First model (Mac 10)


Jul 13, 2003
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hi all would first of all just like to say i am very new to max and this is my first gun model, it is an Ingram Mac 10 plz tell me wat u think.



i would tell u wa the poly count is but i don't know how to find out :S so if some1 could tell me.... thx,

here is wire frame, i know ALOT of polys r wasted on the top clip thingy i try an advoid that next time.
Very clean for a first model :thumbs:...better then mine ;(
ye. Its really nice for your first model. I think u need to think about polgons a bit more. On the barrel and grip u have used loads of unessasery ones. Its prity good though.
Utilities > More... > Polygon Counter. Make sure your model is in triangles by converting to editable mesh to get the true triangle count. I suggest adding it to your utilities button group for easy access.

I'll crit the model and give you some pointers when I have some more time later.
thx m8 :cheese:

polycount: 3,500 i know this is very high but first model so was just trying to make something next time i be more careful
vary lovely for a first model, but dont cling on to that...just do your best, and try to keep the polys down

keep it up :)