (from another thread ) - call me a troll if you want, I really am not, I love all games and want to love all new tech - this game is a good game but that is it... OVER RATED.


one thing I forgot to post before - and i think it is quite important and a wake up call to those that think this game is the best thing graphically since.. well , the last thing. notice the first city scene when you leave the station? the frickin sky box doesn't even move (rather the clouds) as static as the rest of the areas.. lifeless.. jebus H, can no-one else see how basic these things are? every doorway or tunnel is a complete squared off piece of BSP 98 style... there is virtually no trim (as in geoemtry) in any of the buildings - they are completely basic but with good textures, that is what I object to and Doom3 may have had low res textures but it tried to push the other areas where it counts .

The physics are a novelty for the most part - apart from when need for in game puzzles - and they are not without their downsides - try this - the first block with the guy sat at the table - let go of the frying pan on his (place it on his head) it basically jumps up and down on his head, unaided, infinately... wow .. real ..

sorry but I have gone back and restarted this game, with less stutter and tried to see what all the OVERHYPE is about - it is an 8/10 game for the gfx and in time others will see this too.. The trees don't move, the grass doesn't move, again - geometry is behind last year tech - the only area is excells in is using shaders, specular reflection, refraction etc (basically all the tricks) on virtually every texture it can - that is not "real" in the same way some of you say "doom is not real" ...

I am begining to regret buying this game, It has been a nightmare since day one and I thought it would all be worth it - I have heard (or found out for myself) so far:

The story is shit

The ending is shit

The loading times are shit

The geo detailing is above average but not revolutionary

The Interaction (sans physics) is shit (dead ends/doors)

The path is linear with a couple of "cooL" set pieces per problem that show of the physics - all the time being forced from loaded section to next loaded section without a real feeling of freedom to even explore a little

The so called voice transformers fitted to the ever present facist rod weilders are not there to be cool - wake up - they are there because each entity is the same - Valve didn't want to have to make 100 different voice wavs for each phrases so they just did one for all that is NOT a feature it is a limitation (understandable but why the hype?)

The Camera is completely wrong - feels more like a flight sim the way it cleanely glides as you walk (no bob)

The "story" parts (such as the bit where you get your suit) are painfully dull and have no sense of the magic in the original

The propoganda on all the screens is extremely irritating (maybe the point) but audio clashing is not good - when you get a headache from characters talking over that stuff.

The HUD is as dull and workmanlike as dishwater.

The textures range from gritty realism to almost cartoon quality (the first town scene - the orange houses look like a completely different style to the white houses - yet the designers get praised to high heaven about it???)

Then there are the Audio/Caching problems which are extremely widespread

I just people would get their minds in order and be realistic about this overhype product - without the stuttering problem I would give it maybe an 8/10 inline with similar products released.

Yes I know my post sounds angry, and it is just a game, and I will get flamed and accused of being a troll.. I dont give a ****, wake up people the hype has got to you and you refuse to back down on your opinions, be critical and see what is in front of you. I have *TRIED* and tried again to love this game the way I thought I would do after waiting for so long, but it has no soul.. it is playable but passable.

If this post serves no other purpose, let it be a warning to the as yet to purchase - buy it but lower your expectations - it is not "better" than Doom3 for everyone, just for those that prefer this style of game/gfx. I prefer FC and DOOM3 to this (heck even painkiller with its monotonous waves of enemies felt slick, smooth, cohesive and fun in small doses).. this game just makes me feel sick and though I will go on to play it all the way through my experience has been tainted forever by the pre-hype and the fanboys who still insist it is "mindblowing" compared to other good fps from the last 12 months.

It's amazing what a name can do.. if this had been called "Chaser 2" I'm betting people would being realising a whole lot quicker that this game is not the second coming.

Feels shit to be mostly alone on this opinion as I wonder what the world is made up of - maybe everyone already exists in a similar world to half life and has to conform with popular opinion to fit in..

I did before the release - I was 100% convinced this would be the best game ever, or at least up there with the best .. it is far from it.

*IMO* ;)
In the end of the day, it's a game. The first 1/3 of the game in my opinion is really to get you to familiarize yourself with the game, the setting before really letting you get on with the story and actions for the rest of the game. If there were lots of story right at the beginning, trust me - it'll bore off most of the people who wants to play a game.

The Half Life 2 experience is not going to satisfy everyone thoroughly - but I think the balance is perfect there to appeal to majority of people out there.

When approaching a new game I intend to finish, I tend to do what I do in cinemas - just sit back and enjoy it rather than trying to think of how I'd prefer things to have gone. Of course if the game's really that bad, like in the case of Postal 2, then it's time to really complain and quit =p
It starts off sorta slow but gets better towards the end. Ravenholm and the 2 last levels are the best imo.
People that bitch about the story in first impressions should shut the **** up.

I mean, do you people have any ****ing clue as to what an first impression is? Do you also expect the entire summary of a novel to be presented to you in the first two chapters?

Jesus Christ, people. Use your brains.