First Impressions: Whoa.


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not kidding either. OK, so the animations aren't as silky as HL2 but the voice acting is superb and the gameplay is awesome.

I love the whole feel of the game, and I love using the laptop LIKE A LAPTOP. And the Penis Enlargement spam is the best, it really brings the game home. :E

I've played for 15 minutes and I adore this game. Well worth buying IMHO.
Yeh i totally agree, i played it this morning. Another great game, it looks and plays fabulous.
whats the minimum spec. Its an RPG so it will drain more on RAM then anything else
what do you dislike about the game?, if anything
Dislike? Hmmm (btw I played for another hour today)...

Probably character animations. But IMO Morrowind had even suckier animations and was one of the best games ever. So that's not a biggie.

Also, the game is HUGE and I *love* how you can choose what to say, "I don't need this Halloween bullshit." It's so fun to piss people off (or, at least have the ability to).

The combat system is AWESOME, I can do some cool moves with my Nosferatu. Much more satisfying than Morrowind. People actually get knocked back, they can get knocked against walls, and they fall and dodge and stuff.

I love the voice acting, it's superb. Also, I think I was a *bit* disappointed in the graphics. They don't suck, but it isn't HL2 neither. It's fine for an RPG... and gameplay is what matters anyways.

If I gave it a rating right now, I'd have to say... 9.1/10. I love this game, it's sooooooooo fun. And really big too.

i saw this game @ my friends house, but he had a problem when he sets the game to 1024 by 1028 the game is still like it running on 800* 600

on wot res u guys r playing ??

+ can u post soem screenshots with the game @ full res plzplz
1280 x 1024 smooth except when it rains and I have AA activated on my system:

9800 pro 128
1 gig ddr400
audgy 2
I'm getting slowdowns sometimes... 1024x768, 2xAA/16xAF.

I only get slowdowns at the pier area, since it's so big. In the city it's fine.

P4 2.96Ghz
9800 Pro 128MB
Cat 4.10
i c there something strange giong on :/

my game will ship on the 19th :)
Amazing game, I first played as Nosferatu but it seems like a too "hardcore" race for me, I'm going to try something else out now.
I'm looking forward to this game, and surprise surprise , it got 7.7 from the same guy who reviewed HL2 at Gamespot, it's been getting decent reviews overall, between 80% to 94% mostly.
CrazyHarij said:
Amazing game, I first played as Nosferatu but it seems like a too "hardcore" race for me, I'm going to try something else out now.

I like sneaking around... :farmer:

I'll post screens today, when I get home. But all the other screens are just as good and probably look better than mine (2xAA).
Yea, I just recived my copy today and I've been playing it for 5 hours straight! This game rocks. =)
im in a dillema about getting this game or not..some people say its bad and some others say its cool

i like rpg games and i dont know if its worth the money
I just got the game last night and am loving every minute of it.
I'm undecided as of yet, I can tell the core gameplay is there and it *should* be a great game, but it's just these little bugs that put you off and you feel as if the game was rushed out of the door a bit too hastely.

Half-Life 2 also spoiled me for choice in terms of physics, but I was a bit dissapointed that there are very limited physics in this game, for instance there are only certain objects you can move around.
johnnypoopoopant said:
what kind of bugs are u talking about mortiz??

things like the sound being out of sync at times, lighting bugs, some texture glitches stuff like that, nothing particularly game stopping, but a tad annoying at times none the less, also the engine isn't optimised that well, you'll experience FPS drops, nothing I couldn't live with though.
Just finished the excellent, incredible HL2, starting this, VampireB, now. This is my real Christmas DEFINITELY. The 24/25 mean nothing in comparison. :D